If you have an autistic child, please take 10 seconds and answer these 2 questions
It's time we ended the "debate"
Steve Kirsch Substack 2025 Mar 19 Wed
Steve Kirsch Substack US data shows COVID vaccinated kids 5-18 die @ 5.7X higher rate than their unvaccinated peers
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Steve Kirsch Substack US data shows COVID vaccinated kids 5-18 die @ 5.7X higher rate than their unvaccinated peers
Steve Kirsch @stkirsch
substack.com @stevekirsch
t.me stkirsch
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If you have an autistic child, please take 10 seconds and answer these 2 questions
It's time we ended the "debate"
Steve Kirsch Substack 2025 Mar 19 Wed
Steve Kirsch Substack US data shows COVID vaccinated kids 5-18 die @ 5.7X higher rate than their unvaccinated peers
Steve Kirsch @stkirsch
substack.com @stevekirsch
t.me stkirsch
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Lessons learned paper: "6 dead for every person that MIGHT have been saved by the COVID vaccine"
I was a co-author of this paper, but thanks to corrupt medical journals such as Cureus, the paper is impossible to find anymore, despite passing 10 peer-reviewers!
Steve Kirsch Substack 2025 Mar 14 Fri
My bulletproof arguments that the COVID vaccines had NO benefit
See if you can find a hole. In a nutshell, both R0 and IFR increased. The most dispositive data sources show this unambiguously. These are the two factors the shots were supposed to reduce.
Steve Kirsch Substack 2025 Feb 10 Mon
Steve Kirsch Substack US data shows COVID vaccinated kids 5-18 die @ 5.7X higher rate than their unvaccinated peers
Steve Kirsch @stkirsch
substack.com @stevekirsch
t.me stkirsch
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ChatGPT agrees that more COVID vaccination --> more cases
Moments ago, ChatGPT assured me the COVID vaccines reduced COVID cases. So I uploaded the COVID cases data and asked ChatGPT to analyze it. It conceded that the shot increase your infection risk.
Steve Kirsch Substack Jan 26 2025
What's the best way to redpill someone on the COVID vaccine (and vaccines in general)?
ChatGPT provides excellence guidance if you know how to ask in the right way. But if you ask the same question the wrong way, I'll show you what happens.
Steve Kirsch Substack Jan 26 2025
“Sudden And Unexpected” @toobaffled
The Amish community are largely unvaccinated, and there are no autistic children who are unvaccinated. You won’t find kids with ADD, autoimmune diseases, epilepsy, and other chronic diseases in the Amish.
The CFR from the Pfizer trial show the vaccines make you 14x more likely to die from COVID
It's trivial to calculate the CFR if you got a Pfizer shot. But I don't think anyone has before now. So I'm going to do it for the very first time
Steve Kirsch Substack Dec 25 2024
Executive summary
The case fatality rate (CFR) from the Pfizer trial shows you are 10X more likely to die if you get COVID and you are vaccinated.
Pfizer just forgot to point this out.
Same with the CDC and FDA. I’m sure they just forgot.
So I’m going to show you that the CFR is 10X higher for Pfizer and when you combine that with a 40% higher likelihood of being infected, we can now estimate that the COVID vaccine makes you 14X more likely to die from COVID. And that’s not counting your risk of all-cause mortality from the vaccine itself!
The Pfizer Phase 3 study CFR calculation
Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine through 6 Months showed for COVID deaths/cases:
Vaccinated: 1/8=.125
Unvaccinated: 2/162=.0123
Note: the deaths are in Table S4 in the Supplementary material
You were actually 10X more likely to die from COVID if you were vaccinated and you got COVID.
Survey data on risk of COVID infection (vaxxed v. unvaxxed)
We know from our own experiences that the vaccinated are more likely to get COVID.
From a recent survey I did, I found you were 40% more likely to get COVID if you got the shots. See vaxxed vs. unvaxxed survey.
So putting it together, you increase your risk of a COVID death 14X by getting the shots, according to Pfizer’s own data.
And the medical community always trusts the double blind randomized controlled trial data.
Do vaccines cause autism?
It's so incredibly easy to definitely answer this question. I'll show you how. I don't know of anyone who is willing to gather this data so it's important you take the survey if you qualify.
Steve Kirsch Substack Mon Dec 16 2024
Autism is a huge problem.
Check out this survey I just did a survey on X and over 10% of households with a child under 10 have 1 or more autistic kids (over 5,000 answered):
This is a train wreck. It’s important to ascertain whether or not vaccines played a role.
If you have one of more children who were perfectly normal and then, over the course of a few days, suddenly started exhibiting clear signs of ASD, please take the survey.
The ONLY criteria is: Did your child “suddenly” become autistic?
If yes, it takes less than 60 seconds to fill out the survey.
Here’s the survey link
Nobody is ever going to do a study like this. If they asked the questions I asked, they’d be lose all NIH funding forever. And the news media isn’t going to ask the simple questions I ask. Not ever.
As far as I know, I’m the only person in the world who is willing to run a survey like this. But if you know anyone else, let me know!
I’ll be reporting in a few days the results.
I can’t wait!
Steve Kirsch is my neighbor in Palo Alto California. I’ve been following his research. CV19 Covid19
Over 300 pages of evidence from the CDC show that vaccines cause autism
Recently, I received a treasure trove of documents from a source inside the CDC showing they've known for over 20 years that Wakefield was right: vaccines cause autism.
Over 300 pages of evidence from the CDC show very clearly that vaccines cause autism and that Wakefield was right about the MMR shots
Recently, I received a treasure trove of documents from a source inside the CDC showing they knew for over 20 years that Wakefield was right: vaccines cause autism
Steve Kirsch Substack 11.17
1 photo this article 11.17
Nature paper shows the COVID "vaccines" increased your risk of getting COVID Steve Kirsch
To prevent infection of SARS-CoV-2, increasing IgA RBD mucosal antibodies is necessary. The COVID shots DECIMATED these key protective antibodies. Nobody noticed! WTF is going Nov12
1 graph
4 graphs
Today I filed a formal complaint in Santa Clara County alleging malfeasance by the public health department
Yesterday, I informed the 5 County Supervisors that their public health department is corrupt citing that they refuse to explain how their own data is consistent with their recommendations.
Santa Clara County's wastewater shows the COVID vaccine increased infections
In highly vaccinated Santa Clara County, COVID in wastewater is higher than the national average. That means the vaccine made the risk of infection worse. Steve Kitsch Nov 4 2024
What are the best "gold standard" data sources for determining COVID safety and efficacy?
What are the best "gold standard" evidence sources for getting to the truth about the safety and efficacy of the COVID vaccine program? Nov 1
VSRF LIVE Tonight: Episode 150 - Santa Clara County Case Fatality Rate Analysis after C19 Vaccination California USA
ThuOct 31st: 7pm Eastern | 4pm Pacific
Tonight on a special Halloween episode of VSRF LIVE I will be featuring my most recent exclusive study on Santa Clara County Case Fatality Rate (CFR) after C19 vaccination.
VA data shows COVID boosters increased risk of hospitalization and flu shots don't work
My updated analysis of VA hospitalization data shows your first shot might reduce your risk of hospitalization, the second shot did nothing, booster made things worse
Steve Kirsch
Published in NEJM: If you get infected with COVID, you're going to spread it longer IF YOU WERE VACCINATED. So the vaccines are prolonging the pandemic, not shortening it
My $100,000 offer to UC Santa Cruz
Let's have a public debate on whether your vaccine policy will save lives. Your students will judge it. If they win, I donate $100K to UC Santa Cruz. If they lose, you will donate $100K to VSRF.