Vital Farms eggs SHENANIGAN FRAUD? Likely? CAFO Confined Animal Feeding Operation?
Please check codes on boxes. LMK your Farms!
So I can search any farm codes you see on cartons. from which State. Thanks. I am in
Palo Alto California USA
Vital Farms - Egg Central Station
2007 N Alliance Ave, Springfield, MO 65803,+2007+N+Alliance+Ave,+Springfield,+MO+65803/@37.2341643,-93.3721994,16z/
Google maps shows warehouse with eight trailers, only three of these trailers have a truck attached. Therefore this is a very small fraction of their operation.
If this location were feeding America, there would be trucks attached to all eight trailers as they would be constantly moving every hour Rotating shifts.
The fact that five of eight trailers have no cab or truck attached represents the fact that these trailers sit for a day or days?
most deliveries, most industries
do not detach a truck during loading process.
This can only be a minuscule tiny sliver of a fraction of their operation in feeding billions of eggs to market of 360 million Americans
9/14 trailers parked away from warehouse Have attached truck cab yet
4/13 do not representing long-term storage.
Laughably ridiculous. This warehouse is not actually near a freeway on ramp! I saw no semi trucks on roads between warehouse and freeway on ramps indicating this is a casual paste operation not capable of feeding? One Percent? Of the USA vital farms market share.?
35 cars in parking lot of approximately 100 parking spaces also indicates this cannot even be one percent? Of USA distribution of vital farms USA market share.
I call shenanigan!
OMG image search. Vital Farm sells hard, boiled eggs in plastic Ziploc bags. This clinches it.
this is a mega monster factory farm corporation. To offer such a thing as hard boiled eggs at this point, I sincerely doubt any honesty that their birds are raised humanely, and have access to the outdoors other than some fraction of a percent, they used for PR campaign. I am highly skeptical.
Vital Farms offers 360’ 2/3 farms video yet Omits State region ir any location or geographical info.
Green Meadows
New Farm NO VIDEO “new farm”
07 21 041 #5 cartons
Rockin’ O
looks to be not California Forest
0 3 20 041 #5 cartons
One bird in forest. BS! WTF are they hiding?
MM Farm
mixed pine deciduous forest Not California video of 200 hens flock. Possibly humane. But then need to explain the long house in the background which might appear to be? CAFO?
6 23 041 #2 cartons
Appears to be CAFO? factory farm long house in background of photo. Again I suspect this was a BS fake false tiny flock on property made to distract from a separate factory farm, confinement animal feeding operation.
The shear number of eggs, this huge company provides to Safeway Molly stones, and other stores throughout USA nation, cannot be fed from these little itty-bitty tiny flocks of
one bird at Rockin’ O
200 birds, MM FARM
running around a tiny Grove
Severe disconnect between these BS eminence front stage videos, and the sheer scale of eggs they provide lead to a common sense solution answer. They are faking this with a PR campaign.
Similar to CFO confined animal feeding operations which horribly mistreat their animal in factory farms locked up 24/7/365, but paint pictures of one or two happy cows on a pastoral serene setting with grass and trees on their milk carton BS
pasture, raised gray, large, one dozen egg
Vital Farms claims to be pasteurized cage, free, but one review I found online which was admittedly a hit piece from Bill Gates, espousing, vegan eggs and GMO fake meats. Therefore biased slanted propaganda piece did reference PETA, videos of Deking, crowded cages and cruelty on farms.
Assembling all of these pieces of information
Disturbed by the fact that the 12 cases I fetched from a discard lot of scores of cartons sell by Mar 11 2025
2025.03.20 Thu Mar 20 2025 Palo Alto CA 94301
came from three different farms, one of which has no video, two of which look not to be California. Evidence would indicate this is a national factory farm operation with a central warehouse? Or warehouses? 100s?
I have very low confidence in this company
The two videos I saw from the three farms to me. This is just a boutique, false, fake or sample flock, which may have been running around at one time on the property yet on the video.
EXTREME DISCONNECT between pastoral staged videos vs national distribution quantity.
Extreme DISCONNECT between low volume PR HQ distribution @
VItal Farms Springfield MO warehouse
vs National Vital Farms egg quantity. Need more Data.