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Spiro Skouras interviews Zach Vorhies, whistleblower, on the evil that is Google
Very Important information. Please watch. Aug 6, 2020 Spiro Skouras

A former insider who worked at YouTube / Google, Zach Vorhies shares his story about what he uncovered while working for the tech giant.

Zach Vorhies became a whistleblower after he discovered what he believed to be high crimes committed by Google against entire nations, including the United States.

Google sent the police after Zach when they discovered he had taken over 950 pages of documents from the company which he handed over to the Department of Justice.

Mr. Zorhies also shares a plan to end the censorship and possibly break up the monopoly that has become possibly the most powerful corporation in the world, Google.

Zach Vorhies’ Website

Zach’s Twitter Account

Campaign To End Censorship

GOOD URLS here: Legit Sources

BAD URLS here: disinfo sites Mon Aug 10 14:38
Civil Unrest In Chicago: This Is What They Want To Happen Everywhere!

"Black mobs are ransacking expensive stores in the Loop and on the Magnificent Mile. The rationalization was some black criminal getting shot by the cops on the South Side. Has anybody ever asked Joe Biden what his plan is for why this kind of thing won’t go on throughout his term? What exactly are the Democrats thinking? Do they assume all this rioting and looting is just part of their plot to depose Trump, so as soon as he is gone, the rioters and looters will go home? Or do they figure that as long as they control the media, nobody will notice all the boarded up windows on Michigan Avenue, the most expensive shopping street between the coasts? Are the Democrats just counting on cold weather to make this stuff stop?"

     Friday, August 7, 2020 57:13
Market Update: Melt-Up In…Everything! 
How much longer can this continue? 

Best Practices For Preventing & Treating Covid-19 Aug 6 2020 42:26
What have we learned after fighting this virus for more than half a year? 

Luke Z Rudkowski Fed Aug 7 19:03
Bill Gates Makes SHOCKING Admission!

They Have Gone MAD. Aug 6, 2020 13:46

     Max Igan 10:10 Short Video
The Masses are Dragging us into Hell – So What can we do?2020-08-08 0
This look into the future by Max Egan will disturb you to the core. 
It shows how gruesome life may become in the near future because of a pandemic that does not exist. Everything of

LOl heres the antifa ass whooping footage ... i guess what started it was they attacked an oldman in wheelchair ... you'll see(fckin twitter sucks i had to re-encode each one bc fckin idk) 

FELIX REX  #BlackPigeonSpeaks #FelixRex #CivilizationState
Clash of Civilizations & Turkish Neo-Caliphate RISING
rise of "Civilization Nations." Countries that are looking at their imperial past to chart their geopolitical future -i.e. China, Russia & Turkey. See you in the chat. 
Whole Foods bans Colloidal Silver
Banned Supplement

This is a great and must read book! Watch this!
The Fluoride Deception: an interview with Christopher Bryson

PGA goes SJW. Can crash be far behind? A NEW PODCast from Colin Flaherty.

Why Kamala Harris is DANGEROUS! 
Officer Harris appear to be a(nother) psychopath

coconut oil for cats and dogs. good for skin and fur. ok to use topical and oral small amounts.

Firefighters In CA Get Exempt Status For 5G
Known for a while... “Firefighters in California are now exempt from having 5G antennas installed at fire stations. After producing medical data indicating neurological damage to all firefighters working out of a station with 5G antennas, the firefighter’s union (IAFF) managed to get the Governor of California to make an exemption for future stations to have cell towers installed. While the governor, who is funded by the firefighter’s union, holds steady so when the unions ask for something, they get it, but the data cannot be ignored. Even if battling the firefighter lobbyists is not worth the votes lost by contesting their request, there is factual evidence linking 5G technology to brain damage. So why are towers still being installed on school rooftops when exceptions are being made, and reliable data exists? Is it just because the teacher’s unions aren’t strong enough?”

