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MICHAEL YON 2025.03.17 Mon 16:50 GMT UTC 

BIG PICTURE: Very Strong Likelihood U.S. will take Panama Canal
For a quick glance...

MICHAEL YON 2025.03.17 Mon 

This is a mind-dump, sans edit
Panama City, Panama
17 March 2025

Alex Jones just messaged asking me on so this alters my availability. So this is a mind-burst to say I think we are going to take Panama by force if needed. Steven Bannon, Clayton Morris, Mike Adams and others also want airtime this week so will be busy.

So blast:

Trump is now bombing Houthis. Houthis have strongly constricted traffic through the strategic straits of Bab al Mandeb, and Suez Canal. The Panama and Suez Canals are a subset of a larger problem-set.

Of course if you live in Panama or some village village in Alaska world may been to rotate around you. But the people living in these places must understand that if they get in the way of what the most powerful oligarchs in the world wish to take or keep open, they will be forced to fight. 

Panama is a juicy lamb wearing a garland of pork chops. And the lamb is not seen as being a good steward of the Canal. The seriousness of this is difficult to overstate. 

If China is left to its inclinations, China will take Panama. And there is nothing Panama alone can do about it. Nothing more than a lamb can do to defend pork chops against a pack of Lions while hyenas and vultures stand turn for scraps. 

This is big boy war. Global War. Where big boys kill millions of people over decisions beside swimming pools and at cocktail parties.

The world needs Suez wide open. Especially so if there is some closure here in Panama during any invasion of Panama. Panama will not stand in the way of China, USA, or other global powers who will at extremely high cost take and keep this Canal open.

Beyond Panama, I strongly sense in the long run “we” are going after Suez, Bab al Mandeb, and Hormuz. Of course political and other winds can change.

Masako Ganaha, Al Johnson and I spent a couple months in 2024 year looking at Malaaca situation. 

China is building partly around Malaaca through places like Kra Isthmus in Thailand, and the Mekong canal through Cambodia.

Al and I first looked at the Kra Isthmus route in 2014. The next year, Thailand and China publicly shook hands on the project. And the with more dramas sidelined the agreement and so on and so forth…. Bottom line, eventually Kra Isthmus will open, one way or another.

A Thai Canal through Kra Isthmus will can have strong synergy with China’s Funan Techo Canal through Cambodia. Funan Techo Canal will siphon traffic and control of Mekong access away from Vietnam.

Anyway, not to go down a big rabbit hole. But all this is related. Global battle of Empires and Oligarchs. Routes, and resources.

And I strongly sense USA will invade Panama. Probably during a very dark moon, or a bright moon. 

MICHAEL YON 2025.03.17 Mon 16:50 GMT UTC 
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