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2025.03.22 Sat 7pm-3am 161 Erie SF )’( 
Burnal Equinox: A Midpoint Celebration of Creativity & Community! )’( BurningMan 
Mission St SF @ 13tg / 14th St COSTUME PARTY

Public Works 161 Erie SF )’( burner owned club. 
VENUE AWESOME CLUB INDOOR OUTDOOR chill areas throughout indoors and outdoors 
Plenty of diverse spaces to dance to main dance floors, talk chill lounge around in art, creative Khushi furniture, plush room excellent to arrive early to chat with people and meet here. Tons of burning man, interactive, art, and exhibits and theme camps to talk to to plug-in and get involved Likewise outdoor chill area with plenty tables and chairs excellent to chill out smoke out or just meet cool people and fun, costumes make friends plan, escapades and shenanigans

Hydrate before arrival as no bottles are allowed inside yet burners do not get frisked, so flasks are common. Burners don’t fight So Security guards do not need to frisk patrons.

Smoking pot outdoors is fine as pot has been legal ish in San Francisco for 20 or 25 years 


Public Works 161 Erie SF )’( burner owned club. 
VENUE AWESOME CLUB INDOOR OUTDOOR chill areas throughout indoors and outdoors 
Plenty of diverse spaces to dance to main dance floors, talk chill lounge around in art, creative Khushi furniture, plush room excellent to arrive early to chat with people and meet here. Tons of burning man, interactive, art, and exhibits and theme camps to talk to to plug-in and get involved Likewise outdoor chill area with plenty tables and chairs excellent to chill out smoke out or just meet cool people and fun, costumes make friends plan, escapades and shenanigans

Hydrate before arrival as no bottles are allowed inside yet burners do not get frisked, so flasks are common. Burners don’t fight So Security guards do not need to frisk patrons.

Smoking pot outdoors is fine as pot has been legal ish in San Francisco for 20 or 25 years 


Sorry for the pot stuff but as I drag things from an email over to my Apple notes, I’m writing things not just for you but for others in the future too as I will put this on my calendar. Cool thing about burning man parties is everyone’s there. Some people are straight sober. Some people might smoke a little pot and do no alcohol. Some people might do both or whatever it’s just like San Francisco. I’m doing some don’t the cool thing is out of the patio, you can go out and meet people and let’s say you are not into dancing at that moment you could still peruse a garden of 50 or 100 lovely costume freaks and chat up people with the coolest costumes 

Burning man is absolutely the best thing ever for ADHD, dyslexic, Asperger‘s autism, spectrum, neurosis, divergent, awkward, or quirky alone people as wallflowers can bloom easily in this island of misfit toys, tolerant of everything, including LGBTQ or whatever bizarre factory boat one might have fallen off of

Burning man is so much the opposite of default world civilization where people have to look normal and join, clicks in high school.
Burning man is more like people just wanna be weird and funky, and get along while they let their freak flag fly

For people on a budget coming to an early event before the door opens is frequently easily a good way to just slip in free, maybe carrying a box of decor or pastry or refreshments or whatever that’s what I did for a few decades, and I paid for plenty of burning man events, but I actually prefer to go EARLY bring food and meet people but that’s a very fine skill to have and I had it roughly polished over lots of decades from 1995 through 2020 

I am not saying anybody could or should emulate my freaky formula via food, but just to know you could volunteer for an event either officially or unofficially, covertly or overtly if you were helping out people setting up being constructive your presence may be appreciated earlier if you are a helpful sort. Also excellent way to meet people and make friends  Network 

If, for example, you had a pastry, doughnut, snack, refreshment, fruit, veggie platter, tray, cheese, or other connection in your life, you might be desired, continually as part of a production or set up crew. Many nuances and caveats here. Ask 
Obv better to start small and slow meeting people at house, parties, and other events to announce what catering you are capable of then let them decide if they want to comp you in for X Y or Z event in the future 

That said, I did crash Nina Hartley Bday Party; 
First naked, porn stage star, San Francisco GAMH simply grabbing a red SOLO beer cup off a brick window ledge, and walking in with a group of people like I belong ( Carol Doda 1st topless SF ) Geat American Music Hall SF which then led to two more insane after parties with naked dancing women three in a row free SF events. 

This tactic works wonders at some functions. Your results may vary. This 90-95-98%  will not work at a club in SF. 
Fun, but risky, but fun. 


Hello South Bay Burners! BurningMan Man 
We’re helping our peers amplify the Burnal Equinox event next weekend in San Francisco. If you’re looking to connect with some fellow burners in the city, please check out the forwarded email thread with more deets about the event and where to get tix. Hope you enjoy!