Democrats are following this same protocol in multiple states and cities:
1. Lockdowns, curfews, and restrictions for law abiding residents, businesses, and churches. 
2. Encourage and defend anarchy, insurrection, and riots. 
3. Defund, dismantle, and shame police.
4. Release prisoners 

ANOTHER safe, effective remedy for COVID-19
Ivermectin, along with Doxycycline and zinc. 
Here it is, reported on Australia's Sky News (which evidently doesn't mind
the bio-fascist crackdown in Melbourne; but never mind). Which of the major
TV outlets in "our free press" would run a similar report on that or any other
drug that has shown great promise as a COVID-19 remedy (and, by now, there
are quite a few, some now used the world over)?
The answer is: "None." The US press is a totalitarian joke, and not a funny one. 

     Masks Make Us Slaves
Massive protests against Covid madness in Berlin; millions of people are waking up, and that is the one thing the powers-that-be fear most.
Last week in Germany, a massive crowd of people hit the streets to protest the lockdowns which are killing businesses, destroying families, and causing untold stress, loneliness and depression, all in the name of preventing the spread of a virus. ‘Masks Make Us Slaves,’ read one banner. 

Melbourne is committing suicide since 7 old folks died of/with COVID-19
That brings the COVID-19 death rate up to 266, out of a population of 4,936,000.
That's a COVID-19 death rate of 0.005%. And look what Melbourne's doing. From Elliot Crown:

A “state of disaster” was declared in Melbourne, Australia when SEVEN (7) SENIOR CITIZENS OVER THE AGES OF 70, 80, and 90, died from or with COVID. This is the most draconian measures ever implemented in response to COVID in a western democracy, including:
- Cannot travel more than 5 km from your home
- Can only leave home to exercise 1 hour per day
- Only one person can go shopping per family each day
- All shopping is to be done within 5 km
- No visitors allowed in your home
- Schooling 100% remote with rare exception
- Shutting down all businesses
- Shutting down all services
- Shutting down all construction
In six months time, will this be 'the new normal' in many so-called western democracies?

New Narrative? from Smacko9

please note: 
The ‘DemoRub’  is a Con, a trap, ‘functioning’ Against USA !
(look up ‘Control Fraud’, coined by William Black)

New Narrative? 
There's only one possible explanation for the New York Times to print this. They realize that their months of gaslighting didn't work, and that people are abandoning the media and the Democrats in droves.

Pro-Vax Leaders Issue Warning For #COVID-19 Vaccine 
The Highwire with Del Bigtree 

2020 Yale Study To Manipulate Americans Into Taking C0VlD Vaccine 
Yale University is conducting a study to figure out how to best create
effect "messaging" in order to convince Americans to take the upcoming
C0VlD vaccine. In reality, their methods are nothing short of
manipulation. We break them down in detail.

World's Top Epidemiologists - Masks Don't Work!
The CDC Says Masks Do Not Work 

2001 A Mask Odyssey
Monster Mash to the Covid Mask 
No Agenda 1264: Mask Debate

Bulgarian Pathology Association Says COVID-19 PCR Tests Are Scientifically Meaningless 
Aug 10, 2020 

oh ya, about the scammed ‘Covid-death’ ‘count’: 
Now consider the non-accuracy /meaninglessness of the ‘test’ for ‘Covid-19’.

A Horrendous Scam!

On 08/09/2020 1:52 PM ||  wrote:

The Definition of people dying of Covid: 
“Technically even if you died of a clear alternate cause, but you had Covid at the same time, it’s still listed as a Covid death.” 
“So, everyone listed as a Covid death doesn’t mean that was the cause of the death.” 
4/19/20 Illinois Governor J. B. Pritzker COVID-19 Press Briefing 

Dr. Birx: "Unlike Some Countries, If Someone Dies ‘WITH’ COVID-19 
We Are Counting That As A COVID-19 Death” 
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.