Plant Trees SF Events 2018 Archive: 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025


SF events   5.10  
MAY 11-14  Emissions Festival's 10 Yr Anniv Belden Town Resort & Lodge
Fri MAY 18 Maker Faire Bay Area 2018 — 13th Annual 18 May–20 May · San Mateo County Event Center 
)'( )'( )'(  Bay to Breakers Sun May 20, 2018 SF best place to join in… 10am -Noon at GG park panhandle into GG Park then Haight st. all night costume Party! 9th and Irving SF is smaller.  
)'( Sat Jun 23 DYKEMARCH Sat before Sun Pride. Dykemarch Gather Dolores Park Noon-5pm. 5pm Dykes on Bikes leads Lesbian march to PINK SATURDAY @ Castro and 18th St SF 
)'( )'( )'(  Sun Jun 24 Pride @ SF Civic Center + 16 blocks of DJs Music Dancing Costumes and Vendor Booths. 100,000 people. Mostly 20s. Plenty in Costume! Mostly sexy outfits! FUN!
)'( )'( MAY 23 WED Lightning in a Bottle 2018 presented by Do LaB Monterey Co, CA
)'( JUN 8 Enchanted Forest Gathering 20188 June–11 June Black Oak Ranch Laytonville, CA
)'( )'( )'( Burning Man Aug 26 – Sept 3, 2018 

Bring a truck / Van / SUV or spacious car today and grab tons of free items you can sell to fundraise for your cause! Location: Palo Alto
Tons of Camping gear too for you or your camp! HAVE A GARAGE SALE or RUMMAGE SALE? why not? make $

     I can drop off items to you free!
If you seek more money You can help in sale and keep every $ you get. If you seek less money I could run the sale. Easy $100 per day for you if you have a good corner, you need do nothing.
Fundraiser yard sale for you or your cause: lots of $ if anyone has a spot for a yard sale  / garage sale / rummage sale. 
I am in Palo Alto off 280 but I have lots of items to donate. Can drop off with my minivan. SF would be easiest. Garage sales do well in 
Mission or Bernal Neighborhoods etc. especially on a corner with good foot and auto traffic. 
I can be involved at any level. I can drop off, and clean up and remove everything afterward.
Volunteers could raise lots of $  . Tons of $ if I could drop off items daily W Th F Sa Su etc leading up to a F / Sa / Su Sale… :)
     Fri May 11
11 May–13 May Art Explosion Studios 2425 17th St & 744 Alabama St, SF  May 11th Friday 7-11pm May 12-13 Sat & Sun 12-5pm

MAY 11-14  Emissions Festival's 10 Yr Anniv Belden Town Resort & Lodge

19:30Open Mic Night at the Berkeley Animal Rights CenterBerkeley Animal Rights Center 

     Sat MAY 12 
Sat MAY 12 Cube of Truth: San Francisco, CA: May 12th 11:00 · Powell St. Cable Car Turnaround · SF 

Sat MAY 12 Bjork Rave SF Public · Hosted by Club 90s and The Public Works 161 Erie SF  

     Sun MAY 13 Mother's Day
Sun MAY 13 12:00–15:00 Mother's Day - Vegan Ice Cream Handout & Outreach pinSmitten Ice Cream (Mission District)904 Valencia St SF @ 20th St.

     Mon MAY 14
Mon MAY 14 Oakland Poly Happy Hour - May  19:00 · Organ House · Oakland, CA  

     Tue 15 May
Tue 15 May 19:00 20:30 Spark: A Burning Man Story- Larry Harvey In Memoriam Roxie Theater  

     Wed MAY 16 
Wed MAY 16 Last Tipsy Knot Luck!Wed 7-11 pm Chez Poulet 3359 Cesar Chavez St SF @ Mission / So Van Ness  

May 16 Internal Programs   Film Series -- Wednesdays at 7:30 pm     Wednesday Film Series on  The Truth about Vaccines  
 The Truth About Vaccines Docu-series -- Episode 5  by Ty Bollinger May 16     The Truth About Vaccines Docu-series -- Episode 6   by Ty Bollinger May 23   The Truth About Vaccines Docu-series -- Episode 7    by Ty Bollinger May 30 Humanist Hall 390 27th St Oakland  

     Fri MAY 18 
Fri MAY 18 Maker Faire Bay Area 2018 — 13th Annual 18 May–20 May · San Mateo County Event Center  

Friday 18 May 7:00pm-10:00pm FREE! Classic Cars West 411 26th St, Oakland

MAY 18 17:00–19:00 CROSSOVER, 2 Artists, 6 Degrees of Separation @ Building REsources 701 Amador St, SF
Building REsources is the BEST and CHEAPEST site in SF to buy MATERIALS supplies props fixtures hardware paint glass steel wood building materials for home work or )'( 
MAY 18 FRI Smoke Your Greens and Eat Them Too 17:30 · Lake Merritt Amphitheater  

     Sat MAY 19
MAY 19 SAT Oakland VegFest 2018 11 · Lake Merritt Amphitheater  

Sat MAY 19 5th Annual Russian River Lazy Float 11:00 · Steelhead Beach Regional Park 

Sat MAY 19  16:30 Cube of Truth Powell St. Cable Car Turnaround SF 

Sat MAY 19 18:00 to 4:00 6th Annual Steampunk Masquerade - Steampunk City! The Public Works  161 Erie St SF

4)  The Plot to Kill Martin Luther King,  Sat May 19, 2018, 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm,  Fellowship Hall, 1924 Cedar St, Berkeley
Films and Discussion about the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. organized by the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance and the BFUU Social Justice Committee, featuring James Corbett's "Truth At Last: The Assassination of Martin Luther King" and possibly a segment from Court TV. Both include a dear friend of Martin Luther King, and the King family, William Pepper, whose journalistic work on Vietnam prompted King to take a stand against the Vietnam War. Pepper also won a court case for the King family showing culpability for the assassination involved the police, the military and the US government, which are detailed in his books, including the latest- The Plot to Kill King: The Truth Behind the Assassination of Martin Luther.  

