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Glass jars bottled food lasts decades. Canned foods NO!

Glass is inert safe Decades long term. 
Stock up now on glass bottled foods before next LA fire storm EMP grid down, earthquake fire, flood, hurricane or World War III Armageddon comes to your town. 
Whichever comes first. Place your bets.

Garage sales end of day + marketplace on
Nextdoor facebook Craigslist etc are ok too. 
When people move, they often leave all behind

Stanford university and area dumpsters graduation week. June are off the hook.

Apartment condo dumpsters end of calendar month often too. 

I’ve been collecting bottled goods glass jars from dumpsters for decades as I live in 
Menlo Park, California
Palo Alto, California 
where stores are wasteful and routinely rotate stock off shelves every day
In the new out with the old
2022 I had stored up enough, food, water, supplies, tools, 
weapons 12 + 20 + 12 + 20 + 100
first aid supplies, camping fuel lanterns, lighters gear to live for a decade off grid bug-in. 


Canned food cans leech BPA plastics Bisphenol A lining inside can is plastic and BPS 

Canned foods kill humans every day with
Botulism from two sources 
1: dent or crease in if severe allows air into can
2: Acidic foods such as pineapple, tomato, chili, peppers, eat through can lining, and can 
1+2: DENTED acid CAN double plus bad ++BAD 


Food bank dumpsters too, as they toss all cans that are dented even shallow. In other words shallow DENTS are OK if date on can is recent and also also with cans, 

you can empty CAN INTO  into a bowl and rinse and inspect can for visual evidence of corrosion at creases corners to determine if air might’ve gotten in, this paragraph is obviously only for extra extra credit but if you were stocking goods in case of the end of the world, you can have milk crates, full of shallow dented cans, which you can then inspect if things fall apart

Things they fall apart. 
America is only 248 years old  HINT HINT HINT 

In other words, you want your glass bottles and one room, earthquake safe, and you can have canned supplies just in case you run out of glass supplies after the end of the world. HINT 

Just as you would have your. Goto eBay STAT 

A drinking water in glass 5 gallon Carboys
A Sealed 5 gallon water bottle s blue a
B drinking water in 1 gallon Crystal Geyser plastic ( better volume to surface ratio) 
B 55 gal blue drums fill with hose water ok drink
B rainwater catchment system 55 gallon drums no drink 
Blue drums block UV sunlight so no algae 
Acquire clean blue 55 gallon drums 
C drinking water in smaller plastic bottles BPA
D tapwater you filled into any and all bottles because you don’t recycle 1 gallon of plastic bottles because you live in earthquake country, and the day will come
F water like plastic bottles that are too many years old to drink but you could use for bathing washing dishes or flushing toilets. Toilets though

Did I mention earthquakes grid down power out and natural disasters? 


LA fire storm EMP grid down, earthquake fire, flood, hurricane or World War III Armageddon comes to your town. 
Whichever comes first. Place your bets.


BPA vs BPS analog 
Did you know canned food manufacturers actually use different BPA codings for different food ingredients

BPA free plastic bottles, 5 gallon and BPA free cans are not safe when BPS is used instead

PPS is an analog of BPA

BPA and later BPS are both toxic paper. 
Ink on paper is the only safe cash register receipt. Ask stores for ink based receipts
The surface of a heat sensitive cash register receipt BPA or BPS coated is 1000 times more toxic than your plastic water bottle

BPA or BPA coated paper is laser etched by cash register which turns micro plastic BPA or BPS beads on paper surfaces Dark to form words, #s

The smooth, slick sensation, you feel handling a cash register receipt is actually millions of tiny spheres of BPA, or BPS, which can rub off, enter your pores, and your bloodstream. 
Yes, this is why the roles of paper for your personal or office, fax machine, or so smooth and slick. Oops. found CVS USPS and Safeway to have the highest BPA levels warned that alcohol hand sanitizer act as a solvent, opening your pores, exposing you to magnitude greater absorption of BPA

BPA is An endocrine disruptor, hormone mimicker 


Unfortunately, the most common replacement chemical in receipt paper is BPS (bisphenol S, or 4,4′-sulfonyldiphenol)--a substitute that appears to be at least as detrimental to human health as BPA. Evidence suggests BPS speeds up embryonic development and disrupts the reproductive system (Qiu et al. 2016).
BPS speeds up embryonic development and disrupts the reproductive system

See also: REDDIT: Trader Joes claimed they would replace BPA and BPS but never did. 
Trader Joe’s spent years stating they use BPA free paper, but try as you may call corporate as you may, Trader Joe’s would never admit to using BPS paper.
Although BPS paper was and is the only alternative to BPA paper
If Heat sensitive paper is to be used

Perhaps you could run another story? To protect People? As BPS is also toxic. Thank you! 
Re: BPS Toxic Also: re: BPA @

example of BPA free green wash 
BPA in Thermal Receipt Paper Products - POS Supply BPA BPS paper#i
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.