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John Leake Courageouse Discourse Substack 

Hunter Biden Drops Lawsuit Against Trump's Former Aide
The former president's son -- now homeless and mired in debt -- resembles the British King George IV without the latter's style. 2025.03.09 

Hunter Biden homeless 

After Hunter Biden’s two $4 million rental homes were destroyed in LA fires California

John Leake Courageouse Discourse Substack


NATO Admits Casus Belli was NATO Enlargement
Sept. 2023 video of NATO secretary Jens Stoltenberg telling EU Parliament that Russia invaded Ukraine to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO. 2025.02.26


Wuhan: New Coronavirus with Pandemic Potential Discovered
Zheng-Li Shi & WIV team announce: "Bat-infecting merbecovirus HKU5-CoV lineage 2 can use human ACE2 as a cell entry receptor" 2.21

John Leake Courageouse Discourse Substack


Pilot of Black Hawk Was Biden White House Social Aide
Capt. Rebecca M. Lobach was involved in many activities in D.C. apart from practicing her pilot skills.

John Leake Courageouse Discourse Feb 2 2025

The identity of the pilot in command of the Black Hawk helicopter has been disclosed to the public. Rebbeca M. Lobach, 28, of Durham, North Carolina was a Company Executive Officer of the 12th Aviation Battalion, Division Army Airfield, Fort Belvoir, Virginia.
Until recently, she also served as a “White House Military Social Aide, volunteering to support the President and First Lady at countless social events” (see full statement of her family below).
Recently she escorted Ralph Lauren in the ceremony to receive his Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Joe Biden.
Her profile suggests that she was a bright, attractive, and socially gifted young woman, which made her a desirable person for showcasing the military’s commitment to having women in military roles that were previously occupied exclusively by men.
The trouble with these social and political activities is that performing them doesn’t sharpen one’s piloting skills.
It’s going to be tough for the Army to explain why it was training a woman with only 500 hours of experience—supported by a crew of only three (instead of a safer crew of four)—while wearing night vision goggles on the tight approach path to a busy commercial airport while exceedingly the altitude ceiling by almost 2X. This situation strikes me as inherently risky with little margin for error.


Army Black Hawk Was On Training Flight
Squadron primarily used for transporting VIPs around D.C. was apparently familiarizing new pilot with area. Jan 30 2025

John Leake Courageouse Discourse Substack

Last night, shortly before 9pm ET, an American Airlines flight carrying 64 people was on its final approach to Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport when it collided with an Army helicopter with three soldiers on board, about 400 feet off the ground, killing everyone on both aircraft.
The Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk had departed from Fort Belvoir in Virginia with a flight path that cut directly across the flight path of Reagan National Airport
This final approach is probably the most carefully controlled in the world, as it it lies three miles south of the White House and the Capitol.
According to various media reports, military aircraft frequently train in the congested airspace around D.C. for “familiarization and continuity of government planning.”
Less than 30 seconds before the crash, an air traffic controller asked the helicopter, whose callsign was registered as PAT25, if he could see the arriving plane.
'PAT25 do you see a CRJ? PAT 25 pass behind the CRJ,' the air traffic controller said. A few seconds later, a fireball erupted in the night sky above Washington DC as the two aircraft collided.
Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth issued the following statement on X:
It seems that Blackhawks from the 12th Aviation Battalion out of Davison Army Airfield are primarily used for shuttling VIPs around the D.C. area. The following appears to be a helicopter from this battalion. 
On the face of it, it strikes me as very imprudent to conduct training flights at night that cross the final approach to Reagan D.C. To me, the word “training” suggests a potential for making errors that an instructor is called upon to correct.
It also strikes me as very strange that Army Blackhawk helicopters operating in this airspace at night are not required to operate with bright external lights, especially when crossing the final approach to Reagan D.C.
Finally, though it’s nothing more than a vague intuition, it seems to me that there is something very strange about this disaster and the timing of it. I wonder if, for some reason, risk management of such training activities was impaired. 


Why Did the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) Fail?
Defense Secretary Hegseth should ask about the Blackhawk's transponder and if the Blackhawk was equipped with TCAS.  Jan 30

John Leake Courageouse Discourse Substack

A major question that has arisen is why the AA aircrafts TCAS apparently didn’t detect the Blackhawk’s transponder. The AA aircraft was certainly equipped with TCAS, which interrogates the transponders of nearby aircraft. 

It appears that the AA flight was executing a left turn to line up for the runway. In this position, visibility to the right would have been limited. The final approach to Reagan also requires a lot of concentration. The pilots were apparently completely unaware of the presence of the Blackhawk.
Another, related question is if the Blackhawk was equipped with TCAS. A retired Naval aviator friend just texted:
I have a friend that flew H60s [Navy iteration of the Blackhawk] who said TCAS had been on their "unfunded requests" list for years.
I hope that Defense Secretary Hegseth will ask about the Blackhawk’s transponder and if the Blackhawk was equipped with TCAS. I suspect that the answer to the latter question is no, it was not.
I suspect that the disaster is a perfect example of why Blackhawks—at least Blackhawks operating around DC—SHOULD be equipped with TCAS. 


