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CIA says Covid ‘more likely’ to have leaked from lab
I mean "duh".
China is a big fucking place. Yes the virus may have come from a wet market and a Bat OR it could have come from THAT BIG MOTHERFUCKING BUILDING right next door which is the only BSL4 level virololgy lab in China.
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Cool aerial view of where Covid was likely genetically engineered. The Wuhan Institute of Virology, Wuhan CHINA. Supporting scientific evidence linked below. – MrCrazyNZ
Again China is a large land mass. The Covid outbreak started within 1000m of the Wuhan Institute of Virology which studies gain of function in coronaviruses.
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Senate Enquiry report. Picture shows Spatial distribution of Weibo social media platform users who used COVID-19 assistance channel, a web application people searched when looking for flu-like symptoms, from Dec. 20, 2019 to Jan. 18, 2020, overlaid with location of Huanan Seafood Market and Wuhan Institute of Virology’s campus in central Wuhan. – MrCrazyNZ
The fact our "scientific and political elite" stifled and down played the most obvious explanation is telling.
No wonder no one trusts them anymore.