Is CHINA The Bad Guy Or Is That A Construct of The Deep State
HELENA GLASS 2025 Mar 14 Fri
Is CHINA a bad guy? Or did they simply build their economy on cheaper goods that western countries could no longer compete with as American manufacturing died a slow painful death? China saw a gap and filled it. Before it was ‘made in China’, it was made in Japan. Now it’s made in India or Mexico. The point is looking for the least expensive way to fill a gap. The most basic definition of Trade.
China became the proverbial ‘bad guy’ because our intel agencies taught us to think in those terms. China is communist, and therefore America must punish and depose communists. Israeli kibbutzes are communist – the Bolsheviks who settled Israel were Marxist/Communists. So why the double standard? And why is any country’s sovereignty any of our business?
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America has been a socialist – bending into Marxist country for multiple decades. We pay for welfare. We pay for the military. People who have no children pay for other people’s education. We pay for Harvard and Yale – but the common man can never attend these universities. All of these constructs mandated by our Government are virtually communist by nature.
So if communism is not the issue, then it must be ego – China’s rise as a power meant other countries would fall behind – particularly in Europe and Canada where communism is defined and authority wielded by the Monarchy and the EU Commission. Europe was falling behind in trade and economics.
There was a time when Soros declared China as a better functioning government than the US ~ 2010. By 2014, Soros was shorting China stocks. Not because he was betting against a growing economy, but because he wanted to replace Xi Jinping so that China could be absorbed into his Global Kingdom. Xi refused. Xi became enemy number 1.
Countries are not bad – leaders are which is why when Zionist Gabriel attempts to classify all Palestinians as Hamas, her statements hold as much value as classifying all Americans as Deep State. Given many Jews joined the Nazi’s in WWII – are all Jews Nazi’s? Or are these labels created by governments to destabilize peace? Trade? Cooperation? Are all Ukrainians evil because of Zelenskky and his government?
Logic and rational critical thinking would assert that the people trying to make us believe these paradigms are a new model of reality are people born of hate.
Soros hates Xi, not China. He hates Trump, not America. Too often we conflate this distinction. If Soros can’t own a country, he calls in the human androids; CIA, Mossad and MI6 to create the necessary chaos. Russia blocked him. China blocked him. Iran blocked him. They became enemies of Soros and by default, the liberal diaspora.
When was the last time China invaded Europe? America? Never. And yet, the majority of Americans believe – China Bad. All the ills and trials such as CoVid were blamed on China when in fact a rogue America is to blame. An America so rogue we obediently buried our heads in sand ten feet deep!
The China focus has been the front-loaded torture chamber imposed by American NGO’s claiming that every naughty action is either Russia, Iran or China. Every time – ultimately disproven. But the conquest of these bastions of lucrative resources has always been the agenda of the Globalist deep State regime. Now, wholly lost. The coup industry is teetering which makes them vulnerable and high risk for mistakes.
Canada can’t extract itself from the tentacles, which makes Greenland a much better alternative. Rich resources, a populace that has been severely hindered by Denmark, and a sovereign unit that can embrace prosperity for a change.
China has shortages in natural resources, including oil and gas – but most importantly – water. Meeting a country’s shortages on a business level instead of a governmental level of sanctions and trade wars benefiting each other would logically raise the bar for everyone. But the Fentanyl issue and bad Pharma issue have manipulated those trade terms.
The US is the number one importer of Big Pharma followed by Germany, Switzerland, Belgium and China. America’s Pharma comes from Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, India and the Netherlands. After China listed all fentanyl analogues as scheduled drugs in the spring of 2019, fentanyl shipments to the United States from China declined dramatically. The largest fentanyl drug manufacturer is TEVA. TEVA has a manufacturing and distribution plant in China. TEVA is the largest pharmaceutical in Mexico. Want to find out where the Mexican cartels are getting their fentanyl? ASK TEVA.
But TEVA is an Israeli Pharma and therefore immune from any liability or review. This colossal problem apparently cannot be addressed because it would be deemed ‘anti-semitic’. Which has become illegal in America. Xi Jinping attempted to show this reality to President Trump when imposing tariffs. Unfortunately, he chose to not listen. Just as Xi attempted to show the world CoVid was created at Fort Detrick and moved to China by Fauci. Only now is that factoid public information.
The purpose – Bad China. Hopefully, Trump will realize that the opportunities of these bad-boy countries are phenomenal when working as a team and Israel/Deep State initiatives are all about destruction. It won’t happen tomorrow. The hypnosis manipulation is too great. Ukraine is a test. The cartels work in conjunction WITH the Deep State. Including TEVA. |