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LRAD Serbia

Concerned Citizen 
Serbian Police acoustic weapon  protestors 
WTAF 2025.03.15 
Serbia LRAD Serbian Police Attack Peaceful Protest  MICROWAVE EMF MILITARY GRADE ASSAULT WEAPON 
LRAD Long Range Active Denial System Microwave Energy Beam Ray

Luka | Лука
#Serbia | #BREAKING fear: 
Citizens report that earlier, sound waves streets #Belgrade during 15min of silence. 
Most probably, authorities used LRAD system against protesters dissuade them. Ambulances arrived shortly after. 

Ian Miles Cheong
LRAD Serbian police sonic device disperse protesters crowd control designed not loudspeaker telling people to leave an ear-splitting 160db of pain
Serbia LRAD Serbian Police Attack Peaceful Protest with MICROWAVE EMF WEAPON 

Zach Jones - Secretary of Psyops
To break up the protesting, the Serbian Government deployed LRAD at probably the biggest scale of all time.  
LRAD is an acoustic weapon at 160 decibels that automatically triggers the fight or flight response in your nervous system making you run in panic.  
These types of weapons should be illegal for governments to deploy on their own citizens.

Concerned Citizen
She got so angry she wasn’t allowed to smoke on the plane she tried to start a fire. 
This can’t be real life.

Deranged leftists continue to target Tesla

Holy Crap - US Oil Tanker & Cargo Ship collide in the North Sea 
UK Lifeboats are on the scene. 
Concerned Citizen

32 casualties have been brought ashore so far and transported to local hospitals.

The US-flagged oil tanker MV “Stena Immaculate” carrying JET FUEL rammed BROADSIDE BY Portuguese-flagged container ship MV “Solong” Departing Norway towards England

While anchored stationary in the same Anchorage for the previous 24 hours. DEI? 

Exxon Valdez oil spill captain Hazelwood at the helm? Drunk again? Go home captain you’re drunk! 

Concerned Citizen
“Mountain Dew themselves commented on that video” 
There is even now Conspiracy involving Mountain Dew - it’s so hard to keep up.

Concerned Citizen
 Meanwhile in Greece 
The mass unrest continues, each Country is the same across Europe - the people are at breaking point.

Concerned Citizen
 Meanwhile in Athens, Greece  
“Europe is heading towards civil war” 
- Elon Musk 
The Greek Capital is on fire - people everywhere have simply had enough 2025.03.01 Sat 

Concerned Citizen
Athens, Greece, arson mayhem, chaos, Inferno conflagration riots combine mortars skyrockets Molotov cocktails in area devices, civil unrest, collapse of civilization in EU 2025.03.01 Sat

Molotov cocktails mortars skyrockets Roman candles together first I’ve ever seen. 2025.02.28 
Athens Greece looks lovely this time of year

Concerned Citizen 
Breaking: Athens, Greece 
What started out as a peaceful protest involving 100s of thousands  turned into a full blown riot Greek Capital. 
All across Europe people  had enough of their treason Globalist sell out Gov 2025.02.28

Concerned Citizen
Why the F**k does nobody help her? 
Britain is lost. 2025.03.01


Are women safe in Paris, France? 
Concerned Citizen
Seriously WTF is this in France

Meanwhile, in Paris, France
50 topless women, protest open borders, unlimited illegal migration, leading to rape, murder, strangulation, decapitation, stabbing and disappearing 1000s of French women

Concerned Citizen
 “See Sweden as a warning example” 
“60 No Go Zones - where Police say they can’t enforce Swedish Law” 
“They have overcrowded prisons - people can’t be jailed & are released too early” 
“We have gang violence with bombings every day” 
To understand other European Countries current trajectory simply look to Sweden - we are merely several years behind.

- chemtrails

 “I’m tired of you dumping heavy metals all over our Country - You spray right over our house” 
Pilot:- “I’m not the one to talk too - It’s public knowledge” 
Wow - American Women tracks down Pilots responsible for spraying the skies over America & interrogates him as the clip continues to go viral 2025.03.07 
Concerned Citizen

Concerned Citizen
Inside & onboard a Board Cloud Seeding Plane
Chemtrails GeoEngineering CloudSeeding 2025.02.10 1:09 AM 

- UK migrants 

Concerned Citizen
Meanwhile in Small Heath, Birmingham, UK 
Huge brawl breaks erupts outside Mosque - Bats, knives & swords again on display. 
I guess Fasting for Ramadan is making people extra Hangry
Whites Freeze Starve No Cars Die GoodBye 
SandPeople Get Free Cars GAS Food Credit Cards cause Gridlock Murder Stab headchopping TrafficJam
High Carbon footprint illegal immigrants
Import 3rd world. Become 3rd World.
Deport them all. Re-migration is the only solution.

Things that are illegal in UK that should not be.
White people should be allowed to carry guns, knives, pepper, spray, clubs, crowbars, pipes, and two by fours baseball, bats, Satana, swords bars, and meses to deal with
Rapist, murderer, violent, thugs, illegal immigrants, fake asylum seekers
This video is proof that UK is disarmed slaves, who are now cuckold to George Soros and Merkel in importation of rapists

In this situation, you should find a pipe or a 2 x 4 and club each of the guys over the head. 
Better to use a really heavy steel pipe to knock him out, cold or kill him because if you just piss them off or interim, they’re likely to kill you  
Then you should do the same to George Soros and Angela Merkel who brought 15 million of these people into the USA during the Joe Biden administration. Oh hit him over the head too. 

