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What Is The Real Agenda Behind The Effort To Defund & Dismantle The Police

ABSOLUTE BOMBSHELL!!! MUST SEE! Jewish Mafia. Israeli intelligence. Trump. Epstein. Maxwell. Wexner. Political blackmail. Pedophelia 

     Luke Rudkowski     We Are Change    Mon Jul 13 
Ghislaine Maxwell 'Fled' Across House During Raid; FBI Found Tin Foil-Wrapped Cell Phone 
According to a Monday court filing, Ghislaine Maxwell bolted to another room when FBI agents showed up to her secluded New Hampshire estate to arrest her.
Apparently she hired former British military members to guard her 24-7.

It's why they are fucking small business, especially bars and restaurants out of business, cause the F&B entertainment industry and the drug trade are the primary users of cash. Once they destroy the independent and self employed middle class, they can claim that cash fuels the drug trade alone, and removing cash, stops illegal drugs. This way big pharma has no more competition. But the true reason is that by taking out the small business sector and their landlords, they destroy the american dream as a roll model for self sufficiency, they drop the property values for big developers to consolidate on the cheap, and they clear the way for a socialist welfare state where they control us all through financial enslavement. This is the feds and mega corps future for america. It's the only way they retain the dollar hedgemony when all money is digital... they have 100% control. End of freedom, hello tyranny.

     What We Do
The Noise Pollution Clearinghouse is a national non-profit organization with extensive online noise related resources. 
NPC seeks to:
	•	Raise awareness about noise pollution
	•	Create, collect, and distribute information and resources regarding noise pollution
	•	Strengthen laws and governmental efforts to control noise pollution
	•	Establish networks among environmental, professional, medical, governmental, and activist groups working on noise pollution issues
	•	Assist activists working against noise pollution
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.