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How to Be a Woke White Person  
AwakenWithJP Jul 30 2020 6:09

Harry Vox warns against coming lock downs & quarantines [in 2014]  
Daniel Smith Jul 1, 2020 12:51

Here are 7 short clips of the highlights from our trial against the EPA to remove toxic fluoride from the tap water in the US . I think it’s a slam dunk!

Yugoslavian Issues Warning To All Americans
This is important. America needs to wake up while we still have a fighting chance. This country has changed. It's no longer the "Liberal Democrat" vs the "Conservative Republican". It is Liberty vs Communism. Do your research. 
#BLM #BlackLivesMatter #Antifa #FreeSpeech #Minds
     Amazing Polly Jul 11, 2020 48:01 
Maxwell, Epstein and the Control of Science since WW2 

How to Have The Difficult Conversations 
Jason McClain #RelationshipContinuum Video 115 views•Jul 30, 2020 Jul 31 2020 11:38
 HOLY COW: There Are MAJOR Revelations In These Documents!

Dutchsinse 4 Hours 
8/01/2020 -- Massive fires break out along San Andreas Fault in California -- Apple Fire

You Got an Eviction Notice! 9 Vital Steps to Move Into & Live in a Car, Van or SUV. PART 2 Steps 6-9 
CheapRVliving Jul 27, 2020
GrantB911   @GrantB911   10h
A 54-year-old woman broke her leg while being assaulted inside a New Jersey Staples store after asking the assailant to wear her mask properly

WHEN YOUR Life is threatened by a gang of thugs you may RUN THEM OVER TO DEFEND YOUR Life. Here’s WHY:
This guy was lucky. He got to walk away. Not all do. 
GrantB911     @GrantB911     Jul 29
Thugs carjack 82-year-old man in Chicago

Man Gets Shot After Charging At Female Cop With Knife in Phoenix, Arizona 

Mark Collett @MarkACollett
Black Lives Matter debunked by facts...

Mark Collett @MarkACollett
Another brutal attack on a lone white by a gang of blacks. Another video that the media will never publish. Another victim who will be ignored. The whole notion of white privilege is an anti-white lie.

Mark Collett @MarkACollett
Imagine if a white man was captured on film doing this to two black women - it would be front page news the world over. But when the victim of a crime is white & the attacker is black, the media just don't care!

Sargon of Akkad     @Sargonofakkad100 
Debateing DarkMatter2525 at 21:00 BST

Stefan Molyneux @stefanmolyneux
I’m sending out a new Freedomain newsletter today, with a very special gift - my audiobook reading of my epic historical novel “Almost,” which traces the overlapping journeys of two families from World War I to World War II - one English, one German.
Sign up before it goes out, you will LOVE this free book!

Chicago area leaders call on Illinois to eliminate history classes
What those Blue Guards want is a curriculum in Social Justice ideology.

     ColinFlaherty 8.03
the great lie that will not die: White people hunt black people EVERY DAY.
Conservatives must support Black Lives Matter.
At least that is what a dubious news site called American Conservative tells us.
Their “reasoning?” They say that despite the facts and figures and numbers and other info, we know that black people are victims of white racism and violence because so many black people say so.
This is coo - coo land stuff.
But it is real. Another thing: In Minneapolis, police are telling.citizens not to resist robbery of any kind. Whew!
Plus some new material from Allan the Barbershop guy.

All this and more in a new podcast. JUST CLICK HERE.

     ColinFlaherty 7.31
The Lie that Will not die: White people are hunting and killing black people every day.  
On and on it goes, picking up more followers for the greatest lie of our generation. Time to take it down a few notches.
All that and more in this new podcast....Just click here.

The Ultimate Divide and Conquer
"Western civilization, led by the US government and media, has embarked upon a campaign of mass psychological terrorism designed to cover for the collapsing economy, set up a new pretext for Wall Street’s ongoing plunder expedition, radically escalate the police state, deeply traumatize people into submission to total social conformity, and radically aggravate the anti-social, anti-human atomization of the people."

Hunger due to COVID-19 lockdowns killing 10,000 children a month, according to researchers at Johns Hopkins
Yet no one seems to care, even though substantial numbers of BLACK lives must be among those prematurely ended.
These are great times for the eugenicists. MCM
For-Profit Health Care Used To Be Illegal

          Timcast IRL Aug 1, 2020 25:25
Seattle Moves To ABOLISH Entire Police Department The Day After Police Seize EXPLOSIVES
Insane: Seattle Moves to Abolish Entire Police Force 

We still don’t know exactly what the future will be from the radical lack of accountability, but here’s some more ‘info’ re: the current state of radical hysterical hypocrisy:

#defundSPD: Going it alone, Sawant to unveil her proposal for immediate 50% cut to Seattle Police budget — UPDATE 
Posted on Thursday, July 30, 2020
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.