Plant Trees SF Events 2013 Archive: 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025


SF events. + If you have PLENTY SF SIDEWALK SPACE with good Pedestrian and CAR flow for a GARAGE SALE 
I have free stuff so you can make $ 415 269 7738 garage at planttrees dot organization email
2013 SF events  

Every 1st Thursday: Art receptions @ 49 Geary SF 5:30-7:30pm art PARTY! 
30 galleries in a 5 story building. Also 14 geary and 77 Geary. 251 Post. Some months 210 Post then look across Grant for 240? Grant. 5:30 pm   	First Thursdays Art Walk & Open Galleries | SF 	  FREE Lower Polk Art Walk: December | SF First Thursdays  6-10pm | Cost: FREE 
Lower Polk / Gulch Corridor | Polk St. and Sutter St., SF

Every 1st Friday: BIKE PARTY 7pm meet different location each month

Every 1st Friday ART MURMUR Telegraph St Oakland @ 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th plus 50 Warehouses and Art Galleries on each of those streets just East of Telegraph. expect 1000 people.

Every 1st Friday ART Walk SF Braodway, Colombus, Green, Grant, 30 Studios. Find Postcard Map 

Occupy DOE 2.0: The Battle for Public Schools Thu April 4, 2013 - April 7, 2013
Members of this site are parents, educators, students and social activists who are dedicated to the elimination of high stakes testing in public education. We use this site to collaborate, exchange ideas, support one another, share information and initiate collective local and national actions to end the reign of fear and terror promoted by the high stakes testing agenda. READ ALL DETAILS HERE April Rock ClimbingThursday, April 4 at 6:45 PM · Mission Cliffs Climbing & Fitness2295 Harrison St, SF @ 18th St

SF CA Move to Amend Barnstorming Tour with David Cobb No Corporate Personhood.
Thursday, April 4, 2013 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm   1187 Franklin St SF @ Geary / O Farrell
Martin Luther King Room at First Unitarian Universalist Church & Center of San Francisco
Move to Amend national spokesperson David Cobb, attorney and lifelong activist, will be touring Northern & Central California this March & April, in an effort to build connections, inspire activism, and reveal the origins of corporate power in America.
Move to Amend is a national coalition of over 270,000 people and organizations whose goal is amending the United States Constitution to end corporate rule by building a multiracial, cross-class democracy movement. David's presentations are part history lesson and part heart-felt call-to-action! "Challenging Corporate Rule & Creating Democracy" aims to help local folks understand how they can work to abolish corporate personhood and establish a government of, by, and for the people.
On his Northern & Central California Tour, Cobb will be joined by Sarah Scudder, National Outreach Coordinator for the Move to Amend Coalition and Humboldt County Move to Amend Coordinator. Scudder has a degree in Political Science from Humboldt State University and a passion for creating a true democratic republic free of corruption in the United States.
This event is free and open to the public. We appreciate your donations to help us finance these tours, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds.
RSVP on Facebook aslo Walnut Creek, San Jose, Redwood City, etc.

California Native Plant Society meeting - free and open to the public
APRIL 4, THU 7:30 pm Biodiversity and the Home Gardener
Speaker: Arvind Kumar SF County Fair Bldg 9th Av & Lincoln Way in Golden Gate Park
What makes California a world hotspot of biodiversity? Why should the California home gardener care? Learn about the critical role native plants play in a healthy environment, how human pressures are driving them to the brink of extinction, and what you, as a home gardener, can do to save, celebrate, and promote them. Learn how to provide habitat for wildlife, conserve natural resources, save time and money, and give your yard a sense of place -- by using native plants in your garden. TOURETTES 4/4 * Fou Fou Ha * Dirtbag Dan & Cadillac Ron * Lola Martinent * Maura Murphy AerialOakland Metro Operahouse

fri art murmur telegraph oakland 6p-10p @ 22nd-26th st art walk

DISCO KNIGHTS Camp Fundraiser! Fri April 5 9pm-3am $10/15 Tix
Monarch Sf 101 6th St., SF @ Mission. Do not leave valuables in car. On the flip side, this hood is a good place to buy CRACK.
We're heading back to Black Rock City to do it proper once again! Help us create Playa magic by shaking it here in SF!
Two floors of sound with local faves:
Alvaro, Anthony Mansfield, Bo, Chris Smith, Ed Mazur, Lisbona, M3, Mark Johns, Mike Perry, Pete Fraser, Rusty, Sneak-E Pete
visuals: Mark Johns   9PM-3AM   $10/$15 Presale   $15/$20 at door
100% of the proceeds go to the Disco Knight Sound Camp! Help us bring you more world class DJs in an intimate environment, banging sound, swinging disco balls, classy locals and of course, some lasers....

