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     US Riot Updates 

US Riot Updates     @QuarantineTrac1    1:20
URGENT: A police officer appears to have been hit by a vehicle in NYC

     OH CANADA! 0:40
US Riot Updates@QuarantineTrac1 Video out of Montreal.

 US Riot Updates     @QuarantineTrac1 3h   1:30
The situation in Manhattan is out of control. Hundreds of people are looting stores down 5th avenue, Reports indicate there is a limited police response due to being outnumbered. 

     Sky News Australia 8:34 
Trump is to right 'to label Antifa as a terrorist organisation' 

Luke Rudkowski     @Lukewearechange     00:46
People need to understand this is not a protest this is an organized crime racket. people are literally organizing pick up and transport w/ other people so they can steal products that they will later sell. How are people arguing for and supporting this?

Luke Rudkowski     @Lukewearechange     48m
BEST BUY LOOTERS CLUBBED BY COPS. “Shoulda been a better shot and gottem in the head!” - ButtHole Surfers
Whoever thought we would be seeing scenes like this just one week ago.

HATCH 86 Films 11:22 #SantaRosa #Protest #George 
Red Truck Drives Through Protestors - Santa Rosa, Ca May 30th 50 Miles North of SF, CA 

RAW: 5th night of protests in Denver

#georgefloyd #blackThugsmatter #protest #georgeSoros #Soros
Police monitor protests in San Francisco Bay Area - WATCH LIVE 

     Mike The Cop 4:57 
Any firearms in the vehicle today? 
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.