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U.S. Veterans Preparing For War 38:12
War has been declared on the American people; Must watch!!!

Nov 7, 2018 Galactic Update 14:12 
SUPPRESSED SECRET TECHNOLOGIES: Med Beds, Replicators, Free Energy, Stargates & Antigravity

9/11 Scene from 'One by One' Rik Mayall's last film release before his sudden death 5:12



Above Ground World News was live. Yesterday at 6:59 PM · (49 minutes)

lbtve Aug 17, 2013 3:49  
I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore! Speech from Network (1080p)

The Outcome Apr 12, 2020 4:21 
The ANCIENT Technique To Making Tough Decisions | Gregg Braden | TRY IT NOW!! 

John O'Looney 21:49 Midazolam
BOMBSHELL: Deaths Skyrocketed by 300% After COVID Vaccine – Funeral Director Blows The Whistle [VIDEO] 

Oct 2 2021 Peter McCullough MD - "The VXs are not safe" 

Midazolam UK , Restoril USA = benzodiazepine
The most common drugs used in date rape, falling under this category include Flunitrazepam namely Rohypnol, Midazolam, Temazepam namely Restoril etc. These induce hypnotic states in the victim and the most common and easily dissolved drug is Rohypnol. Rohypnol makes the victim unable to resist attack or any sexual assault.
#Netflix #BlackMirror #EndingExplainedThe Ending Of Playtest Explained | Black Mirror Season 3 Explained 10:20

Please share widely. With thousands of jobs on the line it is time to rise up and resist. The Primary Goals of the Plandemic & Build Back Better are Vaccine Passports and Global Slavery Universal access to the Ivermectin Protocol should be the end of Forced Vaccinations and Vaccine Passports Worldwide. Now is the time for a Global Uprising!

By 1815,NATHAN ROTHSCHILD controlled the Bank of England and boldly declared, “i care not what Puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets, The man who controls the Britains money supply controls the British Empire, and i control the British money supply”, this became the Rothschild family’s Mantra-Control the world by controlling the worlds money supply, by the end of the nineteenth century the Rothschild family controlled half of the world’s wealth. NEXT, Gaining control of Americas money supply, not putting that up yet, it’s there for all to see and read, but who has the controlling shares in that Federal bank, and a big say in that INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND, Another HOLTEL CALIFORNIA, !

OMG how did that guy get in!
“OF ALL THE V@CCINES I HAVE TAKEN IN MY LIFE like measles, mumps, polio, TB shots, you name it, …never have I heard of a v@ccine that says I have to wear a mask and socially distance even when fully v@ccinated, or that I might still contract or spread the virus even after being fully v@ccinated.
NEVER HAVE I BEEN BRIBED BY THE GOVERNMENT to take the v@ccine in order to win a holiday or cash prizes - tickets to the football, or earn frequent flyer points.
PREVIOUS V@CCINES NEVER TOLD ME I WAS A BAD PERSON for not taking it. I was never judged by my friends or relatives if I didn't take it. I was never discriminated against for travel or other regular services to the point where I could not buy or sell or do anything fun without taking it.
I HAVE NEVER SEEN A V@CCINE THAT THREATENED MY RELATIONSHIPS with family members or close friends, ~ to the point of even destroying my relationships with the people I most love.
NEVER HAVE I SEEN A V@CCINE USED FOR POLITICAL GAIN. Never seen a v@ccine needing 24/7 mass media advertising and promotion on seemingly every media outlet known to mankind!
I HAVE NEVER SEEN A V@CCINE THREATEN SOMEONE'S LIVELIHOOD, AS WELL AS WIPE OUT THEIR JOBS. I have never seen a v@ccine that allows a 12-year-old child's consent to supersede their parent's consent (that one alone blows me away).
I’VE NEVER SEEN A V@CCINE THAT NEEDED SO MUCH MEDIA PRESSURE AND PEER PRESSURE to convince everyone to take it. People taking it “to be a good citizen” instead of taking it because they truly feel they need it for their health.
NEVER WAS A V@CCINE PROTEST THREATENED BY THE USE OF MILITARY STYLE FORCE by the government, employers, police force, and even the military themselves, to crush out v@ccine hesitancy protests, as seen in Australia.
FINALLY, AFTER REVIEWING ALL MY V@CCINE JABS PREVIOUSLY, never have I seen a v@ccine like this one that discriminates, divides, and judges a society with so much information censored, deleted, or removed from the internet or ignored by the mainstream media!
SO MANY DOCTORS, HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS, POLICE AND SCIENTISTS ARE CENSORED AND FORBIDDEN TO SPEAK or ask all the legitimate questions so it can all finally make complete sense! 
THIS IS ONE POWERFUL V@CCINE GUYS! It does all these things above that I have mentioned and yet does NOT do the ONE thing it is supposed to do - which is...? 
…FIGHT OFF THIS PANDEMIC! Sure, it is taking not saving  lives,  it has now passed that crucial balancing point by permanently harming so many other lives  What, still here!… Pssst, ~ hey wanna’ watch something amazing?
GO TO TheHighWire DOT com ( WRITTEN IN ‘CODE’ FOR OBVIOUS REASONS ) ~ the most intellectually entertaining weekly two hour show for all things “c0vid” every THURSDAY( it busts the internet with millions of viewers) so maybe wait a few days ’til things settle down, to watch the latest show
HOWEVER HERE’S A COOL STRATEGY! Scroll down TheHighWire dot com to see previous Episode 235: "Against the Wall" which brings you up to speed with everything, fast. Then devour Episode 236: “Who is to Blame?” that shows with amazing visual proofs “who set this all up”. ( it’s a real shocker, my friends!)
FINALLY EPISODE 237 “THE TURNING POINT” COMPLETES THE WORLD PICTURE ~ OF WHAT WE CAN ALL DO STARTING NOW! Unlike the TV News, everything is 100% backed by accessible source documentation available ONLINE immediately to all viewers. BAMMM!! Take that CNN!
Web address written in ‘code’ but you know how to type in the correct format…
TheHighWire dot com
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.