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Ancestry DNA - A Flawed Hype for Profit and Propaganda

HELENA GLASS 2025 Mar 16 Sun 


I was recently chortled by a social media post in which a woman declared that ALL presidents with the exception of van Buren were related. She proudly exclaimed, ‘even Trump’. The means of this determination was DNA. My immediate thought was, ‘I suppose you could say everyone of the human species is related via Adam and Eve’, but I thought better of it.

Problem: DNA must be compared to another person’s DNA to make a match. I’m pretty sure, ALL the president’s bodies have yet to be exhumed in order to take a sample of their DNA. The use of DNA was first conducted in a criminal court in 1986. “DNA technology became an increasingly powerful forensic tool for identifying or eliminating suspects, when biological evidence such as saliva, skin, blood, hair or semen is left at a crime scene.” This is called DNA profiling.

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Ancestry sites became the new fad sometime around the late 1990’s and early 2000’s. The purpose was to trace your family history. Then these highly profitable sites began to claim they could determine your ancient ancestry. And of course, everyone was traced to Africa. Which immediately led to the BLM tripe theory that Africans of today were the superior race because Adam and Eve and Christ were most definitely ‘black’.

The next phase of the fad was to find who was related to the Kings and Queens of medieval times so they could boast of their royal ancestry. And this is where the lineage of every President was developed.

The Means: “Genetic ancestry testing involves comparing an individual's DNA variants (like single nucleotide polymorphisms or SNPs) to those found in reference populations from different geographic regions.” This assumes no one migrated, the source DNA is absolutely unequivocably pure of any intermarriages, The source DNA person’s ancient family never lived in any other location, and every country of origin today houses the exact same populace pure DNA from 6,000 BC. And older.


But they managed to make a ton of money while managing to muddy the entire ancestry industry.

The Means of identifying Royal heritage is made by using a person’s DNA and comparing it to individuals with documented royal ancestry using only the Y chromosome. Genghis Khan who is ‘estimated’ to have lived between 1162 and 1227 is said to have fathered 13 children with his primary wife and had over 200 concubines while raping several hundred more women. 8% of the male population within his region is believed to have ancestral heritage to Khan. Estimated, of course. It could actually be much more!

By contrast, Ancestry claims to be able to trace today’s men to King Richard III. But Richard only had 2 sons, one died age 10 and the other was purportedly executed at age 21. End of lineage. Thereby an impossibility. Or in more universal languages – a LIE.

In the Jewish world, your heritage can ONLY be attributed to the maternal DNA – called mitochondrial DNA.

But it gets even more scattered and muted. Two sons of two parents would each share only 50% common DNA, meaning the 50% from the father would be diluted by each successive descendant. In addition, DNA can become damaged by cancer, radiation, CoVid vaxes, and a multitude of other issues and diseases. Thereby further degrading the ability to match DNA.

North Africa was Greek. Northern India was settled blond Norwegians. The Khan Empire stretched from southern Russia thru China, the entire western Asian countries, and thru much of eastern Europe. The Ottoman Empire included northern Africa, Egypt, the Middle East and eastern Europe. Mohammad’s Empire included the same territories as the Ottoman’s and parts of southwestern Europe.

DNA is a mish-mash of immigrants and kingdoms and continents.

Even in criminal cases a percentage match is not used, instead it is simply a variable match which can be scrapped by a good attorney given circumstance. The ancestry hype is just a con industry. Nothing more, nothing less.

Which is why the CoVid Tests were designed to collect everyone’s DNA to create a genetic weapon based on similar markers while preserving markers of other groups. It is believed the CoVid marker was most prevalent among Blacks. Ukraine biolabs were developing a marker specific to today’s Russians who are an amalgamation of different ancestries. Why? Simply because Soros hates with a vengeance Russia. Because Russia did not succumb to his COUP.

Today, most major Ancetry Companies are owned by Hedge Funds including Blackstone.Group...

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