OAKLAND, CA - California Statewide Network Meeting 6501 Telegraph Ave Oakland, CA 
Sat Apr 6 From 12-5pm at the Niebyl-Proctor Library. It will be a day of workshopping, strategizing, and networking

SUNSET Season Opener + After-Party Sunday - April 7 Stafford Lake Park, Novato  11am - 7pm, all welcome Gate Fee & Donation - $20 per car (Cash Only )DJs:SOLAR | GALEN | J-BIRD | SEAN MURRAY

Cesar Chavez Celebration Sunday, April 7th, 2013 12pm-4pm Dover St Edible Park, 5707 Dover Street Oakland, CA
What: Join us in celebration of farm workers, labor leaders, and civil rights activists! There will be a potluck, live music, and gardening to honor Cesar Chavez. 

Mon Apr 8 EAT-IN at the FDA  5100 Paint Branch Parkway, College Park, MD 20740
We've been sold out by the Legislative and Executive branch this week... looks like it's time we went and let our displeasure be known in person!
Please LIKE and SHARE to spread the word about the Eat-In at the FDA!
We're gonna have to show up in order for Michael Taylor to know we're serious!
The Senate didn't know about the #Monsanto Protection Act? #LabelGMOs #StopMonsanto

Mon Apr 8 Hula Hoop Jam Studio Grow 1235 10th St. Berkeley
Every Monday 7:30pm - 9pm Cost: $5 donation (covers studio rent) 
Raw Families in the Real World Mon April 8 PM Yoga Society of SF 2872 Folsom St SF near  25th st 

April 9, 2013, at 6pm Can sugar threaten your health? Dr. Robert Lustig, Professor of Clinical Pediatrics and Director of the UCSF Weight Assessment for Teen and Child Health (WATCH) Program, says it can. He calls sugar one of the major causes of obesity and chronic metabolic diseases.
Come hear him speak about his new book: Fat chance: beating the odds against sugar, processed food, obesity, and disease on Tue. April 9, 2013, at 6pm at the San Francisco Main Library, 100 Larkin St., San Francisco, CA 94102 in the Koret Auditorium, Lower Level.  A book sale and signing follows the program. Admission is free. For more information, call (415) 557-4477 or<
Michael Krasny interviewed Dr. Lustig recently on his Forum program on KQED FM:
Also, a terrific article which explains Dr. Lustig's research in a New York Times Magazine article. Very lengthy, but informative and fascinating. Title: "Is Sugar Toxic" by Gary Taubes, Apr. 13, 2011.
I hope you all can come. We're doing outreach to school educators, nutrition/health educators, parents, everyone who cares about how sugar is affecting our health. Please feel free to pass on the information to your friends, family and community.

Lunch Beat Oakland  2nd Wednesdays  Noon-1pm ERA Art Bar and Lounge 19 Grand Ave at Broadway 
April 10 - DJ Sol Rising/CelloJoe
May 8th - DJ Edmundo  June 12 - DJ AdAmA
If you'll starve without lunch please go here::

The 2013 Vasanta  NAVRATRI RESTORATIVE CLEANSE: Aligning with the Nine Nights of the Goddess
Prashanti de Jager's Traditional Seasonal Protocols  to Cleanse, Quell and Restore 
that are Aligned to your Nature and Suitable for Contemporary Urban Life 
April 10-18, 2013 ::: Pacific Center of Ayurveda PrayerGround Plaza ::: Fairfax, CA

SF Truth Action Thursday, April 11, 2013, noon Powell & Market St., SF (In front of the Gap Store)
Every eleventh of the month in solidarity with other groups and 
We have flyers, pamphlets, DVD's, banners.  Just bring your energy and your knowledge.  Hope to see you all out there.

Thursday, April 11 7:30 to 9 pm SF Naturalist Society Presentation @ Randall Museum, 199 Museum Way, SF
Program:  Preserving San Francisco's Natural Areas
Margo Bors, Ruth Gravanis, and Damien Raffa, members of the newly formed Friends of Natural Areas, will explore the value, beauty and diversity of San Francisco's remaining indigenous habitats. They'll talk about how these biotic communities are threatened and what is being done to protect and restore them.
Information contact: Patrick Schlemmer at or (415) 225-3830 - free and open to the public

Opulent Temple presents 'Sacred Dance' @ the Bently Reserve 301 Battery SF 
Fri Apr 12  9pm-3:30am 546 RSVPs on FB as of Apr 1

