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#GoBackItsATrap #PizzaGate #Psyop #Snookered #TheyDoneFooledUsAgain
Max Igan posts: An interesting perspective
PIZZAGATE IS REAL. S.W.S. Sentient World Simulation by RichieFromBoston
I have totally had it with the just popped up out of nowhere less than a year ago gang of truthers,reporters etc. this is it its the all the info you would e...
I have totally had it with the just popped up out of nowhere less than a year ago gang of truthers,reporters etc. this is it its the all the info you would ever need to understand what the true actual aim of this wikileak is.
"appears to be dividing the truth community which is a bonus, or part of it"
Lee Sayer Posts: great breakdown on the Assange sitch by Truthstream Media
Hey Wikileaks, Where's the Real #ProofofLife?
The truth is, we don't live in a world where seeing is believing. If something is digital, it cannot be considered automatically trustworthy and reliable, ju...
#EdwardSnowden is a #LimitedHangout (Meaning we are allowed to digest only this much info)
it seems like Assange went bye bye. If you watch the breakdown at the end, it's pretty apparent
Julian Assange has been taken & Wikileaks Compromised
Sentient World Simulation (SWS): A Continuously Running Model of the Real World
Whereby TPTP can game the statistically likely responses of TRUTHERS and ACTIVISTS then develop a PLAN to TRAP and DISCREDIT THEM. (US)
WikiLeaks is CONTROLLED OPPOSITION that has never told truth about 911 Israel. Just as ISIS has never attacked ISRAEL… HINT HINT
REMEMBER: Julian Assange said 911 truth was a FALSE CONPIRACY. HINT! WAKE UP
"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss... ... Then I get on my knees and pray, we don't get fooled again." = The Who
look we done got fooled again. PizzaGate is a TRAP! yes there are VAST PEDO CIRCLES and we must continue to expose them but BEWARE! TPTB likely are setting us up for a FALL so they can CENSOR US! OH SHITE! LOOKOUT! see TOP VIDEO NOW.