-South Bay Burners team Sat March 22 2025 

Adrian Gonzales | Regional Contact, San Francisco South Bay
Burning Man Regional Network | South Bay Burners | C: 562-325-7959

Burning Man presents… Burnal Equinox: A Midpoint Celebration of Creativity & Community!

Whether you're starting to plan your next journey towards Black Rock City or curious about cutting-edge Bay Area culture, Burnal Equinox - marking the midpoint between Burns - provides a chance to connect, ignite, and revel in the creative fire that fuels our community.

Join us for an unforgettable evening of interactive art, electrifying performances, immersive experiences, and deep playa vibes, all within the heart of San Francisco. Whether you’re a seasoned burner or new to the magic, this is your space to express, experiment, and celebrate radical self-expression, participation, and connection. Get tickets here:
BRC 2025 Honoraria Art Projects ⧫ BurnerSphere sneak preview virtual reality tours ⧫ Burns & Pyro with the Fire Art Safety Team (FAST) ⧫ Camp Symposium + 2025 Placement Highlights ⧫ Future Salon ⧫ Leave No Trace! with Playa Resto ⧫ Renaissance Ticket Program ⧫ Rising Sparks NextGen Burners ⧫ Temple 2025: Temple of The Deep ⧫ The Incomplete History of Festivals
N2N ⧫ Alkemiss ⧫ Authenticity ⧫ B.Nasty ⧫ BNJMMN ⧫ Bumbl1c10us ⧫ CARENZO ⧫ carolibertad ⧫ Chantski ⧫ D!SHA ⧫ Diamond & Combs ⧫  DJ Brian ⧫ DJ NORAI ⧫ Dj SpaceCadet ⧫ DJ Yerba ⧫ DRMWVR ⧫ Eliza Jewels ⧫ EyereEyes ⧫ Foxphorus ⧫ Funk Gus ⧫ House of Inanna ⧫ Janis and The Pussycats ⧫ Justin Hill ⧫ Karpfen & Speck ⧫ Kigh G ⧫ MAYVN ⧫ Mirage Mistress ⧫ Mode Leeloo ⧫ No One ⧫ Strangeearth ⧫ Taylor Rose ⧫ Thalia ⧫ The Culture Element ⧫ Vincentatsea
Cohesion Collaborative Collection (Sarah Rose Cuarzo) ⧫ Cosmic Bean (Dieter Dehlinger) ⧫ Desert Sunset Blooms (Michaela Hares) ⧫ Electrobite (Jon Sarriugarte) ⧫ Geopogo (David Alpert / Daddybug) ⧫ HoloBurn: 3D Wonders (Josette Seitz / Squirrel) ⧫ Incisive Reading (Analog Equilibrium) ⧫ Interconnectedness (Miller Hoffman) ⧫ Lanterns From Fire (Zoe Fry) ⧫ Laser Display (Jonathan Rehm / Laser Jim) ⧫ Lenticular Clouds (Lance Dehne) ⧫ Mandalas (Elena Telford) ⧫ Mona Mushroom (Mona Miao He) ⧫ Numbskull (Craig Backer) ⧫ Rainbow Raindrops (Anne Pauley / Dirty Chai) ⧫ Solar Bamboo Long Bike (Craig Calfee) ⧫ Sounds of Silence (Sasha Igdari / Queen Cobain) ⧫ Space Egg (Joel Millikan) ⧫ Sunrise On The Playa (Olly Thompson) ⧫ Talk to God (Aaron McCray-Goldsmith / Be Not Afraid) ⧫ TĂNZER (Matt Elson) ⧫ The Man's Army (Michael Ciulla) ⧫ The Prairie of Possibilities (James Gwertzman) ⧫ Typha (Taylor Dean Harrison) ⧫ What the Hex? (Kelly Davison)
Comfort & Joy ⧫ Cosmic Wolfs Theme Camp ⧫ Duck Pond ⧫ Mystopia ⧫ noMADart Camp ⧫ Opulent Chill ⧫ Pacific - Neptune's Chariot ⧫ Spoonful of Friends ⧫ Stardust Divination Casino ⧫ ZEROdB Silent Disco
Pritish ⧫ VJ Neuron ⧫ sanya ⧫ Rainbow Puddle ⧫ Rich DDT ⧫ Hairglasses ⧫ Tim Abad ⧫ Vizual Nektar

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Instagram: @burningmansanfrancisco


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