Plant Trees SF Events 2016 Archive: 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025


If you think the Clinton's aren't evil, watch this!
It goes all the way back when he was Governor of Arkansas. Remember Oliver North and the Iran Contra scandal? Well they were dropping tons…

CNN Journalist, Amber Lyon admits: "Governments Pay Us To Fake News"
CNN whistleblower #FakeNews #fuckthemedia #ProjectMockingBird

The European Union (EU) has issued an ultimatum to social media giants Twitter, YouTube and Facebook as well as tech giant, Microsoft, to censor “illegal hate speech” within 24 hours or face new laws that are designed to “curb online racist abuse.”
The clampdown includes such content that is considered by the mainstream establishment as so-called “fake news,” a term so broad that it includes perfectly legitimate news content.
EU Demands Social Media Giants Censor 'Fake News' Sites Within 24 Hrs | We Are Change
BRUSSELS (WeAreChange) — 
The European Union (EU) has issued an ultimatum to social media giants Twitter, YouTube and Facebook as well as…

Trump's Truth Bombs Neuter the LieStream Media's Fading influence:
Luke Rudkowski of #WRC visited Jeff Berwick of in Venezuela. BOTH DUDES TOP my LEGIT SOURCES LIST. OK!
Please Follow BOTH of these guys on FB. ok

Inflation in Venezuela is projected to soar to 720 percent this year with the largest bolívar bill now worth just five US cents on the black market. Shopkeepers are reportedly weighing rather than counting the wads of cash customers hand them, and standard-size wallets have become all but useless in the socialist South American state. Now instead of a wallet, you literally need a backpack to haul around your sizeable load of cash (that’s if you have any). Read the full article -->

- - - - - Mon Dec 5 2016 

Pizza Gate False Flag For Fake News Attacks Free Speech and Independent Media
In this video Luke Rudkowski covers the latest incident at comet ping pong pizza shop in the center of the…
ATTENTION PORTLAND and CANADA: Y'all need to have SAND BUCKETS at WORST BLACK ICE street corners and / or a HUGE ROPE that can secure one Bike Rack to Another to GATE the STREET and STOP cars at TOP before they ENTER the SLOPE.

Just a Regular Morning in Canada 
     File under: Survival
The 7 biggest mistakes when it comes to harvesting rain water.
David the Good, The Survival Gardner and author of Compost Everything is informative and hilarious.
Top 7 Mistakes to Avoid when Harvesting Rain Water
Mosquito dunks: Harvesting rain water doesn't have to be expensive or difficult. You can make rain…

The First Amendment is under serious attack
US Lawmakers Move to Criminalize ‘Fake News, Propaganda’ on the Web | We Are Change
The witch hunt for “fake news” and “Russian propaganda” has been kicked up a…

One of the deceased texted his girlfriend: "Babe there's a fire" on tv news last night. WTF dude! exit bldg first, help others out. then text yer peeps mkay?

- - - - - Sun Dec 4 2016 

A German intelligence officer has reportedly been arrested over a suspected Islamist plot to bomb his agency’s headquarters in Cologne sparking fears that the agency may be infiltrated.
German Intel Officer 'Arrested Over Islamist Plot', Ignites Agency Infiltration Fears
COLOGNE, GERMANY (WeAreChange) — A German intelligence officer has reportedly been arrested over a suspected Islamist plot to bomb his agency's…

Trump starts new YouTube channel to combat fake news
Trump fires up YouTube channel to counter mainstream propaganda

- - - - - Sat Dec 3 2016 - - - - - 

More Video Evidence of Tunnels Beneath Comet Ping Pong
Random directions guy was awefully specific: Go to this tunnel Walk 200 metres to the right Take the first stairs downwards Then walk...

Was River Phoenix connected to Pizzagate?
There are so many strange things in the life and death of River Phoenix, older brother to the famous actor Joaquin Phoenix. He grew up i...

