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Peter McCullough MD

Bird Flu "Foul Play" Exposed on The HighWire
Dr. McCullough on Serial Passage, Clade, Mild B3.13 and More Serious D1.1 Variants

Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH 2025.03.12 Wed

Clade from Athens, Georgia USDA, bio security level 4 research lab has spread to 50 mammals, including dolphin off coast of Florida

GOF of function studies on mallard ducks, USDA Athens GA mallards now contaminate most every farm regardless of whether they cull 1 million birds or not 

Herd, or natural immunity would be more sensible as most birds build persistence
Killing entire flock, prevents immune response to build herd natural immunity

B3.13 Pink Eye Mild Strain affecting poultry workers, calling 1 million dead birds after CAFO suffocation due to worker close contact with fecal matter dust dander in confined conditions

D1.1 Female teen BC survives. Alabama man dies. Vietnam Toddler 

Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH 2025.03.12 Wed


Mosquitos Harnessed to Vaccinate Humans without Consent
New England Journal of Medicine Report of Malaria Vaccine Delivered by Mosquito Bites

Peter McCullough MD Thu Jan 9 2025

By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
It seems as if the world of vaccinology has ramped up to a feverish pitch with amplified research, massive funding, and no limit to the extent in which vaccines could be injected into humans. Dr. McCullough was a December 31, 2024, guest on the Grant Stinchfield Podcast to review research using mosquitos to deliver vaccines to humans through their nasty bites in the skin.
Lamers et al described experiments where mosquitos were laced with a malaria vaccine and then normal human volunteers went through three session of 50 bites each to get “vaccinated.” It took only five bites to give the subjects a case of controlled malaria infection.

Stinchfield raised the ethical considerations of this line of development where mosquitos released into nature essentially like flying syringes could vaccinate people without informed consent, no control over dose, prior immunity, and no ability to recognize or report side effects. Please enjoy this interview which also includes a review and clips from mosquito labs around the world demonstrating the massive resources poured into this line of development unfortunately with very poor biosecurity in some parts of the world.


Congressional Committee Fails to Recommend Special Prosecutors
Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Falls Short of Calling for Justice

Parents Hesitant to Vaccinate Children for COVID-19
Up to 95% Rates of Resistance to Unsafe, Ineffective, and Unnecessary mRNA Vaccines in Children

Peter McCullough MD Dec 5 2024

2021 Most Dangerous Vaccines. 2022 Safer. 

Early COVID-19 Therapeutics Suppressed to Prepare the World to Accept Mass Vaccination
Dr. McCullough with Kap Chatfield on Directed Life

Peter McCullough MD

Legislative Efforts to Restrict Seed and Vegetable Oil Trans Fats in Food
MAHA Movement Could Realize Common AHA, WHO, FDA Goal 15 years Later  over 8

COVID-19 Vaccine Spike Antibodies Found in Semen
Ejaculate is Likely "Spiked" with Unbound, Pathogenic Protein in the Vaccinated
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH Nov 1 2024

"Five lots had high outliers for death (i.e., EL0140, EL9261, EL3248, EN9581, and EJ1686); four for serious (EK4176, EK5730, EH9899, and EJ1685), and five for ALL SAEs (EK5730, EH9899, EK4176, EK9231, and EJ1685). These vaccinations were the first to be distributed in December 2020 and early 2021."

Pfizer Batch Code Starting with"E" Means "Everyone is Potentially at Risk"

Exploring COVID-19 vaccine adverse events among pregnant women: a cross-sectional
study, 2022 Peter McCullough MD

Detox Protocol from Spike Proteins of CV19jabVax
Bromelain from Pineapple
Curcumin from Turmeric 
Use as YouTube is biased propaganda 
Use as DuckDuckGo is now bad as Google?
Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH | Substack

McCullough Protocol Base Spike Detoxification
Fundamental in Resolving Long-COVID and Managing Vaccine Injury Syndromes:
International College of Integrative Medicine 40th Cellular Detoxification Conference
Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
Sep 30 is an actual search engine that does not serve up Wolk leftist, Libtard, PR dogma, propaganda spin as Google Does

I Choose ecosia as my first, and then would use if is not available. Has not happened yet. 

But I am open to feedback in case either of these two websites change in the future

I bailed on DuckDuckGo because they became compromised just like Google. 

BSD Treatment Protocol Spike Protein 2024.09.30 Peter McCullough MD
Bromelain: 500 mg once-daily
: Anti-intammatory
• Anticoagulant 
Nattokinase: 2000 FU twice-daily
*   Proteolytic
*   Thrombolytic
*   Anti-atherosclerotic
Curcumin: 500 mg twice-daily
*   Antiviral
*   Anti-inflammatory
*   Anti-fibrotic
All orally administered empirically for 3-12 months or longer.
May adjust dose and titrate to clinical response.
If antinuclear antibody (ANA) positive
Hydroxychloroquine:200 mg twice-daily
If Pleurodynia Consider Colchicine:0.6 mg 1X daily

BSD Treatment Protocol 2024 Sep 30
Bromelain: 500 mg once-daily
Anti-intammatory Anticoagulant
Curcumin: 500 mg twice-daily AntiViral AntiInflamatory AntiFibrotic
Nattokinase: 2000 FU twice-daily Proteolytic Thrombolytic Anti-atherosclerotic
If antinuclear antibody (ANA) positive Consider
Hydroxychloroquine:200 mg twice-daily
If pleurodynia Consider Colchicine 0.6mg1xdaily

BSD Treatment Protocol Spike Protein
Bromelain: 500 mg 1X daily
Anti-intammatory Anticoagulant
Curcumin: 500 mg 2X daily AntiViral AntiInflamatory AntiFibrotic
Nattokinase: 2000 FU twice-daily Proteolytic Thrombolytic Anti-atherosclerotic,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/

In 2020 I posted Chris martensons recommendations for covid 

I would avoid paxlovid

Better approaches include
ELIMINAte sugar chemicals processed foods
And the junkier dairy and crappier ice cream
I would only advise healthy, organic, non-GMO non-hormone low sugar, yogurt and similar cheese
But for some or many dairy can cause

Please Peter McCullough links to find cures

Insufficient protocol s for efficacy or safety 

Peter McCullough Most Medical issues have pros and cons: ie;
Back Surgery, Statins for example. But vaccines 
Have 100% positive reviews as safe and effective in NEJM. People should be scratching their heads.

Of 75% of American injected 90% were Pfizer Moderna because CDC pushed mRNA 
NovaVax not pushed 

Peter McCullough worries about 
5/10/15 years of vaccine side effects 
Some people injected 2021 have heart attacks 2024
Jansen AstraZeneca 1000s of blood clots immediately after injection. Pulled off market. 

US 20-25% did not take vaccine; have done very well. Far fewer covid reinfected, complications or deaths. 

Babies given hep b vax have no protection as teens. Bad medical practice 
No reasonable prediction of efficacy 

- - -

MMR vax does not protect against Mumps in Peter McCullough personal experience.  he was given 3 doses of MMR but still got mumps as a boy so he asked his mom why he got 3 MMR vax 

Rubella vax only affects pregnant women who …
So why are boys given R of MMR

Biden has taken 6 shots had covid 3X
You’d think they would stop going public but no they go back and get more shots
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.