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A = First Video uploaded by LUKE RUDKOWSKI H = Most recent G20 Riot Video

H VIDEO: Hamburg Looks Like a War Zone After Antifa G20 Riots! [SHOCKING] (RoofTopView Female Narration En Deutche) 

G: Meanwhile in Germany! WOW! (Hamburg Video Compilation Orchestra)
Thank you, dear politicians, for this beautiful g20 summit! (in this video, you should tune in the sound! It's worth it! I promise! ) 
#Antifa #Terrorist  #Mob #Vandals #Thugs #Commies #Leftists #LeftistThugs #RegressiveLeft #G20 2017 #SOROS #MERKEL #Hamburg  #riot #riots #arson #vandals #vandalism 

F:     G20 riots Antifa LOOTING
Left wing terror group ANTIFA looting stores in G20 riots. 

D:     Mike Cernovich (6 scene video compilation)
ANTIFA rioting in Germany. This is why they need to be declared a terror organization nationwide as they have been already in New Jersey.   
Mike Cernovich 
#Antifa #Terrorist  #Mob #Vandals #Thugs #Commies #Leftists #LeftistThugs #RegressiveLeft #G20 2017 #SOROS #MERKEL #Hamburg #riot #riots #arson #vandals #vandalism #Libtard #Libtards

E: ( CAMPS for THUGS? kim.lepper )
Hamburg under siege! And the 2nd night is just about to begin.
     CAMPS for THUGS? 
"Peak Liberalism. Or just supreme stupidity? Diddiddums...Did you HEAR the jackass whining that the government didn't lay on CAMPS for these violent destructive fucktardians 'while politicians stay in 5* accommodation...'
It would be a laugh if it wasn't so utterly bloody ghastly. How ENTITLED do these bloody people really feel?!?!"
#Antifa #Terrorist  #Mob #Vandals #Thugs #Commies #Leftists #LeftistThugs #RegressiveLeft #G20 2017 #SOROS #MERKEL #Hamburg #riot #riots #arson #vandals #vandalism #Libtard #Libtards

A:     #WeAreChange (FIRST VIDEO of Hamburg G20 Antifa Riots Arson Vandalism)
#Antifa #Terrorist Group Torching Cars Busting Windows Spraypainting Vandalism @ #Hamburg #G20 2017  #Mob #Vandals #Thugs #Commies #Leftists #LeftistThugs #RegressiveLeft #SOROS #MERKEL #Hamburg #riot #riots #arson #vandals #vandalism   video by:
Luke Z Rudkowski

B:     beautiful city? (DashCam video by Florian Schmidt) 
What are you doing? What are you doing to our beautiful city? #G20 
#Antifa #Terrorist  #Mob #Vandals #Thugs #Commies #Leftists #LeftistThugs #RegressiveLeft #G20 2017 #SOROS #MERKEL #Hamburg #riot #riots #arson #vandals #vandalism

C:     Hamburg is Burning (First Balcony View) 
#Antifa #Terrorist  #Mob #Vandals #Thugs #Commies #Leftists #LeftistThugs #RegressiveLeft #G20 2017 #SOROS #MERKEL #Hamburg  #riot #riots #arson #vandals #vandalism
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.