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Tangent Retweeted 
Liz Wheeler   @Liz_Wheeler   5h 
Over 1M views in 24 hours on Instagram!

Andy Ngô     @MrAndyNgo     15m 
BLM & far-left rioters in Providence, R.I. are throwing mortar fireworks and projectiles at police tonight.
Andy Ngô   @MrAndyNgo   11h 
Breaking: After antifa rioters rallied at the
union last night & started a fire, the 1933 Mt. Tabor statue of historical newspaper editor Harvey Scott was toppled. The arm was broken & stolen. This is the 7th statue in Portland to be toppled or severely damaged.

#BLM = Burn Loot Murder    BLM = Baal Lucifer Moloch
#Antifa = Anti First Amendment 
#Chaz  = Crack Heroin Amphetamine Zone
#CHOP = Crack Heroin Opium Pills
#BLM #Antifa #SOROS #ARSON #Terror #Mob #SoyMalia #TofuDishu #Antifastan 
#SoyVietUnion #WOKEaDISHU #Chazmania #Portland #Seattle #Kenosha #DC #SF #Wauwatosa #Wisconsin #Milwaukee #Providence

Update on the 10/15 cyber-massacre, from Amazing Polly, targeted by YouTube, PayPal, Microsoft, SubscribeStar and more; and she is not the only one (MUST-WATCH)
This is harrowing, and a taste of things to come.

Mark Dice Retweeted 
James O'Keefe   @JamesOKeefeIII   44m 
Ad Exec on possible 2020 Election Interference “Trust & Safety is extremely left” “STOPPING right-wing parties from advertising…or REDUCING exposure" “Offer FREE advertising credits to Democratic Parties” “CENSOR out news from your search" #ExposeGoogle

Dutchsinse 4 hrs  ·  
Premiering now on youtube!! 10/20/2020 -- Major seismic unrest taking place -- M7.5 Earthquake and spread -- BE PREPARED

Dinesh D'Souza   @DineshDSouza   2h 
Two smoking-gun emails make it clear that this scandal is not about the Biden family but about Joe Biden himself. He should be sent to the Big House, not the White House!

 ‘Disgrace’: Twitter, Facebook censor Hunter Biden story
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.