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See Also: 2020.03.06 and / or 2020.01.05
Due to AIDS SCARE I WAS ABSTINENT for 10 years from 1985 to 1995. You see folks were deathly scared of Salad Bars. Fear was prevalent. 
AIDS came to USA Thanks to MERCK Pharmaceuticals HEP Vaccines. Though that was not known for another decade. Point Being: 
HabIts Learned beIng a hypochondrIac wIll serve YOU and I well TODAY! 

2: Wash Your Hands! En Espanol: Lávense las manos
2B: Wash your hands before coming to the table. En Espanol: Lávense las manos antes de venir a la mesa.
3: place a rubber band over your wrist. if you touch your face, slap / snap your wrist with that rubber band. This will teach you not to touch your face. 
3B: Works to stop smoking too. Tape 1 Cig to outside of box. Whenever your reach for it, Snap Rubber Band on your wrist.

I only touch my eyes wIth Clean Hand towel out of the shower, the Clean sheet of my bed, or the clean inside of my shirt. 
One Clean Hand towel out of each Shower. No Bath Towels. Less Laundry. Dry for one day, use as Bib or Cat Bed Liner, Then wash the next day… Pro Tip!
You can also line your many cat beds with the days’ shirt or pillow case, then gather for next wash… Cats love new layers. Prevents Fleas.

A: I pee in public restrooms without touching myself: only my pants. B: Decades ago i used to wash before I pee, but then would need to wash again, that takes time, so … A
When I would see a guy do the same; wash hands before, I would tell the woman he was with, cause that’s a CLEAN GUY! Maybe a keeper. 

AT Class or meeting, reception or party, when someone coughs or sneezes I take that CUE to change rooms, hold breath, calculate moves.

Corona Virus transmits 10 Meters or 30 feet via Aerosol: see: 

A Crisis Within A Crisis Peak Prosperity Thu Mar 5 38:33

Peak Prosperity Wed Mar 4 38:06 India Bans Many Pharmaceutical Exports 

     Coronavirus Update from Chris Martenson of Peak Prosperity 
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.