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Please follow this link and watch the film asap, and please pass this info on. Knowledge of the Truth is one great way we can return the power to the people!

For the best resource webpage on the dangers of GM foods and why we need labeling laws with a great, two-minute video and more, see below: New Study: Massive Tumors and Organ Failure in GMO-fed Test Subjects. please ask CA to label GMOs. Vote Nov 7

SHOCKING findings in new GMO study. Horrifying multiple tumors in rats fed CM corn and Roundup. 70% of females die early. Massive organ damage. See full story, just published, at: 

It's depopulation season again and time to get your depopulation shot...

Canadian researchers have concluded that the H1N1 flu shot is more dangerous than the flu it purports to protect against. The timing of this study’s release coincided with North America and certain parts of Europe preparing to promote massi...

It gets worse by the hour. While France wisely outlawed wi-fi in its schools due to its serious effects on children, more appliances, transmitters, signals, antennas, phone masts, dishes, and electronic gadgetry is being added by the minute.
And we’re supposed to be excited about it.

From Vancouver, Canada: Phil Collins' daughter is in our boat too... opposing Smart Meter Radiation 

If you believe 19 dudes with boxcutters led by a guy in a cave on a dialysis machine STOOD DOWN the US AIR FORCE for 2 HOURS then you are a CONSPIRACY THEORIST. And you believe in an implausible theory.
F-16 JET FIGHTERS take only 10 minutes to SCRAMBLE. 6 minutes if they are on RED ALERT.

Ever heard of Gossypol? It's proposed human use will affect you. LIVE Geiger Counter Readings across the USA

The #elite are picking up the pace. Is the world on the verge of #war ?  Let’s Write In Ron Paul in 2012!!!
(We need to get LOTS of 4 X 8 signs like this across the country by mid October)
AWESOME NEWS!  With this effort, together with  Write in Ron and the e-mail and video of proof that Reince and Co SHAFTED Ron Paul, but more importantly US - the R3volution - at the RINO CONvention in Tampa, finally, after five long years,     The R3volution Has Begun!

DHS Purchases 200 Million More Rounds of Ammunition 
Following controversy over its purchase of around 1.2 billion bullets in the last six months alone, the Department of Homeland Security has put out a new solicitation for over 200 million more rounds of ammunition, some of which are designated to be used by snipers.
A series of new solicitations posted on the FedBizOpps website show that the DHS is looking to purchase 200 million rounds of .223 rifle ammunition over the next four years, as well as 176,000 rounds of .308 caliber 168 grain hollow point boat tail (HPBT) rounds in addition to 25,000 rounds of blank .308 caliber bullets. 
Chains you can believe in: Obama wins right to indefinitely detain Americans under NDAA

Who helped the Nazis and who didn't
People speculate about what
US police and others would
do if the country were to be
taken over by a fascist power. 
Well, history shows what 
happens - and it's not pretty. 
The reality of resistance.          Video:

New Intel based PC’s PERMANENTLY hackable
By Jim Stone (ex-National Security Agency)

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The Sad Truth About WikiLeaks  Vaccine info CHEMTRAILS FLUORIDE
Got Milk? You Don't Need It 

"A disastrous plan by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms to allow guns to “walk” into Mexico wasn’t the fault of a few misguided officials, a new investigation from the Justice Department’s internal watchdog finds. The gun-walking plan, known as Operation Fast and Furious, compromised the integrity of more than a dozen senior officials and three agencies. Attorney General Eric Holder has been cleared of allegations he knew about Fast and Furious. Many of his subordinates were not so fortunate."

O & H have each others back's. This stunt (posted below) gave them time to orchestrate a coverup, crank up the shredder and get their stories straight. The word bamboozle comes to ...See More

New legal complaint could lead to Holder's disbarment
President Obama's eleventh hour save of Eric Holder by invoking Executive privilege over Fast and Furious documents may have temporarily protected the Attorney 
USA Eric Holder D.O.J "We Must Brainwash People About Guns"
This is an old clip but still very relevant

and the subject of this song has much to do with F & F.....Everybody gets a cut of the action:
Looney Toons Speedy gonzalez , Singing about Weed
This is what we watched as kids listen to that song !!!!!

Attention Facebook Users. Your data has been deleted. Did you even notice? The past is being deleted... watch more here:

Apparently fake leather is often made with lead these days, which is toxic if it enters the body through hand-to-mouth contact after handling fake leather. 
Such is the case with this lovely couch. You could just throw a blanket over it and never touch the material. You could just not eat meals on it, and make sure to wash your hands after sitting on it. We feel it has some use to society, if someone wants it. (We want you to be aware of the threat of lead so read this article:
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.