     Sun May 20
)'( )'( )'(  Bay to Breakers Sun May 20, 2018 SF best place to join in… 10am -Noon at GG park panhandle into GG Park then Haight st. all night costume Party! 9th and Irving SF is smaller. Castro and Mission are smaller...
Bring a Picnic Brunch to Pan Handle GG Park for 10am-Noon cause you will NEVER meet more 20 somethings in costume than today. only competition are DykeMarch / Pride / Burning Man
)'( = <10,000 peeps )'( )'(  = > 10,000 peeps. )'( )'( )'( = 70,000 (Burning Man) to 100,000 = B2B Pride 4July HSBG
SF has only 4 big 100,000 people parties: ( A: BayToBreakers 5.20  B: DykeMarch 6.23 Pride 6.24   C: 4thofJulyPier39Embarcadero (no costumes tho :( ) D: BlueGrass )Sept/Oct
One day inside my camera #BaytoBreakers #SF 

)'( )'( )'(  MAY 20 Bay to Breakers 2018 Sun 

MAY 23 WED Animal Liberation Conference 2018 09 · Berkeley, CA 

)'( )'( MAY 23 WED Lightning in a Bottle 2018 presented by Do LaB Monterey Co, CA 

MAY 24 The Ashes of Speciesism Thurs 8:30 · Crescent Lawn UC Berkeley 

Fri MAY 25 18:00 SF Animal Cruelty Protest: I'm Not Lovin' It  

Sat MAY 26 16:45 Animal Liberation March 750 Howard St, SF  

     JUN 2018
JUN 2 Dirtybird BBQ 2018: Oakland Sat 12:00 · Middle Harbor Shoreline Park 

)'( Regional Burn: JUN 2 MPYRE Strikes Back! Sat 12:00 · 699 Del Monte Ave, Monterey, CA 

Sunday Streets  June 3 - Sunset/GGP

Sunday Streets Berkeley is on June 3
11am - 4pm.  This year, the event will close Shattuck from Rose in North Berkeley to Channing Way downtown, as well as Durant Ave. from Shattuck to Telegraph, and Telegraph from Bancroft to Dwight. (with Cedar and University to be kept open with crossing guards).  During Sunday Streets, the roadway is car-free, so people can walk, bike, skate, dance, and play in the open streets. Sunday Streets is an excellent way for people to experience our community in a whole new way.  As a local business or non-profit organization, you have the opportunity to reach our expected 30,000 event attendees!  

JUN 3 Downtown Berkeley Pet Parade Sun 12:00  

JUN 5 Amma at MA Center5 June–11 June · MA Center · Castro Valley, CA 

Turin, Italy, June 7-10 - Bilderberg 2018 confirmed?

)'( JUN 8 Enchanted Forest Gathering 20188 June–11 June · Black Oak Ranch · Laytonville, CA  

Haight Ashbury Street Fair Sunday June 10 11am-5:30pm  

JUN 21 Camp Tipsy 2018 21 June–24 June · East Park Reservoir · Stonyf 

Heart and Soulstice festival June 22-25!! )*( Yes! We’ve got an awesome line up of music and I’m leading the Permaculture village putting together a solid schedule of workshops and discussions. Polish Ambassador

)'( Sat Jun 23 DYKEMARCH Saturday before Sunday Pride late June. Dykemarch Gather Dolores Park Noon-5pm. 5pm Dykes on Bikes leads Lesbian march to PINK SATURDAY @ Castro and 18th St SF

)'( )'( )'(  Sun Jun 24 Pride @ SF Civic Center + 16 blocks of DJs Music Dancing Costumes and Vendor Booths. 100,000 people. Mostly 20s. Plenty in Costume! Mostly sexy outfits! FUN!
Wed JUN 27 East Bay Burners' Theme Camp Speed Dating  19:00 · East Bay Community Space · Oakland  

JUN 30 All Day I Dream of Park Party People Sat 12:30 · Hellman Hollow, Golden Gate Park · SF  

     JUL 2018
Sunday Streets July 15 - Mission 2 

JUL 20 Northern Nights Music Festival 2018 20 July–23 July · Northern Nights · Piercy, CA 

     AUG 2018
AUG 10 Beloved Festival 2018 | Sacred Art, Music & Movement 10 August–13 August OR

)'( )'( )'( Burning Man Aug 26 – Sept 3, 2018 
4 Years of Burning Man - The Loved & Unnatural- Short Film - 2014 - 2017 Sparkle Pony - How to Dress at Burning Man   Sage like playa advice from Sparkle Pony ;)

Loved the Simpsons take on Burning Man, but I missed the music from all the camps and moving art cars which is so integral to the Burning Man experience.
So, I've added a soundtrack replicating the experience. So fine. With some musical favorites. 
SF has only 4 big 100,000 people parties: ( A: BayToBreakers 5.20  B: DykeMarch 6.23 Pride 6.24   C: 4thofJulyPier39Embarcadero (no costumes tho :( ) D: BlueGrass )Sept/Oct

Do NOT leave Valuables in CAR!   Do not leave anything in car. Windows broken for empty bag. CrackHeads and Homeless in a city that looks the other way. 

Poop on sidewalks. = SF.  If you like Hepatitis you will love SF! 
San Francisco has an interactive poop map
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.