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     Bilderberg Thursday 2019.05.30
NEW VIDEO: Eric Schmidt Confronted On Google Bias and Fake News!!! 👀 Bilderberg 2019

WATCH NOW: Bilderberg Day 2: Already In A Jail Cell!!!

Luke Rudkowski is on the ground at Bilderberg 2019 providing exclusive reports! 
Bilderberg 2019 BIG SURPRISES! Stacey Abrams And Space Force Download and use the Brave… 

     Luke Z Rudkowski 
Guess who I saw randomly walking towards me in the street at #Bilderberg no one other then Google / Alphabet ERIC SCHMIDT himself!!!
Video drops tomorrow 10am EST he actually cursed in my video which I asked him not since i told him it would demonitize the video, lmao.
and oh yeah RIP anything I do on Google / YouTube from now on, soooooo sign up on our email list NOW please.

     Bilderberg 2019
great interview with James Corbett, here it is
WATCH NOW: The Bilderberg 2019 Location Still a Secret!! Why?

Bilderberg and the Digital New World Order MIRROR 

     Engineered global collapse 
Bilderberg elites are betting on global disintegration to make way for the new world order.

     The Corbett Report 
Bilderberg 2019 is here!
Bilderberg 2019 Who Are This Year's Secret Attendees?
Bilderberg 2019 is here and I go over the available information with Tony Gosling.

 #5G Dangers Explained in just 100 seconds! ... #Stop5G Activism News Australia Exposing ARPANSA & #ICNIRPCorruption: ... Research ... Join: ... Support:  

5G will kill the bee.
No bees = No humans
Take action.
Stop 5G.

Every citizen should go to their local City Council Meetings and demand an end to both 5G and Smart Meters.
Read the Essay: Template for activists to demand an end to 5G and Smart Meters. Let us get the Anti-5G rEvolution started. 
Stop 5G - Stop Smart Meters. Go to your City Council and say "I will not be subjected to a 5G Lab Experiment."
Bruce Cain. Dearborn Heights City Council Meeting results in special study session on 5G. (05/14/2019)
Bruce Cain discusses dangers of 5G and Censorship. Dearborn City Council Meeting (May 21, 2019)
My discussion begins at 45:05">

Educating people about what is happening is difficult, but the approach Portland 5G resisters are taking is appealing.
5G cell tower critics post 'health warning' signs
"Portland city leaders and residents alike are worried about the 5G cell towers set to go up in the region.
The Richmond neighborhood is the future site of a 5G small cell tower installation.
Smaller cells can fit on light poles and are in the works nationwide to eventually provide 5G service that's 20 times faster than 4G.
Signs have recently appeared around the neighborhood, opposing the project and claiming the installation presents a public health risk."
Perhaps one of the most important #health facets of #lemons is their ability to stave off various #cancers. Researchers have found links between lemon rind – which contains up to 10 times the amount of vitamins and nutrients as the actual fruit itself – and dramatic reductions in the incidence of certain cancers.


    Brain Tumor
California Brain Tumor Association: 5G INFO 

Man made storm in California! Watch in Southern California (yesterday) as one RADAR pulses at another RADAR station, creating a hail storm real time over one of the RADAR stations!!!

LED Lights Can Cause Irreversible Eye Damage, According to French Health Authority 

     Luke Z Rudkowski 
NEW VIDEO: Whats Really Going On Between China And The U.S

NEW VIDEO: Alexa Please Stop Spying On Me!

     9-11: The Lauder/Rothschild Connection
The Rothschilds, the founding family of the Zionist state of Israel, are closely linked to various aspects of the 9-11 terror atrocity. The Solving 9-11 books present some of these connections, which are usually one step removed and not easily seen. The Lauder/Rothschild connection, on the other hand, is one that is both obvious and central to the 9-11 operation.
The 9-11 terror crime required a great deal of setting up, preparation which included the privatization of the World Trade Center, state-owned property of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. For the culprits, obtaining control of the Twin Towers was necessary so that demolition teams could access the buildings in order to place explosive materials. This would have been impossible had the towers remained in the hands of the Port Authority.
The privatization of the World Trade Center involved Ronald Lauder, a high-level Zionist with close ties to the Rothschild family, one of whom served at the highest level of Israel's Military Intelligence Directorate.
See: 9-11: The Lauder/Rothschild Connection

     Fight White Genocide 
New FWG Podcast #10 - Dirk Moses and the Genocide Awareness Fraud -
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.