MICHAEL YON 2025.03.18 Tue 20:58 GMT UTC
Gathering Storm in Panama
Many indicators this will become serious
Mind dump, sans edit
Panama by the Canal
18 March 2025
I’ve go a short window to publish this. Going on interview with Emerald Robinson and Masako Ganaha, then a three-hour conference call for a weekly global round-up.
Let’s go:
Panama is anthropologically extremely diverse. A coral reef of peoples from around the world, and indigenous. This is another land where anthropological warfare is intense. The most powerful players are U.S./Zionists, China, Venezuela/Cuba, Russia — but the people you will see fighting on the streets will be of African, Latin, and Indigenous descent.
One example —
Ngäbe-Buglé indians have been a major player in copper mine dramas. Their comarca (reservation) was formed in 1997. Today Ngäbe-Buglé are pulling back to reservation to prepare to fight on Friday.
Ngäbe-Buglé are serious fighters. Serious people. Willing to take casualties.
Their fight is not about the Canal but about other matters such as mining.
Anthropological warfare is common around the world. Waged across the continents and centuries by many practitioners. “Enemy of my enemy,” "divide and conquer” are catchphrases in the world of anthropological warfare.
Divide and conquer basic strategy of communist movements. Divide tribe, language, family, man from woman, and so on. Atomization.
This Guna revolutionary flag is today just beside the Canal in the parking lot of the Chinese memorial just at Thatcher-Ferry bridge — just next to China Bridge — just near the Balboa Port that Blackrock is working to buy from Chinese control. This is one stop shopping for global contests.
Guna are famously competent fighters. In old books, Guna is spelled Cuna. And then apparently morphed to Kuna. And now to Guna. This is straight-up information war tactic. Constant renaming or tweaking.
New flag, new rope:
See that sign under the flag?
Notice the professionalism of this sign. The flag and sign and rope are brand new.
The traffic in the background…this lane closest to us, is literally the Highway 1 lane on which the buses filled with invaders leave Darien to USA. And our government pretends we cannot stop the invasion from this lane.
The Guna revolutionary flag is directly to my back. This Chinese memorial is between the new China Bridge (left), and the American-made Thatcher-Ferry Bridge. These cars just crossed the Thatcher-Ferry bridge and are heading direction USA.
The Thatcher-Ferry Bridge was renamed to Bridge of the Americas in service to the information war to take our Canal. It worked. For now.
Jose Ibarra who murdered Laken Riley took a bus from Darien and headed up this route to rape and murder across America. The murderer Ibarra drove over our Canal.
Approximately 1.4 million invaders from Darien to United States drove over our bridge. Tens of thousands of Chinese invaders took this route. Countless numbers of jihadists, gangsters, and generic rapists and murders crossed this bridge and now are in America eating cats and raping men, women, and children.
Color key to photo above in ROY G BIV format:
Red = Balboa Port that Blackrock is working to buy from Chinese
Orange = New China Bridge (I learned that name from Panamanians)
Yellow = Chinese memorial
Green = Guna Revolutionary flag
Blue = the highway Lake Riley’s murderer used to find her
Okay, I must go for now. Interview with Emerald Robinson and Masako Ganaha, then a three-hour conference call.
Panama is going conflict. This will suddenly become very expensive for me to cover.
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