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     5G G5 MKultra Phoenix Microwave Warfare Mind Control EMF
WHOOLI'S BLOG Thursday, August 15, 2019 Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show 8/14/2019 

5G means the TELECOMS are converting the UTILITY POLES in front of our homes to CELL TOWERS. This affects us all... and the science is clear that children are the most vulnerable.
We're reaching toward critical mass. Join us:

     Fred Burks
Cell Phones, Wireless Dangers News ArticlesExcerpts of key news articles on cell phone and wireless dangers

     Jeffrey Epstein
Jeffrey is alive and well in a Witness Protection Program.  Even Trump is not buying the official story.

Why would they show a photo of Epstein being taken to the hospital where he supposedly died?  Why weren't they trying to resuscitate him?  Because it was not him, but a stand in (or lie in!).  
No one has been able to commit suicide at Epstein's Maximum Security Prison in the last 20 years.

The famous coroner Michael Baden who is checking out Jeffrey's "dead" body is the same dude who corroborated that JFK was killed by a lone gunman; he also confirmed the "official" story about MLK's death.  Duh!

    Colin Flaherty
Butcher's Bill for Mass shootings this week: Fellas 21. White people, ZERO.

     Colin Flaherty
Convict guns down 6 cops in Philly. He should have been in prison.
A fella holding the gun — who should have been in prison.
More Criminal Justice Reform. More fellas shooting cops.
And it is happening all over the country —RIGHT NOW. 
Oh yeah, we have a ton to talk about on this new podcast from Colin Flaherty.
All this in a new podcast from Colin Flaherty

In 2017 Illinois, Blacks Represent 14% of the Population of the State and 66 Percent of Known Homicide Suspects
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.