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Mannheim Germany Islam Knife Terror Attack 
Migrant stabs anti-Islam activist Michael Stürzenberger and policeman at rally in Mannheim, Germany. Follow: AF Post @AFpost
Islamic Islamacist Terrorist Terrorism Stab Stabbing Jihadi Quran Extremist May 31 2024 

This photo from 2024 is perhaps the perfect visual representation of Germany: 
A police officer subduing the victim of an Islamist attack while the Islamist, who had been detained by patriotic citizens, broke free and stabbed the police officer in the back, killing him. Visegrád 24 @visegrad24 

Full links planttrees.Org 2025 2.23 videos pics

Leading German Islam critic Michael Stürzenberger narrowly escaped a prison sentence, where his life would have been in danger, on appeal in Hamburg last Monday. Despite Stürzenberger’s having been the victim of an Islamic knife attack that killed a police officer in May, the Hamburg court sentenced him to a fine of €3600 for criticizing mass Islamic immigration.

In May 2024, an Afghan “refugee” named Sulaiman Ataee attacked and injured Germany’s most prominent Islam critic, Michael Stürzenberger, with a knife and killed police officer Rouven Laur, who had intervened to protect Stürzenberger, in Mannheim, Germany (Gateway reported).

I must point out this German cop died because these German cops are disarming German citizens every day who then cannot protect themselves, nor the cops against these violent knife stabbing fake asylum seeking Islamic violent terrorists, 
killing thousands of European citizens each year 

Indy Skyze
Inaccurate. The person the officer tackled, was punching the person who was holding down the attacker.

Freie Nachrichten 
The man under the policeman from Stürzenberger's team punched the person who was holding the Islamist at bay. The policeman helped the hero. The hero was not a German patriot, but a migrant himself. Unlike the perpetrator, however, he was a Christian. 
Details in video.

Video #1 #2 info, dense, extremely rich content, absolutely necessary in police training of any officers expecting to engage with Islamic terrorists in EU OR USA 

German cop died because he attacked the German citizen who was attacking an Islamic terrorist?
Is it then karma? That this German cop died for attacking the wrong person?

Female German cop, then shoots Islamic knife, attacker with gun.
Female German cop, then immediately holsters her gun. No, American cop would ever reholster so quickly after shooting a knife attacker.
Most all American cops would maintain a bead on knife attacker at gunpoint, until such time as threat could be believed to be neutralized or handcuffed. 
Female, German cop action represents the absolute totality of German cuckold to illegal, immigrant, fake asylum seekers, stabbing innocent Germans with knives because they are just misunderstood and should be bought an ice cream cone and given free cars, hotels, and liberty to slaughter and decapitate German citizens, even if they are only moderate head choppers. 

Islamic terrorist gangs, running packs with large numbers, murdering more German citizens as cops are not able to sort out the scene quick enough when these knife wielding terrorists attack German citizens, that is why the cop died

German cops would not die if these terrorists were deported and or shot on site. 

Hundreds of Germans have been slaughtered by these Islamic terrorists  

Deportation, rem migration is the solution

Extermination would also be OK

In Germany today, the Islamic terrorist rapist walks free while the woman who criticized her rapist online sits in jail. 

This is why the AFD won the election. 

They left in America and EU have gone bat shit crazy insane

The left our receiving in preventions by way of vote, yet choose to remain in fantasy land of delusion, denial, and sleep ignorance.

A few humans can comprehend how fast these attacks happen.
Female German police officer shot the Islamist, who stabbed her mail officer, colleague, upper back and neck killing male police officer acting in one second

Few humans understand the trauma and speed of these incidents. Therefore, more human critics should participate in a shoot no shoot police scenario demonstration to realize the extreme difficulty of making judgment calls in these scenarios.

Human critics, criticize for shooting Black people, etc. should participate in shoot don’t shoot police exercises to understand the difficulty of making judgment calls in the situations where police are required to make keen observations, determining nature of any object, pulled out of pants or pocket by any perpetrator or suspect. Not easy. Not fun. Deadly consequences. Police officers die every day if they hesitate for a fraction of a second.
Police officer after BLM. Bullshit are now afraid to shoot, armed black suspect.
Police officers are now dying frequently due to this sad hesitation caused by BLM burning down cities across America

Regarding Germany police officer, stabbed and killed by Islamist attacker:,

Sadly now vigilanteeism may increase by victimized individuals, who perceive:
  in, an Islamist attack, you were better off, killing Islamist attacker anonymously, and fleeing the scene with a facemask or other cover for identity.  than pretending any justice will be served by turning the Islamist over to the German police, who are most often cucked incompetent and likely to turn on German citizens and arrest them, jail them, rather than the Islamist attacker as shown by numerous fraudulent cases in Germany, where rapist, murderer or attacker is set free, while critics of immigration are in jail today. 

Although this Germany case is far to rapid sadly resulting in death of police officer. This case does not illustrate the point which is routinely illustrated in England and UK, where police protect the Islamic attacker and jail the innocent, native English citizen for “hate speech “ if they raise concerns about immigration. 

Therefore, we need vigilante gangs to kill the violent rapist and murderer. Fake asylum seekers as justice will not be served by incompetent criminal, fraudulent, treasonous, fake police forces, who do not serve the citizens of Germany. 
These police serve George Soros, and Angela Merkel rapist and murderer, immigration policies per 
Kalergi plan
Great replacement 
White genocide 

Crazy Vibes
Europe 2025, very accurate 

Hugh Jaynus
It is hard to have any kind of sympathy for that officer. He was literally subduing the good guy (protestor), while the bad guy (terrorist) that the officer is “defending” murders him. 
That is the textbook definition of getting stabbed in the back. 
Again, it is real hard to find any type of sympathy for the police officer. 

@turbo truth
wow, had to make that shareable. 

TritonTaranis 𝕏 

Don L
When the time comes, and with no specific dates, they as a people (who privately talk about the long-term plans to take over) are all aware of what they must do to usurp their host countries. I don't understand why there's sympathy for groups that won't assimilate. (Breed 

For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.