Leaked Pentagon propaganda video shows a bizarre future where society is hyper-stratified and war goes on forever.
MUST WATCH - Megacities: Urban Future, the Emerging Complexity - A Pentagon Video
According to a startling Pentagon video obtained by The Intercept, the future of global cities will be an…

OOPS not TONIGHT so SORRY. I was mislead … it is TOMORROW:

     Mon Eve Vigil
Mon DEC 5 8pm Candle Light Vigil for "Ghost Ship" Fire at  Lake Merritt Pergola 599 El Embarcadero, Oakland, California 94610

yes let's please remember HOW to SAVE LIVES as some of us to will escape fires, and be able to STOP by the DOOR and SCREAM! "THIS IS THE EXIT" HERE IS THE EXIT. COME THIS WAY. THIS IS THE DOOR. THIS IS THE WAY OUT. COME TO MY VOICE... drink water. REPEAT. 
#OaklandFire #GhostShipFire #FireSafe #FireSafety #SaveLives #CERT #NERT #CPR #FirstAid #StopDropAndRoll

I will continue to wear Running or Athletic shoes to events as I have done all my life and scope out fire safety, ID and NOTE fire extinguishers, escape routes. etc. 
NOW I WILL ENLIST OTHERS pre-event to join me in keeping spaces safe. 

even if you don't follow 1,000 regulations to the code (cause they'd put you in DEBT and out of business) you still need to be fire safe. 
Map of FIRE exits and FIRE extinguishers should be covered on the FIRST pre event WALK-THROUGH.

Regulations are overly burdensome. How can you expect anybody to obey any regulations / let alone the sensible fire codes, when the 1,000s of regulations can not be complied with?
people code nipple code bare bottom code no shirt shoes service code. no dogs code. no pets code. no sleeping code. no feed homeless code. no outside food. no skateboards. no camping. no being. no offending anybody code. no alt. no free speech. no first amendment, no 2nd amendment. Pay Taxes unto Cesar code. Pay the Mob. Pay the StormTroopers. PayTheState. BailOutTheBankers. ScrewThePeople

Tyranny has gotten us to a place where citizens fear and are unable to comprehend the vast codex of regulations.

ADA = Pave the world. ADA actually causes more health problems by CAUSING global warming via surplus asphalt and concrete, killing trees. put down by codes never came back    ADA put under for a decade.
ADA cut down all the trees outside SOMARTS, forced them to put in double double doors and walkways, twice. they never recovered financially. 

Camp Oljato California BSA could never get a AAA rating cause they would not PAVE their FORESTS. Boy Scout camps should NOT be paved, Mkay.

The handicap code, the hundreds and thousands of codes make it impossible to comply if you are not a Millionaire. 

Fire Code. City Code. ADA code. LateNightCOde AfterHoursCode CabaretLicense HealthCode. FoodCode. DiscriminationCode. EqualOppCode. ThisCode. ThatCode. ABC.code AreyoukiddingCode. It. Does. Not. Stop. not possible to comply and be an artist.

First person who see a fire needs to YELL FIRE ASAP. so that others may respond to fire while still others help people exit.

I was at Falkirk House in San Rafael 20 years ago and heard women gasp across the room. 
I looked and saw that our host's gauze dress was on fire as she stood too close to a table candle.
I DASHED across the room and slapped / clapped that fire out with my hands quickly. that was within a window where seconds matter. 
Had more seconds elapsed we would need to stop drop and roll, etc, blanket or pour water on her and admin first aid maybe 911
     Satya Yuga AKA 'ghostship inferno'  1305 31st Ave, Oakland, CA 
     When is the time? Hazards happen every day of every week. 
     If not now, to talk about fire safety. IF any venue and / or producers of any event DID NOT do FIRE SAFETY
this fire will happen again. Less so if we: 
A: think fire safety in Buildings and B: End the Drug war.
each of our lives is continually hearing of deaths. Therefore I post PSA info so people can prevent death. 
I do this PREVENTION re: Cancer re: Earth re: Earthquake re: Fire
"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." - Benjamin Franklin

DRUG WAR killed these people. They were deep in the bowels of a secret hiding space SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE of the FAILED DRUG WARD. Comprende?

END the DRUG WAR. @ Burning Man young adults hide under art cars to smoke a bowl. then get run over.
@ Oakland young adults goto private deep underground maze parties to smoke a bowl. then get trapped in fire.
People would not DIE as much if they could smoke a bowl on the street, or eat a plant. DUH!

I REPEAT: the VERY ARCHITECTURE / set up this and other buildings is to put SPACE between the FRONT DOOR / COPS and the people who want to chill out and have a good time.
IF having a GOOD TIME were not illegal due to DRUG WAR… then these folks would less likely be dead. Mkay?

illegal also: eating plants. ok these folk may have wanted to try other things
in other words even after pot is legal folks will still hide from cops to eat a mushroom

Resource: Drug Policy Alliance 

     Oakland Ghosthips WareHouse Fire 13th @ International
I only wear RUNNING SHOES. Vibram Merrell to be precise. SF Bay is EarthQuake / Fire Country.
I study buildings for exits. I think about earthquakes. I visualize my escape. 

