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Dinesh D'Souza Retweeted
Ian Miles Cheong
@stillgray   58m 
Black Lives Matter protesters are taking to the streets in San Bernardino because a cop shot an armed thug who was trying to shoot him. Here is the footage. 

Andy Ngô Retweeted
Drew Hernandez   @livesmattershow   57m      White Mercedes
SAN BERNARDINO: A BLM protester punches a Hispanic woman in the face and another BLM protester keys her car after BLM protesters shut down an intersection (baseline/waterman)

Andy Ngô   @MrAndyNgo   46m    Blue Honda
BLM rioters in San Bernardino, Cal. have shut down the road and are keying people’s cars who drive by. Video by

Andy Ngô   @MrAndyNgo   49m 
Angry BLM protesters gather in the street in San Bernardino, Cal. after a black man was shot dead last night by a cop. It was caught on video & shows him resisting arrest, fighting the cop & grabbing a pistol from his waistband. Video by
Kalen From Scriberr   @FromKalen   1m    White Mercedes
Insane BLM thug strikes an innocent woman in the face through her window as she tries to navigate through a sea of protesters. 
Drew Hernandez @livesmattershow · 1h
SAN BERNARDINO: A BLM protester punches a Hispanic woman in the face and another BLM protester keys her car after BLM protesters shut down an intersection (baseline/waterman) 

#BLM = Burn Loot Murder    BLM = Baal Lucifer Moloch
#Antifa = Anti First Amendment 
#Chaz  = Crack Heroin Amphetamine Zone
#CHOP = Crack Heroin Opium Pills
#BLM #Antifa #SOROS #ARSON #Terror #Mob #SoyMalia #TofuDishu #Antifastan 
#SoyVietUnion #WOKEaDISHU #Chazmania #Portland #Seattle #Kenosha #DC #SF #Wauwatosa #Wisconsin #Milwaukee #SanBernardino

Dark Winter what the hell? FRD OCT 23 2020
Beautiful and amazing human being,

Did you hear Joe Biden in the debate twice bring up a Dark Winter? Which he says we're about to go into.

You know what else Dark Winter is?

Operation Dark Winter was a pandemic simulation. Kind of like Event 201.

Except Dark Winter was simulating a bio attack and was conducted back in 2001, not 2019. It's also what a Tom Clancy video game is based on.

In the video above, I go over how this all is eerily similar to what's been going on in 2020.

And we're now seeing lots of new cases in Europe so will there be new lockdowns??

Plus I give you more debate breakdown and a foreign policy update about a new Russia-China alliance and more.

Have a watch.
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.