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Conservative Influencers Duped into Helping Cover-Up For Him - Bogus “Release” of Files Embarrassing 
If anyone is interested in this charade...

HP 2025.03.01 Sat VIDEO 

Mark Dice Anti Zionist reports 4 influencers holding limited, hang out, Epstein file, binders, phase 1:  

DC Drano  
LibsOfTikTok Zionist
Mike Cernovich FED said Isaac Kappy RIP 
Liz Wheeler anti  Zionist?

Mike Cernovich blatant Zionist enabler coverup
Pretend Epstein was not Mossad because FBI would have known.  Mark dice response. Of course FBI know they work hand-in-hand.  
Ghislaine Maxwell‘s father Robert Maxwell was specifically a Mossad CIA double agent reportedly died in suspicious yacht drowning? 
Mike Cernovich MASKhole CovIdiot Cuck Simp
Mike Cernovich fortune via 7 figure settlement from ex-wife wealth of Facebook, IPO 

(Jessica Reed Kraus Zionist acc to ( Ryan Dawson?) Star of David Gold Necklace Pendant.) (not mentioned here by Mark Dice. 
Not in THIS photograph of 4 people?) 


Dan Bongino Deputy Director FBI Trump 47 
Obstructs obfuscates covers up WHICH MIDDLE EASTERN COUNTRY holds EPSTEIN ISLAND videotapes 

Matt Gaetz “ goes slightly further, and again it’s understandable why people don’t want to kick the bees nest it’s a various very dangerous thing to do even pointing out…“ 

Matt Gaetz “ kind of alluding to it, at least not playing dumb like Dan Bongino.”
It was a foreign government. I it was not a domestic enterprise. I’m not gonna say which one. Smirk/smile. 
( cause we know why – Mark dice ) 


Isaac Kappy accused
Jack Prosobeic 
Gabe Hoffman 
Laura Loomer 
Mike Cernovich 
of being a feds 
Isaac Kappy Was then Hillary Clinton or suicided on Route 66 leaving Los Angeles, Californial 

Shadow of Ezra
Isaac Kappy blew the whistle years ago, exposing fake conservatives as unregistered foreign agents for Mossad. 
He warned they were everywhere, orchestrating a massive psychological operation against the American people while protecting the real slave traders. 
"These are really bad f*cking people."

Laura Loomer was on the ground holding microphone, and/or a videographer was photographing her perhaps for CNN or some larger news network in Egypt she was covering a mob crowd scene. 2010 decade?  Then the videographer warned her his battery had run out. Then his light turned off on his video camera, 
Their Egyptian guide/translator informed Laura Loomer they had to go. No longer safe.
then she was raped by scores of Egyptian men. 

For this tragic rape in Egypt, Egyptian men of our white American woman, I feel incredibly sad and tragic loss for her spirit and soul. For this, I’ve had great empathy for her over decades, as I attempt to warn Americans about the un vetted immigration of millions of illegal immigrants into the USA,
15,000,000 unwed 1 million illegal immigrants during four years of Biden administration 2020 through 2024

I am afraid leftists do not understand men from India generally do not share more common American values of consent. 

It really saddens me that FETLIFE hypocritical platform pretends to be about consent as if they care, 

Fetlife Constantly destroys the speech of activists in the Center or Center right who question the repercussions of this unlimited immigration

Democratic leftist party USA  had an intervention November 5, 2024, but they still didn’t wake up. They still just don’t get it. They somehow think that they are correct and that 
 questioning is not allowed for their beliefs.

Never has a political party been so intolerant 

in the history of the United States of America as the current political echo chamber 

For the hearing impaired

Laura Loomer was raped by scores or hundreds of men in Egypt, who gang raped her when the battery died and the video camera light turned off because Egyptian men do not value a woman’s sovereignty

Import The third world

Become the third world


Isaac Kappy video on Twitter states these are feds
Laura Loomer
Mike Cernovich
Guy #3 graham or Gabby sumpin
Then Isaac Kappy got Hillary Clintoned on route 66 unalive suicided
After exposing Hollywood pedo network
Sean, P. Diddy, combs


Mark dice was DE platformed hard last decade. Therefore I appreciate today HP covering him.

Mark dice was DEplatformed so hard that I even momentarily forgot his name in a brain fart which I keep track of in my Apple notes one of 2300 documents so I can track how long minutes hours or days it takes my brain to remember a chunk of data

There are other names I have also lost because they disappeared from social media after woke left IBTARDS, Karen’s tyrannical authoritarian fascist deleted these content providers from most all of our common social media, last decade, and this decade

Left Democratic party of America are the domain of projection, denial, gaslighting, censorship violence, hatred

This irony is lost on the left as they frequently say, they would like to punch a Nazi with complete blindness to the fact that they are the new Nazis,  as it were , who are burning books, denying free, speech, espousing violence, with complete intolerance for political views that do not line up with theirs
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.