Oakland: At least nine dead after massive fire at live-work space party
At least 13 people unaccounted for after fire that broke out about 11:30 p.m. Friday…

     VIDEO from FireTruck approaching FIRE  
Oakland Firefighters on Twitter“31st Ave- #oakland @KTVU @kron4news @CBSSF @abc7newsbayarea By Oakland Firefighters
     PICS of Missing People
At least 9 dead and 13 missing after fire breaks out in Oakland party

List of 26 missing people with description reported dead, 13 missing in huge blaze at Oakland venue (VIDEOS, PHOTOS)

At least 9 dead, many missing in fire at Oakland party
At least nine people were killed and many others were missing after a fire broke out at a party at an artist collective in Oakland, authorities said. The fire broke out late Friday night at a building at 31st Avenue and International Boulevard, north of Interstate 880, in the Fruitvale neighborhood....

At least nine people dead in Oakland warehouse party fireA massive fire broke out late Friday at Oakland party, killing more than one person, 9 dead, 25 unaccounted for in three-alarm Oakland|By FOX

     PEDO sites: BBC, CNN
Oakland fire: Casualties at California club - BBC News Oakland fire kills at least 9 people, fire chief|By Kimberly Hutcherson and Dan Simon, CNN
     This was the event page
DEC 2 Golden Donna 100% Silk 2016 West Coast Tour Fri 21:00 · 1305 31st Ave, Oakland, CA  

‪Kevin Mathieu‬ writes: It is so tragic. Apparently they had a staircase made of pallets to the 2nd floor and possibly an illegal power tap from next door. Plus there are some allegations about those that ran the space that do not reflect well on them.

      CIA / FACEBOOK finder:

While I can NOT advise the use of Toxic Fire Retardent (Cancer Causing BPA) I would like to repost this note from Scott Levkoff
Please NOTE that California has an increased risk of BREAST and other CANCER in Humans due to Fire Marshall's insistence of Fire Retardents.
Please NOTE that California has an increased risk of HyperThyroidism, Renal Failure (Kidney Failure) due to Fire Marshall's insistence of Fire Retardents.

My thoughts are with those affected by the Oakland fire this morning.
This will have a large ripple affect throughout the Bay Area.
All event spaces, warehouses and art collectives should do everything they can NOW to get up to fire code.
Expect officials to start cracking down on this
This means even if you do not want to reach out and bring in someone from the fire dept.-
Get smoke alarms installed
Have fire extinguishers in every room
Have clearly marked lit signs for exits
Have Exit Maps placed near doors
If not done by a pro (Dean at FLAMORT in San Leandro is great) treat any fabrics/sets you can with a misting unit and flame retardant (Flamort sells it as does JCX expendables)
Avoid power strips behind curtains and too many cords from outlets
Sprinklers systems are wonderful but expensive to install
Fire Dept folks want to see that you have the safety of your tenants/guests in mind and that you are doing everything in your power to prevent tragedies like this.
I spent $1500 of my last event budget just on fire-treating props for a one night event.
Do what you gotta do to be safe!

      FIRE TRAP: 
2 or 3 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS on site were TOO SMALL / personal use size one was for automobile etc. and not of full pressure on gauge. what a joke. 
Exposed Circuit Breaker on East wall upstairs presented risk of human electrocution in Top Floor Hall leading North to NorthEast Corner. 
Any human who tripped in cluttered hallway with wet hands from sink could land with fingers directly and AC contacts. DEATHTRAP

     UPstairs Bathroom East of NorthEast
The passage to upstairs bathroom past smoking room in the adjoining Building via Hole in Brick Wall Punched out by Sledgehammer 
into the Building to the East from the NorthEast 2nd Floor Corner of the wooden artspace.
Wooden staircase was incomplete, with Broken Slats creating a falls risk. Narrow, not wide enough for 2 people to pass. Twisty. Irregular. Low Vertical Clearance.

     WHAT went WRONG?
Makeshift StairCase built of Wooden Pallets. Lack of Fire Extinguishers and Clearly Marked Exit signs. Illegally tapped Power from Neighbor. What could possibly go wrong. Please let us respect those lost by preventing a repeat episode. peace.

11 months ago people attending a party panicked trying to find better and more fire extinguishers as the little wimpy underrated extinguishers on hand were insufficient. 