Lucidity Festival 2013 April 12-15 - The Totems' Return (official event page) Live Oak Campground in Santa Ynez, California 1,829 RSVPs on FB as of Apr 1
Phutureprimitive : Zion I : ill.Gates : He’s My Brother, She’s My Sister
Gladkill : Elite Force : Bluetech : ill-esha : Kaminanda : KiloWatts
Liberation Movement (Heavyweight Dub Champion) : Luminaries
ChrisB. : Poor Mans Poison : TROPO : MiHKAL : Traveler : Android Cartel
Shane Alexander : Ruff Hauser : Lee Koch : Digital Rust : Rainbow Girls
Quade : Hypnotech : Danyavaad & The Shimmy Sisters : Howlin’ Woods
Nico Luminous : Vokab Kompany : 9FEETOFSMOKE : Boostive Auditory Canvas : Omar Velasco : 2NUTZ : Ratchet : Marya Stark : Dubvirus
Steve Huerta : The McCoy Tyler Band :Psy Fi : Hypha : Medium Troy
WALA : Walking Spanish : YuYu : The Burning Of Rome : Pope
Mumukshu : Eliquate : Soulular : Itom Lab : Electric Dandelion
The Salty Suites :Trevor Borden : Marcutio : Outersect : Kirtaniyas
Bastik Legion : SeventhSwami : BELI3VER : Baile Cosmico : Cumulus
Próxima Parada : Small Town Zeros : Gridwork : Anton Tumas
Sight & LoWGritt w/Allie Cooper : Spoken Bird : Sex Pixels : The Pirate 
Kombat : Shovelman : Kentinuim : Kapeesh : Simone Salmon : Djedi
Black Hole Oscillators : Lux Moderna : Honeybrew : Root Mass 
The Vision VS (Vibration Sequence) : Electric Liberace : Ragamaze
Mikey Lion : LeafyGreen : Alana Starr : Porkchop : Blayze : Evol Morg
Mico : Dabis : Niko Hall : Bk Willy : sAro? : Rene Lomeli : Corbin S.
Young Blackmail : DJ Soren : DJ Mackle : Chadillac Green : Archive 95
DJ Dienasty : Steve Zelaya : Bix King : Dj Vikas : Alex Lin : DJ Level
CheyFigs : Dj Hogg : D.J. MacIntyre : Shice : Aviatrix : Dj Thrifty : Sinapz
LuvAmp : Bass Mantra : Roice Frolic Sat Apr 13 8pm-2am @ the STUD 399 9th St SF @ Harrison $8 cover, $4 in fursuit/costume, 21+

April 13,14, 20-28 -- Project Great Outdoors rafting guide training Sunday Streets Mission April 14th 11am-4pm 
Sunday Streets returns to the Mission! Valencia Street, from Duboce to 24th, and 24th from Valencia to Hampshire, will be transformed to a space for people to come out and play. More details to come!

Mon Apr 15 Hula Hoop Jam Studio Grow 1235 10th St. Berkeley
Every Monday 7:30pm - 9pm Cost: $5 donation (covers studio rent)  Tue Apr 16 7:30pm  Marin Muni Water Dist Board Mtg 220 Nellen Ave Corte Madera

4.18 Michael Mithoefer, M.D., and co-therapist Annie Mithoefer, B.S.N., for a full-day workshop on Thursday, April 18 at Psychedelic Science 2013:
A second firefighter with chronic, treatment-resistant PTSD has received their first experimental session of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy in our ongoing study for veterans, firefighters, and police officers with service-related PTSD.

Bicycle Day SF 2013 April 19 7pm-5am Euphonic Conceptions, Challenger, New Earth, An-Ten-Nae, Beat Church, Ritual Dubstep & 1015 collaborate to bring an astounding event to SF !!ALEX GREY & ALLYSON GREY painting & speaking live with*** SHPONGLE (Exclusive DJ Set) ***also featuring RANDOM RAB BLUETECH KAMINANDA + more! $35 Pre 1015 Folsom SF @ 6th St.

