Dee’s substack DEE DEE 2025.03
"In a million years, I would not take a flu shot" HHS Director RFK Jr.
Observations from a nurse
Dee’s substack DEE DEE 2025.03.09 Sun
HHS Direct RFK Jr. said:
In a million years, I would not take the flu shot and I’ll tell you why. This is what Cochrane and BMJ have found. People who take the flu shot are 4.4X more likely to get a non-flu infection. The flu shot gives you pathogenic priming. It injuries your immune system so you are more likely to get a non-flu viral, upper respiratory infection . The pentagon published a study in Jan this year, in which they said, “The flu shot not only primes you for flu, it primes you for coronavirus”. They had a placebo group and vaccine group, they found the people who got the flu shot were 36% more likely to get the Coronavirus and that’s not a lone study. We found 6 other major studies that said the same thing.
I’m still unconvinced that the jab doesn’t contain the pathogen causing the illness, but either way, not taking it.
Thank-you RFK Jr.
Covid-19 Crossword Puzzle
Observations from a nurse
Dee’s substack DEE DEE 2025.03.03 Mon
"Fauci Going To Jail?"
Observations from a nurse
Dee’s substack DEE DEE
Perhaps one of the most extreme examples of patient blame that exists, can be found in a condition known as preeclampsia. Ever since the Covid vaccines, we’ve observed an upward trend, along with emergency deliveries and preterm babies going into the intensive care.
They are now suggesting preeclampsia is an allergy to being pregnant.
Maternal allergy as an isolated risk factor for early-onset preeclampsia: An epidemiological study
Welcome to 2025. This graphic is based on real observations in the workplace illustrating the unspoken & unspeakable,
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell…
We know the unspoken rules and find them unspeakable!
We’ve become a country where the government decides whose voice is allowed to be heard. The virus is communism. The unspoken rule is you are not allowed to think or speak against the narrative, despite what you observe.
The language of silence - informed choice means sticking your neck out.
Hope lies in the fact workers continues to share and agree that informed choice is the heart of medicine. Patients have a right to know pros and cons of any treatment. The patient asks questions and their decision is respected.
Covid has eroded trust by denying informed consent.
There is some hope. Although these conversations are in private, they are occurring. Points of view shared include: regret from taking the “vaccine”, how government has ruined trust in medicine, how people are now refusing all vaccines as a silent protest, and why no one is asking the tough questions…
What is causing the preeclampsia, PIH, post-birth hypertension and increase in NICU admissions due to these conditions and others? The doctors are treating the conditions but no one is addressing the cause…
Unspeakable Things that need to be spoken
McFall v. Shimp and the Case for Bodily Autonomy
Written By Alexia Ingram
The case, McFall v. Shimp (1978), ruled that a person could not be legally compelled to participate in medical treatment to save another person's life. 2025.01.02
Dee’s substack DEE DEE › @deedee1
McFall v. Shimp Case for Bodily Autonomy
Written By Alexia Ingram
McFall v. Shimp (1978), ruled that a person could not be legally compelled to participate in medical treatment 2025.01.02 270
UHC secret cost cutting towards autism
Observations from a nurse Sat Dec 28 2024
United Healthcare Brian Thompson CEO
Politicians who died in 2024
Observations from a nurse Sun Dec 15 2024
57 musicians 40 NFL players 3 politicians 2024
300 Hollywood actors died in 2024
12. Sudden deaths a week among young people.
US infant deaths rise for the first time in decades 2024
40 NFL Players who died so far in 2024
Observations from a nurse 10:50 YouTube Video
57 Musicians who died in 2024-with cause of death
Observations from a nurse 14:27 YouTube Video
Dee’s substack DEE DEE Tuesday Dec 10 2024
300 Hollywood Actors Who Died in 2024
Observations from a nurse 20:13 YouTube Video
Dee’s substack DEE DEE Tuesday Dec 10 2024
Sure it’s not related to the Covid death jabs(s)…while silence and promotion continues…
Brain Tumors-Brought to you by Despicable Pfizer!
Observations from a nurse
Observations Dee’s substack DEE DEE Dec 11
Pfizer Accused of Hiding Contraceptive's Brain Tumor Link
Pfizer Inc. failed to warn patients that its injectable contraceptive drug Depo-Provera can increase the risk of developing brain tumors, a new lawsuit alleged.
“For several decades the manufacturers and sellers of Depo-Provera and its authorized generic and generic analogues” had a responsibility to investigate whether the medication could contribute to the growth of brain tumors, according to the complaint filed Monday in the US District Court for the Central District of California.
Plaintiff Taylor Devorak alleged that researchers have found Depo-Provera and similar progesterone medications have been linked to a greater incidence of brain tumors called intracranial meningioma. She’s seeking damages on her failure-to-warn, defective design, negligence, misrepresentation, and breach of warranty claims against the pharmaceutical giant.
Devorak’s complaint comes in the wake of a handful of substantially similar lawsuits filed in other federal courts in California and Indiana in recent weeks.
“Depo-Provera has been an FDA-approved medication for more than 30 years and has been a safe and effective treatment option for millions of patients during that time. The company will vigorously defend these lawsuits,” a spokesperson for the company said Tuesday.
The American label for Depo-Provera “still makes no mention of the increased risk to patients of developing intracranial meningiomas,” even though the EU and UK now list meningioma under the medication’s warning section, Devorak’s complaint said.
Devorak cited a 2024 study published in the British Medical Journal that said prolonged use of medroxyprogesterone acetate medications like Depo-Provera were found to significantly increase the risk of developing intracranial meningioma.
Pfizer didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.
Devorak is represented by Weitz & Luxenberg PC.
The case is Devorak v. Pfizer Inc., C.D. Cal., No. 5:24-cv-02349, complaint filed 11/4/24.
Brain Tumors, Brought to you by Despicable Pfizer!
Why would I trust thee COVID “vaccine”? Let me count the ways…
Dee’s substack DEE DEE › @deedee1
Fauci's $15M security detail Dec 5 2024
Dr. Anthony Fauci has $15M security detail after retirement
Protection from the highest levels.
Confirms everything I already knew…
Deny…Depose…and Defend
Gunman kills CEO of United Healthcare
Observations Dee’s substack DEE DEE Dec 5
We know grave injustices occurred during COVID-19 without ANY justice YET for the maimed and dead. I’m not an advocate for violence EVER, but is it possible, this was the gunman’s answer?
He left these 3 words behind as a clue.
Deny…Depose…and Defend
COVID-19, Base Rate Fallacy
Observations from a nurse
Dee’s substack DEE DEE Dec 5 2024
It didn’t matter that the vaccinated people should not have ended up in the hospital as a result of the “vaccine” OR DIED…it didn’t matter that the “unvaccinated” where not getting sick except in close contact to the recently “vaccinated”, and it most certainly didn’t matter there was no pandemic observed before the “vaccines”…NOTHING mattered, no questions were allowed, we were told “nurses are stupid”.
We Were Not Supposed To Think
And this is how bad things happen…
Foot in mouth disease strikes North America
Stop press. Break Trance. Attend at once.
Dee’s substack DEE DEE › @deedee1