BAD apples / Bad COPS make all Cops look BAD. Bad Warehouses make ALL warehouses look bad. We WILL NOW Largely LOSE the SF BAY underground scene due to the FIRE DEATHTRAP ABOVE.

     Bob Mackey writes:
Thanks for saying that there are factors in our control that affect the safety of our community, and that this tragedy will likely be used to shut down other art spaces. Sad for those that were trapped, and for their friends and family.

"I am so angry and so sad about this. Satya Yuga was an unsafe, poorly managed venue. Everything I have heard from producers who worked there spoke to the irresponsibility and apathy of the management and danger the of the space. And our community still chose to work with them - and who can blame us for doing it. Space after space is being shut down or out-priced on rent. There are so few options that we are forced to accept less and less from our venues because we don't have other options. I am so deeply grateful, as many have said, to the individuals and groups who dig deep and sacrifice profit to make sure their attendees are safe. And I am so frustrated with the Bay Area for marginalizing our artistic, progressive communities as "druggies" who don't deserve safe places to exist as they tear down another established warehouse to build condos. This fire shouldn't have happened. Satya yuga shouldn't have been hosting events. People shouldn't have died. The Bay Area real estate market and its politicians who pander to the interests of conservative, uninvolved techies, all while enjoying the art and culture we have bled for - that is where the real responsibility lies. So, so sad." - Bob Mackey

31st and International--artist compound and there was a party. It was filled with stuff and had a makeshift stairway. Many people missing and burned and they are having trouble getting into the building to check it out. so sad.

Xposted: The Ghostship Fire. First off, my heart goes out to everyone affected by last night's event. I hope your missing loved ones are found safe and sound. For those that lost their family and friends, my most profound sympathy.
I am so angry and so sad about this. Satya Yuga was an unsafe, poorly managed venue. Everything I have heard from producers who worked there spoke to the irresponsibility and apathy of the management and danger the of the space. And our community still chose to work with them - and who can blame us for doing it. Space after space is being shut down or out-priced on rent. There are so few options that we are forced to accept less and less from our venues because we don't have other options. I am so deeply grateful, as many have said, to the individuals and groups who dig deep and sacrifice profit to make sure their attendees are safe. And I am so frustrated with the Bay Area for marginalizing our artistic, progressive communities as "druggies" who don't deserve safe places to exist as they tear down another established warehouse to build condos. This fire shouldn't have happened. Satya yuga shouldn't have been hosting events. People shouldn't have died. The Bay Area real estate market and its politicians who pander to the interests of conservative, uninvolved techies, all while enjoying the art and culture we have bled for - that is where the real responsibility lies. So, so sad.

     Kevin Mathieu writes
My heart goes out to all friends and friends of friends hurt in last nights tragic fire. Love to all touched.
35 are currently considered unaccounted for. Most were in their 20's, but I had five pals that had planned on going or went. All of those five are incredibly and luckily safe. Two links for lists of possible victims and images of those possible victims are below.
Huge kudos and regards to Eveline Darroch for help organizing with the fire response team to this tragedy. Give her your love and support she is the midst of it.
This is the end of underground dance scene locally for sure. This is a tragedy that never should have happened. We all know better or should to make spaces safe. This may be the cudgel to end other underground spaces for other subcultures.
A key spot of resistance and gathering for the current political fight. There has been news of 4 key underground or art spaces either closing in the next couple of years or closed ( via purchases by new developers ) in the past couple of months before this fire. I suspect others will have to either get far more underground or will simply go away.
Any that currently use dance parties as part of their revenue stream to support their spaces rent have lost that option.
Spreadsheet of names of the missing:
Pictures of the many of the likely victims
Including one likely victim, a really nice guy, Johnny Igaz, that I worked with for a minute at a party a couple of years ago. So tragic.

     ‪Sherry Froman‬ writes:
 I can share a lot about my experience of the space, having been there for a NYE party a couple of years ago. Not good. Scooter did lights there and was appalled by the conditions. I have also heard a lot about the dangerous behavior I've seen from the people who run the space. As in physical assault, spousal abuse, and child abuse. Two friends were even physically attacked by people organizing the space a couple of years ago. I wouldn't be surprised if the sloppiness of how the place was kept was in relation to the mentality with those who live and run it. And this is the end result. Horrible. How can people in community who are aware of these behaviors put a stop to it before thing get this bad?

