foods to prevent BrainFog 2025 3.11 Tue Mar 11 2025
Globally, mostly everyone is becoming tired due to some combination of
Chemfog chemtrails with Nanotech and bacteria parasites
Nanotech, SV40 Covid viruses in jabs vaccines from Moderna Pfizer
Nanotech in Dental Anästhesie Flu Tetanus Measles Vax
GMO Bayer Monsanto roundup glyphosate weed killer
Folate or folic acid added to wheat products in America USA
5G, microwave, smart, meter, cell phone router, EMF sickness
Junk food, chemicals processed foods when we should be eating actual Whole Foods grown locally organic
Follow me on my platform S and also look at my website. I discuss these issues a lot.
A good first step would be to try the elimination diet quit out American wheat for one month stop cold
You can also quit other things you think that are threatening you then after 30 days you can try that American American wheat flower and if it puts you to sleep, then you know you’re having an allergic or metabolic reaction to it so you know it was a problem that’s how you do the elimination diet you add in one thing at a time to test for body or brain reaction ie: lethargy
I believe American florae and folic acid plus GMO are main problem for most Americans, although I also recommend:
Moderation or elimination of :
HFC high fructose corn syrup
HFC high fructose corn syrup RENAMED CornSugar
High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), also known as glucose–fructose, isoglucose and glucose–fructose syrup, is a sweetener made from corn starch.
Aspartame NutraSweet aminosweet Splenda sucralose Sacharin
Highly processed foods really any processed food from Safeway is going to be a chemical crap storm
Fake meat is absolutely to avoid because it is GMO chemical crap storm
Better Options:
Trader Joe’s is far healthier than Safeway Kroger Albertsons. Inc
as the ingredients are just food whereas Safeway ingredients are chemicals
Regardless of whether you are vegan vegetarian omnivore, carnivore you really need local organic whole food sources
Moderation in all things. I’ve experimented with veganism and vegetarianism throughout my life although now I am seeing valid arguments for carnivore and keto type diets
we’ve learned a lot from Atkins and other recent studies in the last two decades this century,
see also: re: keto. And deep nutrition info
Local organic eggs may be the most important thing to get into your body. Personally, I also believe in local organic dairy. Meats ok too
I don’t eat much meat just because it’s not logistically happening for me right now, but I see people who eat
Meat and eggs, maybe some dairy as being among the healthiest I’m observing in America today
Again, I believe in moderation so I’m doing a lot of cheese and organic bean lentil chickpea garbanzo hummus, type stuff.
that’s just my predicament, geographically, etc.
I am not opposed to clean organic local non GMO vegetables and fruit as these can be part of a healthy diet to avoid brain fog. In fact, the vitamin mineral nutritional healing qualities are well documented.
EWG foodbabe organic
Resources (40 years of study) is vital info to save your life
FDA EPA USDA CDC should all be dismantled and criminally prosecuted corruption, fraud,
willingly knowingly destroying lives
Dr Eric Berg @dr_ericberg
Dr Eric Berg @dr_ericberg |