Ukraine NATO Jeffrey Sachs quick Video 4:32 
Concerned Citizen
 Geo-Political Scholar Jeffrey Sachs 
Schools the EU Parliament on the reasons behind the Russia Ukraine Conflict. 
Every-time Legacy Media or a Politician states the was is “unprovoked” is a complete lie. 
This doesn’t even include some of the more grotesque activities Ukraine has been well documented as being involved in.

Concerned Citizen
How did the Simpsons know? 
Symbolism and preemptive programming series 

Concerned Citizen
This dude continues to wake up TikTok users to the horrors of Hollywood 20/5.02.09

The Pope & ancient Satanic symbolism.
Truth is truly is stranger than fiction.
Concerned Citizen @BGatesIsaPyscho


Concerned Citizen
The Pope & ancient Satanic symbolism.

Truth is truly is stranger than fiction.

Concerned Citizen
Wow - the destabilisation of Western Culture was a pre-conceived experiment, trialled in Bangladesh & funded by the US Gov. 
It really is all by design. 2025.02.08 
Tucker Carlson 

6 chemtrail planes jet jets chemtrails 
Concerned Citizen
Someone’s funding this. 
Here’s the thing…… 2025.02.08
 won’t allow this to continue - unquantifiable contamination of everything & everyone everywhere.
Bill Gates already funds Geo-Engineering & America is inevitably at the heart of it. 
So it will stop.  It has too. 
When it stops - it will be obvious, as there will be no more white lines & Blue Skies again, no more permanent white mono-cloud. 
Question is then - will we get full disclosure on who’s been paying for it, the extent & the known impact to both humans, animal & the environment.
6 parallel, chemtrails miles high in the sky laid by six aircraft simultaneously obviously not commercial airliners 6 chemtrails planes jet jets

Concerned Citizen
It’s produced by land, air & sea don’t ya know?  Got to block that Sun out somehow. 2.08

Concerned Citizen
What caused the camera to shake 12 seconds before it 2025.02.08 911 inside job controlled demolition evidence See also Squibbs.

Concerned Citizen
“If you live in the UK & drive or own a dog - get out” 
Parts of the UK are reviewing areas that will become ‘No Dog Zones’ to improve diversity.  Other parts are now considering banning Cats from going outside. 
The UK is no longer a serious Country. 2.08

Concerned Citizen
Dude was fired after reporting on PizzaGate 2.8

Concerned Citizen
Why do NASA Astronauts hair remain fixed in zero gravity while on The ISS but waves around in zero gravity chambers on Earth? 
Please take all the time you need…..

Concerned Citizen
Meanwhile in Brussels, Belgium 
It’s reported that Migrant Gangs started firing AK-47’s outside Grand Place Station.
Brussels  is the EU Capital - something has gone terribly wrong in Europe.

Concerned Citizen
Microsoft partnering with Bill Gates funded Vaccine Alliance Gavi shouldn’t surprise anybody.

Concerned Citizen
Military weather modification complete with cloud seeding missile Feb 6 chem fog, military vehicle

Concerned Citizen
Military weather modification complete with cloud seeding missile 
Concerned Citizen
Aerial view of Philadelphia Plane Crash
Nothing to see here, don’t ask questions - just move along people….
Pennsylvania PA, Jan Feb 2025 

Concerned Citizen
The Grammy’s & The Great Noticing 
Juan Bergman

Concerned Citizen
The theory of the Pope, Vatican & pinecones. 
Juan Bergman
X Twitter videos Dec 29 2024 1:01 

Concerned Citizen
01-29-25 This happened over Alaska.
The following day a Boeing plunged mid-Flight injuring 40+ people. 
The day after Flight 5432 got hit by a Blackhawk Helicopter.
Now a ‘Plane’ nose-dived at speed into residential Philadelphia.
Surely you must be a little suspicious by now?

Concerned Citizen
3h ago Sat Nov 23 2024 on X 
“What happened to Global Warming?”
“It’s a deep rabbit hole” - Elon Musk

Elon musk advocates bases on Mars and moon to repopulate the Earth with civilization after World War III to shorten the length of the future dark ages subsequent WW three 

Dystopian nightmare
This is concerning as Elon Musk wishes to jack into human brains with neural Link, placing silicon technology inside human brain

Elon musk suffers cognitive dissonance 

Elon musk claims you could wear a football helmet full of cell phones and not suffer the microwave radiation 

Elon musk currently has 25,000 or 30,000 star Link satellites, orbiting earth radiating earth with 5G 
Goal of 50,000 5G satellites 

Tesla Optimus prime 
Matrix Skynet terminator 
Atlas Boston dynamics Samsung 
Black mirror 


Concerned Citizen
It’s staggering how the Left were able to ignore the fact that for 4 years - their President could barely construct a sentence, couldn’t read a teleprompter properly, didn’t know where he was, shook hands of invisible people, fell down stairs, but above all else repeatedly sniffed, touched & even bit young children inappropriately - all on camera.

13,000 micrograms aluminum 
600 µg mercury 
200 chemicals 
SV40 Simian virus 40 monkey virus 
AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome 
Giving a vaccine to your baby is like injecting foreign matter into a little body that is the most precious thing in your life 

Concerned Citizen
The entire World is waking up to the fact that vaccines might be dangerously unnecessary for children. 
Watch vaccine hesitancy continue to dramatically increase as people start doing their own research on the subject.

AI is out of control 1:52 
Kamala Harris, Michael Obama, Michelle, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, 
Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos
Bill Gates, Joe Jill Hunter Biden Tim walls, Nancy Pelosi
Justin Trudeau Castro Canada Robert De Niro
Bill Gates is a psycho Catfight Cat Fight 

Concerned Citizen
Please take all the time you need….
Moon landings faked 
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.