Mangione's Purported "Manifesto"
Note allegedly found on alleged assassin is not a Ted Kaczynski style manifesto, but a self-incriminating document. Wed Dec 11

On June 11, 2023—the day after Ted Kaczynski died—the Washington Post published a report headlined Before he was the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski was a mind-control test subject. As was noted in the report:
Kaczynski entered Harvard University as a 16-year-old on a scholarship, after skipping the sixth and 11th grades. It was there that he was subjected to an experiment run by Harvard psychologist Henry A. Murray that was backed by the Central Intelligence Agency. Though he graduated with a mathematics degree, later completing a doctorate in the field before becoming a professor, questions remain over whether — or to what extent — he was affected by the experiment, which reportedly involved mock interrogations in which participants’ beliefs were harshly disparaged.
Murray’s study was widely reported to be part of a CIA program code-named Project MK-Ultra, inspired by the use of mind-control techniques on U.S. prisoners of war in Korea by the Soviet Union, China and North Korea. The program sought to understand how to control subjects’ minds, sometimes using substances such as LSD, according to a document the CIA made publicly available in 2018. (There has not been evidence to suggest LSD or similar substances were used at Harvard on Kaczynski.) …
CIA Director Richard Helms ordered the destruction of many files related to MK-Ultra in 1973. Nevertheless, Kaczynski disclosed some of his apparent involvement in the study in correspondence from prison with the professor Alston Chase, who later wrote a book about the Unabomber.
Chase argued in a June 2000 article in the Atlantic magazine that Kaczynski’s experiences at Harvard — his studies, overlapping with his roughly three-year participation in Murray’s experiment — helped create the Unabomber.
“Thus did Kaczynski’s Harvard experiences shape his anger and legitimize his wrath,” wrote Chase, who died in 2022. “By the time he graduated, all the elements that would ultimately transform him into the Unabomber were in place …”
I have long been fascinated by the the question of how and why Ted Kaczynski—a childhood prodigy—was driven to commit homicidal acts that he—a man of exceptional intelligence—had to have understood were completely vain and wouldn’t change a thing about our “Industrial Society and its Future.” Such was the title of his 35,000-word “manifesto” that set forth his rationale for his 1978–1995 mail bomb campaign.
Kaczynski’s manifesto states that the public accepts sweeping technological change as entirely positive, and never stops to consider the deleterious consequences of technology , including its undermining of individual freedom and autonomy.
This morning I woke up to the news that fellow Substack author Ken Klippenstein has obtained a copy of what he calls “Luigi Mangioni’s Manifesto” and has published it on his Substack (see Exclusive: Luigi's Manifesto). The following is an exact reproduction of the document that Mr. Klippenstein published.
To the Feds, I'll keep this short, because I do respect what you do for our country. To save you a lengthy investigation, I state plainly that I wasn't working with anyone. This was fairly trivial: some elementary social engineering, basic CAD, a lot of patience. The spiral notebook, if present, has some straggling notes and To Do lists that illuminate the gist of it. My tech is pretty locked down because I work in engineering so probably not much info there. I do apologize for any strife of traumas but it had to be done. Frankly, these parasites simply had it coming. A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy. United is the [indecipherable] largest company in the US by market cap, behind only Apple, Google, Walmart. It has grown and grown, but as our life expectancy? No the reality is, these [indecipherable] have simply gotten too powerful, and they continue to abuse our country for immense profit because the American public has allwed them to get away with it. Obviously the problem is more complex, but I do not have space, and frankly I do not pretend to be the most qualified person to lay out the full argument. But many have illuminated the corruption and greed (e.g.: Rosenthal, Moore), decades ago and the problems simply remain. It is not an issue of awareness at this point, but clearly power games at play. Evidently I am the first to face it with such brutal honesty.
Firstly, it seems to me that that this note is not a manifesto along the lines of what Ted Kaczynski sent to the New York Times and Washington Post in June 1995 with the assertion that if the editors didn’t publish it, more people would die.
The note’s first line addresses “the Feds” and states that he “wasn’t working with anyone.” Did Mangione really believe that the Feds would take his word for it? To be sure, in our current whacky world, it wouldn’t surprise if the Feds do take his word for it — i.e., “Thanks Luigi, this really saves us a lot of shoe leather.”
The rest of the document is equally childish and platitudinous. The line, “Frankly, these parasites simply had it coming,” is merely a hateful cliche. The only intriguing thing about it is the plural form of the word “parasites” does not specifically refer to Brian Thompson.
If this document really was written by Mangione, it suggests he has suffered a profound mental breakdown and perhaps even some form of brain damage.
The note purportedly found with Mangione is best characterized as a self-incriminating document that he inexplicably kept on his person six days after UHC CEO Brian Thompson was shot in Midtown Manhattan.
As I have noted in earlier posts, he was spotted dining in a McDonald’s (280 miles from the crime scene in Midtown Manhattan) wearing the same outfit he was photographed wearing as he got into a taxi on the Upper West Side shortly after Thompson was shot. When he was arrested, he had—in addition to this incriminating document—multiple incriminating objects in his possession, including a 9 mm pistol and multiple fake IDs, including the fake ID he purportedly used to check into the Upper West Side hostel.