Earth Day San Francisco  Saturday, Apr 20th 10am til 6pm SF Civic Center Plaza POLK / GROVE / Larkin / McAllister in front of City Hall
A FREE event for the whole family in the heart of San Francisco featuring three stages of 
multi-cultural music and performance, renowned keynote speakers, interactive D.I.Y. workshops and more! /@earthdaysf2013/ #earthdaysf
This unique celebration packs a powerful day of green sustainability discussions and solutions into one full day of fun and excitement for the whole family. Designed to support the Bay Area Community and beyond, Earth Day San Francisco focuses on acknowledging the local and planetary environmental challenges we all face, and inviting the public to integrate sustainable practices into their everyday lives.
The event brings together speakers, workshop leaders, nonprofit organizations, businesses, indigenous community leaders, civic agencies, amazing musicians,performers, artist, visionaries and youth empowerment groups as One Green Voice.
E.D.S.F will feature the following attractions:
• Three stages of amazing international music 
• World renowned speakers
• Hands on green D.I.Y workshops
• Huge permaculture and green building village
• Green Jobs Fair
• Clean energy Zone [solar ,wind, water, green power demos]
• Green Transportation showcase [ Electric Cars, motor scooters, bikes]
• Green Tech Pavilion [ invention and innovation ]
• Youth Empowerment [ The New Green Generation]
• Organic Chef Cooking Demos
• Organic Beer and Wine Gardens
• Holistic Wellness Village
• Eco Carnival and Kid Zone
• Over 80 Earth Friendly Exhibitor
• Eco Art Village
• Eco Fashion shows

Berkeley Vegan Earth DayWhen:	Sat Apr 20, 2013 11am – 6pm (PDT)Where:	David Brower Center (2150 Allston Way, Berkeley 

April 21 2013 EARTHDAY SF Connexus: Sun April 21 14:00 in UTC-06 1015 Folsom SF @ 6th St

Oakland Veg Week is April 22-28 20 events... too many to list here

April 25th 2pm "Second Open Letter from Oshan in Oakland Jail Dear Friends, Family and Allies,
I'm writing to give you all an update on my situation. I've been here at the Glenn
Dyer Detention Facility in West Oakland for 4 months now, awaiting sentencing. My
sentencing date has been postponed twice now to give my lawyers more time to file a
motion, prepare my appeal and sentencing issues. My current sentencing date April 25th 2pm
It would be awesome to have as many people present as possible to show support, plus
I would love to see your beautiful faces there! If you can attend, visit this link
for important instructions:

NeXus Fun(d)raiser alert!! Friday, April 26th at 550 Barneveld SF 4 areas of music. Funktion One. Yes. April 28th, 2013 14th annual How Weird Street Faire! Howard St. SF @ 2nd

WEIRDI GRAS 14th annual How Weird Street Faire Sunday April 28, 2013
spectacle of amazing art, music, and movement as the greatest street faire in the galaxy takes over the streets of downtown San Francisco for a carnival of peace. There will be marching bands, acoustic bands, dance music stages, live art, unique vendors, and more parades than any street faire in the world. And you are invited to participate.
This year, the faire will be filled with Krewes, who will produce the many parades, bands, and stages. A Krewe is a group of 3 or more people united in a common mission with a common name. If you'd like to participate, send a description of your idea to krewes(at) and we will send an application and instructions. The deadline for completed applications is January 25th.

Join us on Sunday April 28th as we usher in the San Francisco festival season with costumes, parades, marching bands, dancing, and much more at the greatest street faire in the galaxy: How Weird Street Faire: Weirdi Gras 2013.
Featuring sound stages by Symbiosis Events, Enchanted Forest, Muti Music, Opulent Temple, Opel Productions, Pink Mammoth, Psycircle, Pulse SF, Temple Nightclub and many more!
RSVP Here:
Check out and use hashtag: #hwsf to stay up to date with all of the weirdness!
Poster by Robert Kidwell and Brad Olsen.

Want to have more fun at How Weird this year? Make your own parade!
This year, in honor of Mardi Gras, we are inviting people to form a Krewe and have a parade during the 14th annual How Weird Street Faire. In New Orleans, the month and a half long Mardi Gras celebration is filled with colorful parades of Krewes, each with its own theme and style. For How Weird this year, we hope to have more parades in one day than New Orleans has during their entire Mardi Gras season!
Everyone at How Weird this year is encouraged to march in parades. Organize one yourself, or join one that catches your attention at the faire. The parades will have their starting points mapped and scheduled, so they will be easy to find.
The How Weird parades will be produced by Krewes of 3 or more people who share a common name and theme. The parades will have no music, enabling them to weave in and out of the many music stages.
If you are interested in forming a Krewe, send an email with your idea and we will send you more information -
The first parade is at 12:01 PM by the Mystic Krewe of Knowledge. They will start at the Howard and New Montgomery Street entrance and proceed to the Info Booth, where they will remain throughout the day answering all of your questions.

May 2013

Fri May 3  Seduce Me  By Club Exotica @ 1015 Folsom SF @ 6th St
Diego's Umbrella, Delachaux (Trapeze/Dirty Bright), Jocelyn and more..
Follow me here for more info on coming events and bookings:

Sunday May 5th, 2013 11am-6pm Hayes Valley, SF Octavia Blvd @ Hayes St.

