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Forensic acoustic proof of SECOND shooter in the Las Vegas massacre
In essence, because of the differences in the speed of sound vs. the speed of the bullets from a known cartridge (.223 Remington, in this case), the time lag...
Former SEAL Team Commander Speaks On Las Vegas Shooting
Gun running, Gun control, FBI, ISIS and…

Waveform Audio Analysis of Las Vegas Shooting - Two Shooters? 

Waveform Analysis - 3 Clips Las Vegas Shooting - One Shooter or Multiple Shooters? Thomas Miller Published on Oct 7, 2017
This is a second video analyzing various clips from footage from October 1, 2017 in Las Vegas. If you have not seen the first video, the link is here. It is a better basis for the purpose of this analysis.
Major Change to Official Story of Las Vegas Shooting

Corporate And Deep State Takeover Of YouTube Almost Complete

How bad can the new spying legislation be? Exhibit 1: it's called the USA Liberty Act

Analysis The US Senate Judiciary Committee has unveiled its answer to a controversial spying program run by the NSA and used by the FBI to fish for crime leads.

- - - - - Mon Oct 9 

"Jason Aldean was singing when the shooting took place in Las Vegas. He was supposed to sing in Vegas in support of the victims, instead he chose to go on Saturday Night Live to perform a Tom Petty cover (who also died that night). He has a tattoo on his left arm which you can look up with matching symbols of the Black Sun (Saturn) / Harvest festival (note Hexagon logo / Saturn), plus matching symbols to Steve Jackson's famous card game that often linked to disasters. Plus, the SNL hosted by Gadot was the very first live broadcast of the show in Israel, which really is a signal that the sacrifice was a success in US (ordered by whom I will not say)."

OK Marin peeps here's how you can help with this horrible fire situation. Just came from the Marin Civic Center where they declared it a Evacuation Site for all the fire victims up north. I just donated food warming appliances from the redwood snack bar kitchen that we had planned to donate anyway. This situation is worse than we think. If you have food, clothing, toys, extra pet food please bring them to the Civic Center second building in the back. Evacuees are there with literally nothing but the clothes on their back's.
Adding: Clothes for older children and adults, blankets, new pillows, new underwear for all ages, packaged prepared food, baby formula. Drop off behind Marin civic center exhibit hall. Please share!

- - - - - Sun Oct 8 

     #2A 2nd Amendment
GUNS (Virtual State of the Union 2013)
In this segment of his Virtual State of the Union, the Virtual President talks about why politicians want to talk about gun control rather than crime control...

     #2A 2nd Amendment
Thinking outside the debate parameters imposed by others…

- - - - - Fri Sep 29      

UNDERCOVER IN ANTIFA: Their Tactics and Media…  

#AZOMITE IS avail at your local bulk supply garden store. it is 70 minerals.
Aged Horse Manure is my FREE goto Fav for all garden and then wood chips are ok over aged horse manure . I like FREE STUFF! 
I use old abandoned sand bags too! the CHALKY DUSTY ones. to Remineralize the soil. FREE IS GOOD!
Acidify soil with coffee rinds if needed. REDWOODS LOVE ACID! coffee rinds and AGED HORSE MANURE! and WOOD CHIPS! and WATER! 
- - - - - Thu Sep 28  

UNDERCOVER IN ANTIFA: Their Tactics and Media…   

UNDERCOVER IN ANTIFA: Their Tactics and Media…

#ANTIFA = ANTI Free Assembly ANTIFA = ANTI First Amendment 
#AltLeft #Antifa #Violent #Leftist #Thugs #RegressiveLeft #Terrorist #UCBerkeley #UCB #Berkeley
#Soros #GeorgeSoros Funded #Terror #Riots ‪#Terrorists‬ ‪#ViolentLeft‬ #UCBigot #UCBigots #UCBigotry 
demands a #BikeLockToTheHead if you do not agree with them  

There's nothing like a bath full of worms.
Prenatal Fluoride Exposure and Cognitive Outcomes in Children at 4 and 6–12 Years of Age in Mexico
politicians mandate by law the consumption of a neurotoxin that reduces IQ in babies.

The War Against America 
With Alex Jones and Stefan Molyneux 

Yvette Falarca Berkeley violent arrrest is just cause for removal as teacher. District Information:
2020 Bonar St Berkeley CA 94702 Suite 322 510-644-8764
Donald Evans, EdD, Superintendent of Schools
Public Reporting - Complaints
Individuals with firsthand knowledge of misconduct may submit a complaint to the Division of Professional…
- - - - - Wed Sep 27  
Mass Hypnosis and Trigger Words is doing some of thee best investigative work on the internet today...  
mad respect #MKultra #Monarch #MindControl $Tavistock  #PsyOp #PsyOps  #CovertOps #BlackOps  

What is Happening to us? Are we Programmable?

WoodPecker Frequency riding on EMF info field to FEED info via Microwaves and Electric lines to affect Human Psychology and Behavior.
ElectroMagneticSoup that OverLays the Human Nervous System. #HAARP #MKultra #MindControl #Agenda21 #ICLEI #HungerGames #Genocide #GeorgiaGuideStones #CFR #Bilderberg #TrilateralComission #ClubOfRome #DePopulation #Chemtrails #MicroWaves 
#SmartMeters #WIFI #GMO #GeneticRoulette #PerceptionDeception #DeceptionControl 
#Fluoride #NerveGas #RatPoison #Sarin #DoesNotStopCavaties

Hitler didn't hate Jews. He hated zionism

- - - - - Tue Sep 26 

 'Black Lives Matter' vs FBI Statistics 

It’s here, our full film “America Under Siege: Antifa”. This is the film that was set to premiere at UC Berkeley, before Antifa and the school shut us down

When Brown Anti-fa turns on White Anti-fa 
#ANTIFA = ANTI Free Assembly ANTIFA = ANTI First Amendment 
#AltLeft #Antifa #Violent #Leftist #Thugs #RegressiveLeft
#Soros #GeorgeSoros Funded #Terror #Riots ‪#Terrorists‬ ‪#ViolentLeft‬ 

#Interesting that the PEOPLE wanting SOCIALISM don't really CONTRIBUTE much to society to begin with.

#Antifa #Violent #Leftist #Thugs #RegressiveLeft #UCBigot #UCBigots #UCBigotry demands a bike lock to the head if you do not agree with the #AltLeft #Antifa #Terrorist #Thugs @ #UCBerkeley #UCB #Berkeley

 Judicial Watch believes that voter fraud is a national problem and that clean voter rolls are key for ensuring clean elections. California’s voting rolls are an absolute mess that undermine the very idea of clean elections. It is urgent that California take reasonable steps to clean up its rolls. Judicial Watch will sue if state officials fail to act.
Learn more here:
- - - - - Mon Sep 25

"I'm a former liberal and I'm NEVER going back." 
On "Watters' World," Candace Owens talked about "taking the red pill" and leaving liberalism for conservatism.
The End (of History Illusion)
2 min 52 sec Short Edited by John Massaria
made possible by Miu Miu 
for more information

Milo Yiannopoulos Setting the record straight
Stefan Molyneux shared Freedomain Radio's video
The Truth About The Tennessee Church Shooting and Emanuel Kidega Samson

- - - - - Sun Sep 24 

Live at Berkeley Milo Protest 
In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news Luke Z Rudkowski 

MILO will be speaking at UC Berkeley at 3pm EST/12pm PST. Stay tuned on MILO's Facebook page.  

March Against 'White Supremacy' - Berkeley, CA 
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.