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Scores or 100s of ANTIFA Vandals smash 100s of Windows in Tacoma WA Riots Sunday Eve Jan 24 2021
Andy Ngô   @MrAndyNgo 
Tacoma, Wash.: Police responding to an illegal street gathering that shut down traffic was set upon by a mob.
reports they were kicking & shaking the vehicle. The officer drives forward, hitting some of the rioters.
Andy Ngô @MrAndyNgo 
I went on @SkyNewsAust
to discuss how #Antifa extremists have forced me to flee Portland, Ore. following months & months of continued death threats & visits to my family's home. I report all the threats to law enforcement but nothing happens. Full:

Brendan Gutenschwager @BGOnTheScene 
DHS bring out the fogger as more crowd control munitions are tossed into the streets #Portland #PortlandProtests

#Antifa = Anti First Amendment 
#BLM = Burn Loot Murder    BLM = Baal Lucifer Moloch
#Chaz  = Crack Heroin Amphetamine Zone
#CHOP = Crack Heroin Opium Pills

    Did you know? 
Antifa BLM cause Global Warming and Deforestation via 
Broken Windows which require intense factory heat to melt sand into glass
Significant % of earths forests are consumed to produce PLYWOOD to cover windows smashed by BLM Antifa Riots
     Did you know? 
ARSON BLM Antifa Riots also cause Global Warming block by block as the buildings go up in flames.
Yes Arson and Fire also cause Global Warming. Where’s GRETA? 
GRETA THUNBERG causes Global Warming. She wears an Antifa Shirt. Antifa Causes Global Warming

Luke Rudkowski protests in Russia right now
Protests in support of jailed opposition leader Navalny sweep across Russia
Hundreds of people have been arrested as protest rallies in support of detained Kremlin critic Alexey Navalny swept across Russia on Saturday, in defiance of the authorities and, in some cases, extremely low temperatures.

      WhatsHerFace 6:42
This is Joe Biden’s first 2 days as President
COVID & the Weaponization of Public Health, Human Futures Trading, Authentic Spiritual Activism
Alison McDowell is an independent researcher and mom who writes about the intersection of technology and predatory philanthropy at 
 Her work provides extraordinary context to the multitude of manufactured crises  presently being justified by the response to "COVID." In this exclusive livestreamed interview, Sayer Ji dives deep into both the unprecedented problems facing us today, and solutions that thought-leaders like Alison are fast bringing to light. 

Read the full description of what to expect in this interview, and what topics will be covered here:

View the slides from this presentation here:

Read Alison's work on her website:

Follow her on twitter:

buncha links from S nine 2021.1.23 
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.