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5 Holistic Doctors Discuss What They are Doing to Protect Themselves from the Bioweapon Shots

65 min. video

* * * These are my notes, so please excuse spelling and other errors.
The doctors stress that they are not advising you what to do, but are just discussing what they are doing, that are possibilities to consider. They do not know for sure what will work, and do not agree with each other on everything.
Dr. Lee Merritt always takes D3, C, zinc etc., eats gluten free, low carb healthy diet
She thinks it is transmitted by skin contact from those who have had the injections.
She was with a patient that she didn't know had just had the shot, and then she had a heavy nosebleed that wouldn't stop even after packing it.
So she took therapeutic doses of HCQ & Ivermectin
She now takes 3 HCQ (Hydroxychloroquine) pills a week as a prophylactic to prevent problems from transmission from those who had the shots.
Everyone should have HCQ & Ivermectin on hand.
Dr. Christiane Northrup:
pine needle tea from white pine
use about 1" diameter of needles, pour hot water over them & steep it, have a couple cups a day
can also use anise or fennel seeds for shikaminic acid
In the plant, everything is part of it
To make a natural food similar to HCQ
take peels from 3 organic grapefruit & 3 organic lemons
put 3" of good spring water over those
simmer for about 3 hr.
then pour off that liquid
she takes 2 tablespoons of that liquid, 2 times a day
This appealed to her, so she does it
Dr. Mercola does 170 degree hot sauna for 20 min. every day, because he says it creates heat shock proteins in body that will promote autophagy, which is your body eating up and getting rid of abnormal cells.
Creon disease is mad cow disease, but also ALS & Parkinson's.
We all need to do intermittent fasting.
She fasts for 16 hours a day.
We all need to get vitamin D level up to optimal - 60 to 80 nanograms per litter
Take some option, don't wait around to get sick.
If you may want to get pregnant, stay away from those who have been injected.
You also need to keep your DNA clean.
Don't have sex with anyone who has had the shot.
Stand on the earth regularly, barefoot.
Just 20 min. barefoot on earth makes viscosity of blood less.
EMFs make the blood very viscose, like ketchup.
Dr. Carrie Madej:
Grounding is important
After back in US, she started getting rashes, joint pain, swelling, brain fog,  bleeding issues.
She hadn't had an injection or been around anyone that had.
She found that her phone was so high over the EMF limit, it couldn't even read it.
* * * Get an EMF meter.  It is different at different places in the house.
This is playing a huge part in what is happening, they are installing more 5G towers.
Many symptoms from EMF & Covid are the same.
Seep is the most important time.
So she turns off the circuit breaker in her bedroom.
If you can't do this, don't have anything plugged in with in 6 feet of head of bed.
Shut off wi-fi in house
It can be pulsed at times
Keep phone on airplane mode.
No blue tooth, no wi-fi
If you must use phone use speaker phone or head phones, keep separated from body.
She uses an EMF blanket on planes.
She detoxes with baths: bentonite clay, baking soda, Epsom salts, sometimes some Borax.
She soaks for 20 min. & does this almost every day.
It helps detox from many things, including radiation.
Iodine is very good. Iodoral is used around the world.
You need to detox with this slowly.
Never trust the water from the tap.
Get at least a Berkey water filter or tabletop distiller.
Clean your water yourself, don;t trust other companies.
Teeth - root canals, mercury fillings are harmful.
Saunas are great.
Liquid cilantro helps removal f heavy metals.
Horsetail tea takes aluminum out.
Most humans are deficient in vitamin C.
Pine needles have most vitamin C.
Make your body alkaline - baking soda
Magnesium and B12 help your body detox
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny:
Girls who have the Nuva ring for birth control have massive pulmonary embolisms after the shots.
Both lungs fill up with blood clots.
It is causing bleeding and clotting at the same time.
This is a bio-weapon, made to destroy humanity because they will have robotics to take care of everything & won't need menial labor.
Georgia Guidestones says to greatly reduce population.
Some people who have never had asthma, are now getting asthma.
She takes ivermectin prophylacticly
She regularly takes 25 supplements every day: zinc, D3, C, quercetin, omega 3, zeolite detox, 200 milligrams COQ10, 200 milligrams Nattokinase (a natural blood thinner) ....
When she was exposed and then felt ill, she took HCQ, and felt better in 45 min.
The kept HCQ & ivermectin unavailable so they could push the vaccine.
Tonal music
Maureen McDonnell:
Flood FDA with comments link at
Dr. Larry:
white pine tea
pristine diet with almost no sugar
electricity filters
Worked for covid:
Vitamin D, zinc, quercetin, real tonic water, NAC, chaga mushrooom tea, glutathione
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.