As of this writing, there are no news reports of the New York Times and Washington Post receiving a copy of this document with the demand that it be published. Judging by what has so far been disclosed to the media, it seems that Mangione preferred to keep it on his person.
In addition to legal counsel, I hope Mangione is being properly examined by a top mental health professional who is entirely free of state interests and influence. By this I mean, NOT a psychiatrist like Dr. Louis Jolyon West, who was commissioned to examine Jack Ruby. As some readers may know, Dr. West was a key figure in running the CIA’s MK Ultra program while he was at Cornell University and when he chairman of the department of Psychiatry at the University of Oklahoma.

An Assassin's Pistol and a Possible Motive
The killer of Brian Thompson favored silence over speed. Dec 8 2024 

John Leake Courageouse Discourse Substack

Many viewers of the surveillance footage of the murder of Brian Thompson perceived the assassin to be using a semi-automatic pistol and to have experienced multiple cartridge jams that required him to cycle the bolt manually. More likely he used a non-auto-ejecting, single-shot bolt action pistol. The advantage of this design is that it drives all of the combustion down the barrel and into the integrated silence instead of bleeding gas off to cycle the bolt, which is considerably louder.
In other words, the assassin apparently favored silence over speed, and the weapon he chose may have been the following.

STATION SIX NINE manual bolt action 9mm Pistol 

As the weapon is described on the manufacturer’s website.
This updated, integrally suppressed pistol features a new grip and updated magazines, yet maintains its non-descript appearance, whisper-quiet sound signature and unique rotating bolt operation. This model in 9mm wears a 3-in. barrel. It finds its operational success as a magazine-fed, non-auto-ejecting single-shot functioning in a rotational bolt action.
The “whisper-quiet” sound made this weapon perfect for shooting someone on a Midtown Manhattan sidewalk without drawing attention. If Thompson had not approached the Hilton (he was staying at a different hotel) when another person was standing outside the entrance, drinking a coffee, it’s likely that no one would have noticed the shooting for several seconds or even minutes.
The gunman apparently knew that Thompson was not staying at the Hilton but would be walking into the Hilton between 6:30 and 7:00 a.m. Note that this is fairly precise intelligence.
Why did the assassin choose the extremely risky enterprise of shooting Thompson in Midtown Manhattan instead of waiting for a lower risk opportunity near the UCH CEO’s home in Minneapolis? To me, this suggests the motive to eliminate Thompson arose shortly before he attended the conference in New York.
This brings me back to my musings in my original post about this murder. If I were an NYPD homicide detective, I would consider the working hypothesis that Thompson was planning to disclose information or make an announcement at the conference that someone with power wished to remain concealed.
Yet another (wildly speculative) theory is that the assassin is somehow linked with an intelligence agency that wished to eliminate Thompson because he knows too much about U.S. federal health agency corruption. During the pandemic, Thompson was CEO of UHC’s government programs, including Medicare and retiree coverage, and community and state programs providing Medicaid and other types of coverage to millions of individuals.
Medicare and Medicaid fraud assumed monstrous proportions with the passage of the CARES Act of March 25, 2020. As we noted in our book The Courage to Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex:

- SNIP - 

Brinkmanship: Ukraine Hits Target Inside Russia with U.S. Ballistic Missiles

Donald Trump Jr. expresses alarm; Alex Soros expresses delight. NOV 19 
John Leake Courageouse Discourse Substack

The following map is a conspicuous illustration of why Russia has, since the Bucharest NATO Summit in 2008, stated its staunch opposition to Ukraine joining NATO. If you thought Cuba was uncomfortably close to the Pentagon to host a Soviet missile base in 1962, consider that Cuba is about 1100 miles from Washington D.C., while the northeast corner of Ukraine is about 350 miles from Moscow.

4 images including ATACM missile strike map X

Peter McCullough John Leake vaers data

MRNA vax agenda push. Secret agenda. 
6 deaths attributed to NovaVax. FDA HOLD
39,000 deaths attributed to other vaccines 

US Government Investigation and Scientific Statements Concerning Community Water Fluoridation
MAHA Should Slow Down, Frame the Issue, Convene Stakeholders, Build Consensus, then Come to Sound Public Health Policy Decisions
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH Nov 10

Stunning Revelations in Massive Robert Koch Institute Leak
Breathtaking November 2 presentation in the German Parliament. John Leake. Nov 9 
Substack courageous discourse

A massive leak of internal e-mails and memos from Germany’s Robert Koch Institute (federal agency and research institute for controlling infectious disease) reveals that the institute's scientists understood that virtually every aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic response was NOT guided by science, but by political machinations to spread fear, control the population, and promote the experimental vaccines. On November 2, 2024, Professor Stefan Homburg gave a presentation on the leaked documents in the German Parliament. 
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.