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     Saturday Sept 12

Ryan Dawson Sat Sept 12 2020 36:45
Ryan Dawson 911 with Vincent James

Sargon of Akkad @Sargonofakkad100 
Black Lives Matter Invades British Popular Culture
Note How Australia Becomes TYRANNY after they take away people’s guns/ right to self defense! #2A 
America has 2nd Amendment Rights for THAT VERY REASON! TO STOP TYRANNY/ to overthrow a Tyrannical GOVT
Paul Joseph Watson Retweeted      Avi Yemini     @OzraeliAvi 
Meanwhile in Victoria. Because cOroNaVIRuS.

Andy Ngô     @MrAndyNgo 
Black bloc rioters participate in Paris protest today. Video by @ybouziar

Andy Ngô     @MrAndyNgo 
Paris: Black bloc rioters roll bottle container down the street to use as a barricade at the Yellow Vests protest.

Antifa And BLM Are Begging People To Stop Posting Videos Of Riots Because They're Getting Arrested

#BLM = Burn Loot Murder    BLM = Baal Lucifer Moloch
#Antifa = Anti First Amendment 
#Chaz  = Crack Heroin Amphetamine Zone
#CHOP = Crack Heroin Opium Pills
#BLM #Antifa #SOROS #ARSON #Terror #Mob #SoyMalia #TofuDishu #Antifastan 
#SoyVietUnion #WOKEaDISHU #Chaz #Chazmania #Portland #Seattle #Kenosha
WARNING: China to CREATE a Separate Financial System! RISING Wealth Inequality in America!

Sargon of Akkad     @Sargonofakkad100 
LIVE: Temporarily Embarrassed Mullahs

     FRIDAY Sept 11

Andy Ngô     @MrAndyNgo 
Black bloc rioters in Paris at the Yellow Vest protest smash up a luxury car parked on the street today.

Andy Ngô     @MrAndyNgo 
Paris: Elderly man tries to stop black bloc rioter from smashing a car at the Yellow Vest protest. The rioter shoves him to the ground.

Ian Miles Cheong    @stillgray
Welcome to De Blasio’s New York City.

The New 9/11 Pentagon Investigation Part 1/8 
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.