Federal Lawsuit Seeks Immediate Halt of COVID Vaccines + Immunologist Demands WSJ Retract ‘Dangerous Lie’ + More
Here is the article from CHD about the lawsuit filed yesterday- with the details about the whistleblower who revealed that the CDC has been vastly underreporting the deaths in the VAERS system. We can always trust Children's Health Defense to be at the forefront of the movement to stop the Covid vaccines.
Dr. Fauci sings his version of "My Favorite Things"
Channeled by Bruce J. Miller:
Watch: Dr. Fauci, Sen. Rand Paul Clash During Congressional Hearing

Kevin Kiley
For anyone on the fence about the Recall, you can download my short book on the topic for free. RecallNewsomBook.com
And it's the opposite of ecstasy.
Incendiary Radio with Robert Reyvolt - 7/18/2021
2022 Great Reset Super Shemita $ Crash
FBI Fake Bombings incorporated
From Fellony Mellony:
• Bloodletting for fevers was “settled science”
• Packing the birth canal with dirt after birth was “settled science”
• Flat earth models were “settled science”
• Witch hunts were “settled science”
• Mercury as a cure-all was “settled science”
• Heroin for the common cold was “settled science”
• Cannabis psychosis was “settled science”
• Lobotomies were “settled science”
• Electroshock therapy was “settled science”
• Trepanation (drilling holes in the skull to release evil spirits) was “settled science”
• Women having inferior intelligence was “settled science”
• Fluoride was “settled science”
• Glyphosate was “settled science”
• Fen-Phen was “settled science”
With history literally at our fingertips in the information age, how does anyone still believe in “settled science”?
Science can’t BE settled. That’s what makes it SCIENCE. It’s an investigative tool. Any scientists who claims their answer is the correct answer is a shit scientist. At best, they have evidence to support a theory, but it’s still a theory. Consume scientific conclusions at your own risk.
Forcing others to live by your religiously dogmatic trust in “settled science” will only place you in the ridiculous category of history. Future generations will read about your certainty with contempt and bafflement.
h/t: Bretigne Shaffer
Cov Fe2 covfefe mystery solved
Cov Fe2 covfefe mystery solved ? https://www.facebook.com/pete.ramon.5 |