     Sean Ironstag writes:
...And a large reason I wasn't there was because I was already mourning the deaths of ones I loved...
Please, for fucks sake, my friends who were there... Please be okay. /sigh
My heart goes out to all those lives lost at this fucking bullshit warehouse party whose organizers are at fault for their bullshit upkeep of safety measures. Shame the fuck on them!
Let this be a lesson, my friends, if you're hosting an event, safety measures aren't bullshit, they're a thing. Make sure they're a fucking thing at your events!
If I'm at your events, and you don't have safety measures in place, I'm going to tear you the fuck up, and shut your event down (I don't care who you are, or how deep our ties go). Period. Fuck your ego when lives are at stake.

     ‪Ariana Jean‬ writes: 
sure but go after people you KNOW are involved not people that arent. Sorry but this person has been very very close to me in my life and has caused so much negativity around me and everything I have ever done for him and his family. ‪Sherry Froman‬ those of us who have tried to help them did and have. You can't talk sense to him he has his own way of doing things, won't listen and will either shit on your name if you help or cause so many problems in your life and will make you feel like everything is entirely your fault so people don't want to help him. a few years ago we all gathered and tried to talk to him, he took it like an attack and turned everything around on everyone like it was our fault. You can't talk sense to a crack addict, not even if his family is on the line over it. We tried and tried and in the end we only got hate and fault put on us. So now we just watch, because you can't help people who think here isn' a problem to begin with.

Call 510-382-3000 if you have any information. That is what Oak FD are requesting at this time to keep emergency phone lines clear.


VIDEO: EAST LONDON MOSQUE Muslim spits in Jayda Fransen s face! Policeman mocks Christianity!
Scum!! Tower Hamlets, completely gone, what a complete shit hole. Nothing but appeasing police, child grooming and sharia take over! Bottom line, anyone that says different is a cunting liar...

Are the Somali refugees funding Terrorism with our tax dollars?
Refugees sending ‘suitcases of welfare cash’ home to Somalia
Men and women pulling “suitcases full of cash” started showing up at Seattle’s Sea-Tac Airport last year holding tickets for international flights bound for Africa.…

The W.K. Kellogg Foundation has partnered with and given millions in donations to George Soros’s Open Society Institute and the Tides Center as part of its massive push to promote a far-left agenda...
#DumpKelloggs Viral Petition:

On November 30th, two hunters discovered a gas pipeline leak on state land. When they called the pipeline company to report the leak, they were informed that nothing could be done until after Christmas.

KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov's warning to America
KGB DEFECTOR YURI BEZMENOV'S WARNING TO AMERICA: 29 YEARS AGO, Soviet defector and KGB operative Yuri Bezmenov, specializing in the fields of Marxist-Leninis...

Another huge Wikileaks dump this one involving the a German inquiry into the surveillance activities of Germany’s foreign intelligence agency The Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) and its cooperation with the United States’ National Security Agency (NSA). We Are Change Original.
Wikileaks Leaks 90GB Of Documents Linking NSA And German BND | We Are Change
Wikileaks has released 90 gigabytes of information in a torrent relating to the German parliamentary inquiry into the surveillance activities of Germany's foreign…

     Power Puppies

“American foreign policy is governed by Israeli interests”, Says US Congressman Keith Ellison
The short audio recording from a 2010 private fundraiser 
was released this week by the Investigative Project on Terrorism, or IPT.

“The United States foreign policy in the Middle
East is governed by what is good or bad through a
country of 7 million people,” Ellison is heard
saying. “A region of 350 million all turns on a
country of 7 million. Does that make sense? Is
that logic? Right? When the Americans who trace
their roots back to those 350 million get involved,
everything changes. Can I say that again?”

read more:
“American foreign policy is governed by Israeli interests”, Says US Congressman Keith Ellison

- - - - - Fri Dec 2 2016  
     #FakeNews ?
The Media War Has Begun...What Side Are You On?


#NoDAPL Drillpad flyover 11/26/16Footage from both drill pads and fly over of the river. Detailed analysis and specs coming soon...

Technology being used: ‪‬

The video in question starts from the maximum expansion of the Roman Empire to get to the birth of Christianity in Europe. It was not my intention to offend any other religion, or to show the abuse of a culture on the other. My page is about the dissemination of culture. history, architecture, Roman language in Italy. I apologize if anyone was offended but it was not my intention.

need biofeedback so folks can realize high gluten junk food puts them to sleep

Help put pressure on regulators to do their job to protect our children from unnecessary exposure to neurotoxins. Add your name in support of our citizen’s petition to the EPA. All signatures collected will be submitted to the EPA as a supportive comment prior to their 90-day response deadline.
Endorse FAN’s Petition Right Now:
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.