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Botanist Report Links The Pulsed Microwave Radiation Emissions of Wireless Networks To The Disappearance and Exodus of Song Birds, Bats and Insects in Mt. Nardi
In late 2012 and early 2013, with the construction of a new tower in the complex and the introduction of a 600,000-watt generator, the system was upgraded to what became universally known as “4G.” Immediately after, I witnessed the rapid exodus of a further 49 bird species.
“It is evident that pulsed microwaves are particularly toxic.
It should be considered a National Emergency that this Matter of National Significance is protected immediately.”

     Stefan Molyneux
Sunset in the Golden State - Ep 3: Immigration
Here is a preview:
Here is the link to the Premiere - click it now to be reminded, and see you tonight!
If you'd like to check out (and share) the previous episodes, the link is
As you know I spent some time exploring California recently, and I have documented my experiences in a new video series - the premiere of the third episode - "Immigration" - is tomorrow, Sunday Aug 11, 7PM PST, 10PM EST.
Come by and watch the premiere with me, it will be a blast!

Into the Forest on NetFLIX slow apocalypse West Coast North America when the power goes out for over a year. good to watch to consider 
OPSEC Operational SECurity: you CAR KEYS GUNS Knives FOOD and TOOLS should BE Hidden from Thieves but accessible to YOU when you need. 
Buddy System. Go in 2s. for SECURITY. Watch your 6. Be invisible. Be a Ninja. Travel in STEALTH. BE in STEALTH.
USE STREET SMARTS at HOME. LOCK your CAR and use a CLUB for Steering wheel that your CAR does NOT get STOLEN.
EVERYBODY needs MEDiCAL supply Friends neighbors  and community. No one would last long alone. Build your hood.
Talk to your neighbors friends and folk about EARTHQUAKE prep and CERT / NERT. So that they too PREP. 

Red flag laws deny due process and are easier to carry out than search warrants.  Your guns can be confiscated if just one person reports you as a terrorist risk.  You cannot defend your rights.  T is getting out of control.
A Brief History of the CIA’s Dirty War in South Sudan

    Fake official narrative about El Paso shooting
Too many inconsistencies as usual.  Yes, I too wonder why if the guy wanted to kill mexicans, he shot mostly caucasians.  Walmart was not the right venue to kill immigrants/mexicans.
Many people reported multiple shooters, just like in Las Vegas, but they always end up claiming it was a "lone shooter."
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.