FRI MAY 10th - Synchronos Recordings Presents... Flora w RVRS/Jong/Forest Green/LeafyGreen/Chlorophil & More!  lupin lodge Los Gatos, CA

May 18-19 Maker Faire San Mateo Co Fairgrounds, CA

TWO events: 1. PRESS CONFERENCE Thurs. May 23 @ 1pm. 2. SCREENING of Who Bombed Judi Bari? Friday, May 24 (anniversary of the bombing) at 8:30 PM OUTDOORS at Mythbusters, 1268 Missouri SF (off Cesar Chavez),  W/Producer Darryl Cherney & EF! Co-founder Mike Roselle. Trailer:

Frank Doyle, retired FBI agent & Bomb School teacher & MYTHBUSTERS guest star, was found guilty in federal court (Bari v. Doyle) for lying about the bomb in Judi's car-- was HIRED BY MYTHBUSTERS as their on screen bomb expert. THE MYTH TO BUST: Doyle showed up at the bomb scene, just 30 days after teaching Bomb School on an L-P clearcut in Humboldt, & proclaimed on video: "This is the Final Exam." Doyle denied this before a jury. MYTHBUSTERS can use voice recognitions machines to tell whether Doyle committed perjury. Plenty of clips on Mythbusters to compare!

Here is Special Agent Frank Doyle of the FBI (retired) at the 1st Amendment/Free Speech trial he lost to Judi Bari & Darryl Cherney. He lied about the location of the bomb as soon as he arrived at the scene. Why did he cover up the tracks of the bomber and blame the victims, instead?

"Like" our Who Bombed Judi Bari? facebook page to stay connected with our ongoing movie events, court proceedings, more: March Against Monssanto Saturday May 24 SF CA 11am 

BAY to BREAKERS May 2013 Pan Handle of Golden Gate Park is most fun segment to catch and join :) into Golden Gate Park

June 2013 SAVE THE DATE ~ JUNE 7-8-9 RAINDANCE 2013!!! more info soon

20th ann Sierra Nevada World Music Festival June 21-23 Mendocino Co Fairgrounds Boonville, CA  

June 29 / 30 PRIDE SF

July 2013

High Sierra Music Festival - 23rd Ann July 4 - 7 Quincy, CA

JULY 11-15 LIB july 11-13 Lake SkinnerTemecula, California 92596 Tickets go on sale February 12 (Rush-N-Get-Em discount presale - General presale begins March 18)FULL WEEKEND PASSTier 1	$195 Tier 2	$215Tier 3	$225Car Camping Pass	$95RV Camping Pass (includes full RV hookups!)	$350 Lightning in a Bottle 2013 presented by The Do LaB
11 July at 16:00 - 15 July at 12:00 Lake SkinnerTemecula, California 92596 The Oregon Country Fair is July 12, 12, 14 

In case anyone is interested.....Google Earth has updated BRC to 2012. Burning Man 2013 Aug 26 - Sept 2 
in 2012 I told y'all to chill the heck out cause in 2011 tix were face price on for 2 weeks before burn.
SURE enough same was true in 2012. IN FACT There were 20 or 30 SALE ads for every WANT ad. BAM!
These years folks are SCARED so they buy extra tickets in February hoping to go, or for friends to go. 
Then as the event nears and they admit they can not go they release those extras.

Hula Cam at Burning Man 2012

only watch if you like base and have imagination.. A Glimpse Into Burning Man
If you like this video you sure will enjoy this one:

Burning Man Infographic
The history of Burning Man has always been a complex entity that has survived, nay, mutated over the years. And because of this, it has grown rapidly since its humble beginnings of a simple gathering on a beach.
The infographic poster shows only a small portion of what Burning Man is. By no means do mere numbers even begin to show a complete picture, as that is a history of stories, experiences, and individual tales.
I was recently interviewed by Jordan Salinger from the San Francisco Planning and Urban Research Association about this inforgraphic:
“For some it is a yearly spiritual revival providing an emotionally charged respite from reality; for others it simply means they are able to eat brunch without standing in line. The mark left by Burning Man on San Franciscans and this city is undoubtedly immense, but is hard to truly measure. The same can be said about the impact on Black Rock City, Burning Man’s yearly home, but this stunning infographic provides an all-encompassing perspective on the event.”
by: Burning Man Bioneers Conference & Workshop Intensives Emergence Oct  2013 San Rafael, CA
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.