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When the right hand offers you flowers look in the left. Michael Yon, Al Johnson, Moe Fukada, Masako Ganaha March 15th

MICHAEL YON 2025.03.17 Mon

Excellent audio Video Blog listen while you multitask but tune into the visual part when the slides are announced this is critical regarding Elon musk, Memphis, Tennessee, Brock, AI

Crock 2.0 versus 3.0

200,000 Nvidia chips versus 1 million Nvidia chips

Memphis, Tennessee in between Dallas fiber optics trunk, and Atlanta, Georgia fiber, active trunk also south of Norad

Trunk south from Memphis, Tennessee, Elon, musk, AI headquarters for grok in parallel to Larry Ellison, AI

Central south from Memphis connects to Panama fiber optic cable, Nexus, where fiber optic runs through golf, and through Pacific to Asia, and to Europe or?

Michael YON is been covering Panama Canal visa China building Panama Canal plus black rock buying a port across the Panama Canal from the China bridge foundation as photographed several days ago follow Michael this is critically important Panama Canal discussion of China throttling CCP, preventing Elon musk from getting his 1 million chips for free. Oh.

Passport $500 billion by Donald Trump with Larry Ellison Oracle, 500 billion from Japan could signify ability with green gang to get chips for this venture from Nvidia whereas otherwise green gang controlling chips would only sell chips to CCP China and never been Japan or USA otherwise

Japan cannot build a manufacturing plant because the chip market is too unstable sometimes supplies too much up-and-down, crushing or strangling the market and
Japan cannot afford the 15th to 20 years to build a nuclear plant as this ship market is so unstable

Chinese chip manufacturers can build all the ships they want because they are subsidized by the Chinese government so they cannot suffer any loss as their market is protected by CCP

This is critical, and you want to listen to blog while you multitask then tune in at the 20 or 30 minute mark when the slides presentation format begins as these critical maps and charts of the fiber optic chunks from Memphis Tennessee east to Atlanta, Georgia fiber optic trunk

West Dallas Texas fiber optic trunk can soon connect to Austin Texas for other Elon Musk activities

Southern trunk Panama Canal military bases also near Memphis Memphis also contains federal express logistical fiber, trunk node, and other fiber optic trunk. No Park discussed on map also collate located in Memphis Tennessee other military base and National Guard infrastructure also land discussion.

Oracle and Dell computer as partners, software and hardware for AI systems, along with real estate available in Memphis for Oracle and Dell expansion with fiber optic AI systems

Center Trump, stating AI ventures can make their own nuclear power plants to get unlimited electricity

Memphis, Elon musk is more power poles lines and transmission installed by valley authority, electric utility company in preparation for this real estate warehouse area developing the real estate company is holding a lot of the land is the one who ceded Elon Musk in the first place to come and do his super AI computer in Memphis Tennessee 

Please forgive my paraphrasing I am dictating into my iPhone. Please forgive typographical errors, but I’ve been listening to this for an hour or more maybe two I have only just discovered Michael in recent days with his excellent coverage of Panama, including his narration and drone videos of camps of refugees in Panama versus Panama Match nations versus military bases US in the area, logistics of Panama, Canal and Panama Highway traveling directly through Texas then bifurcating north east and north west through America

Railroad conversation also headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee, all transportation, logistics, intelligence and supply such as FedEx recognize Memphis, Tennessee is the center of America with the quickest route to get information and good services railroad freeway electricity anything piped out to all of America quickly Memphis, Tennessee is the center of America in this respect as recognized by Rockefeller railroad and all


Chinese Imperialism
When people say Chinese are not Imperialists…show them this

MICHAEL YON 2025.03.16 Sun


Just landed from Helicopter over Canal 
Red is China Bridge (Bridge 4). Black is Chinese port going to Blackrock. 

Just landed. Going into hours of meetings. More later.

MICHAEL YON 2025.03.12 Thu


Crime Scene Panama Canal 

April 18 2022 Mayorkas imports 10,000 migrants  / day via San Vicente Camp OIM USA 

4/5 days Panama to Nicaragua Border <1% death rate 

Buses come from Darien gap to this San Vicente camp all the mud you see on the Pan-American Highway is from these buses transporting upto 10,000 migrants per day North towards USA 

RFKjr - Darien Gap, Panama
Previously Confidential Video Mar 13 2025

Mind dump, sans edit
Darian Gap Panama
13 March 2025 

Previously confidential video

Michael Yon from Michael’s Newsletter 

For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.