The Hidden Dangers of Tattoos: Podcast Content Essay Rewrite (A.I.) test - A Deep Dive into Ink, Regulation, and Health Risks
SOBER CHRISTIAN GENTLEMAN 3025.03.28F 2025 3.28 Fri
2B Studies have shown that certain red, yellow, and orange pigments contain high levels of cadmium, which can cause severe allergic reactions and chronic skin conditions. Black ink, often assumed to be the safest, can contain carcinogenic compounds such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are also found in coal tar.
The Health Risks of Modern Tattooing
1. Toxic Ingredients in Tattoo Ink
Most people assume that tattoo ink is carefully regulated and tested for safety. However, many inks contain toxic metals such as lead, arsenic, cadmium, and mercury. These metals, originally used in industrial dyes and textiles, are now repurposed for tattoo pigments without thorough safety testing. The skin, an absorbent organ, allows these toxic substances to enter the bloodstream, potentially causing long-term health issues, including neurological disorders and organ damage.
In recent years, plastic-encapsulated pigments have been introduced into the tattoo industry. Marketed as long-lasting and vibrant, these inks contain microscopic plastic particles designed to remain in the skin permanently. While they may produce striking colors, their long-term health effects remain unknown, raising concerns about carcinogenicity and immune system reactions.
2. The Problem with Cheap, Imported Ink
Many tattoo artists purchase ink from online retailers without knowing its exact composition. A significant portion of cheap ink is manufactured in China, where safety standards are minimal. Some of these inks contain industrial waste repurposed into pigment, exposing consumers to dangerous substances. Unlike traditional ink made from natural charcoal and organic carriers, modern synthetic inks are loaded with chemicals that were never intended for use in the human body.
Studies have shown that certain red, yellow, and orange pigments contain high levels of cadmium, which can cause severe allergic reactions and chronic skin conditions. Black ink, often assumed to be the safest, can contain carcinogenic compounds such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are also found in coal tar. - SNIP-
3 4 5 6 7 8 CONCLUSION 2025.03.28 Fri
TATTOOS - Are they toxic - is tattoo removal toxic - I know - let me explain.
Toxic heavy metals tattoo license by govt not safe licensed just means artist jumped through hoops
License does not mean safety
- Random thoughts, I have while listening
Toxic, heavy metal tattoo, ink DYE color compound ingredients heavymetal
Known to me:
WHITE TiO2 Titanium DiOxide WORST
RED new ? Old Iron Older? Mercury WORST
BLACK New: ? Old: charcoal carbon BENIGN ish
Unknown to me:
Green old Copper ? LESS CONCERN ish
Blue cobalt
Yellow TBD ask RFK JR petroleum based food dye
ORANGE TBD ? Mercury ? Sulphuric? Unknown
Newer tattoo artists are using incredibly toxic tattoo inks from China without even knowing the ingredients. Therefore:
Laser removal of old school tattoos is less toxic requiring lesser protocol of
activated charcoal, chlorophyll therapies, such as bentonite clay, and a lesser extent
Spirulina Chlorella , Etc asked me for details I’ve written much about this. See also:
Ana Maria Mihalcea MD PHD Substack
Laser removal of newer toxic China tattoo ink becomes a serious fatal problem in tattoo removal as human body cannot handle the compounds of toxic China tattoo Inc. compounds broken down by laser removal remaining in body, heading to brain kidney liver
Listen to this podcast as you multitask or achieve other activities.
The life you save may be your own. At the very least in the future when a friend, family or loved one asks about getting a tattoo you might drop a subtle hint of which heavy metals. Are they considering as an ink?
S2 EP 55 - Trump Attempted Assassination Event Assessment July 16, 2024 - rebroadcast
This is a quick recap of what I have found out about the Attempted Assassination of Trump, 3 days out. I am not coming to any conclusions, just relaying the facts as I found them.
LAWYERS - What are they in the Court System - Truth Training - learn it - let me explain.
These are my thoughts about lawyers. Learn some history. Understand the concept so you can decide if you want anytging to do woth them.
You can be Pro Se or Self represented, which is discussed in a different podcast, about dealing with your own legal matters. Why Hire a Lawyer when you can do it all yourself and get an education as a bonus.
The Court System has been redefined deceptively so that it can be used as a weapon against us. The people who are part of the Court System may ruin anyone at any time and outsiders have no idea. The Court system is a danger to everyone. We believe it is one thing because of lies, propaganda and popular culture, but it is the control structure to keeps us from experiencing liberty.
We are in an unrestricted warfare zone, everything is weaponized. We are in danger and must defend ourselves, our families, our interests and our communities.
We are told to be peaceful, do not use violence, and work out our differences in Court. The system encourages us to use their system to rein in their system. The point of this con, is to keep us under control and never let us get back control of our lives. They always stay in power and manipulate us to think that the courts are the way to fix things that are broken in favour of the powerful.
Predictive programming has been used to brainwash us about the courts, in order to prevent any sudden resistance or hostile reaction from the general public, Team Evil keeps adding subtle references to their planned future events in popular media so that when the event happens for real, the public is already mentally prepared and receptive to the new developments in society.
This notion was first described and proposed by researcher and historian Alan Watt, who defines predictive programming as “a subtle form of psychological conditioning provided by the media to acquaint the public with planned societal changes to be implemented by our leaders. If and when these changes are put through, the public will already be familiarized with them and will accept them as natural progressions, thus lessening possible public resistance and commotion.”
Supporters of the predictive programming theory, suggest that the government also employs this technique so that people don’t lose trust in the already established system. They claim that first, the government plans a complex situation, then hides references to these in media so that people become somewhat accustomed to the feelings caused by these situations, and finally, when the situation actually does arise, the people will look to the government for solutions.
It is argued that, although governments already have the solution to the problem they created in the first place, they deliberately wait for the right time to implement the solution to cause the most damage to people’s ability to think for themselves. It is further claimed that predictive programming is actually a highly advanced form of AI used for the psychological conditioning of the masses.
Jesus never told us to be victims, punching bags or waifs. We are to be warriors for Christ. Defend ourselves, our family and our communities. We must be ready to resist violence and manipulation.
The Court System is being protected by politicians in the West. They and their friends can get away with assault, rape and murder, almost anything.
This is an update to the ongoing unrestricted military operation that is focused on dominating our mind's space. This is hard to find for English speakers. The point is to bring in a One World Government.
The battlefields are changing forever, fake election wars will be the force multiplier to take lives and save lives. This essential update to get wise to this monumental change no one is talking about.
You do not buy a drunk a drink, because that only compounds the problem. Do not entertain pro-court people who are ideologically possessed, because it will only get worse. We must see it for what it is to be prepared.
Let me explain in this podcast. |