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 The Fullerton Informer
5G dangers, 60GHz millimeter wave micro cell dangers, and stupid, evil elected representatives 

Due to the increased bandwidth demands and the scarcity of microwave frequency allocations, the wireless communications industry is beginning to focus on higher, previously unallocated portions of the spectrum in the millimeter wave frequencies from 40GHz to 300GHz. Due to the high levels of atmospheric RF energy absorption, the millimeter wave region of the RF spectrum is not usable in the long haul, wireless communications segments. However, for short haul, "last mile" segments, the expanded RF data bandwidth available in the millimeter wave region makes it ideal for interference-free, fiber speed connectivity.

At the millimeter wave frequency of 60GHz, the absorption is very high, with 98 percent of the transmitted energy absorbed by atmospheric oxygen. This is the oxygen plants make and mitochondria need for respiration. Oxygen is brought to the mitochondria by our blood which has hemoglobin. 60GHz RF signaling is capable of causing an inability to hemoglobin and oxygen reacting properly all the time. This implies that hypoxia or a pseudohypoxia could exist in people around these frequencies. While oxygen absorption at 60GHz severely limits range, it also eliminates interference between same frequency terminals. 5G spans 3 GHz -90 GHz in the electromagnetic spectrum. A 60GHz communications system must overcome the effects of oxygen absorption, 16dB/KM to make economic sense. In order to operate reliably at even short ranges, a very focused, narrow-beam antenna must also be employed to increase the level of signal available to the target receiver. In the 60GHz region, the effects of oxygen absorption and the use of narrow beam antennae minimize the probability of interference between the radios. At 60GHz, the extremely high atmospheric absorption level is due primarily to the molecular composition of the atmosphere. For millimeter waves, the primary absorption molecules are H2O, O2, CO2, and O3. Since the presence of O2 is fairly consistent at ground level, its effect on 60GHz radio propagation is easily modeled for margin budgeting purposes. What might some of the collateral damage effects be in a 60GHz system on humans? We should expect nitric oxide (NO) depletion. This can occur via reaction with oxy Hb, leading to nonfunctional and toxic metHb. Once this occurs we should expect to see closely-linked hypertension develop in humans. So far no one has tested 5G for this effect. If this frequency of 5G is used biology better get ready to genetically engineer the Hb in order to slow down its reaction with NO. Besides NO, the deoxy and especially the met forms of Hb also interact with reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as superoxide (O2•-) or hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). These processes yield ferryl (Fe^IV) Hb. This nasty molecule is a highly oxidizing species which not only degrades the Hb peptide and heme proteins but also amplifies the stress response by attacking other biomolecules and accidentally generating others (e.g., prostaglandins). This liberation of prostaglandins also causes deuterium to be released from the cell membrane in a stress response. When deuterium is unleashed from the cell membranes adjacent to the mitochondria it is capable of ruining Kreb's bicycle kinetics as my blog yesterday showed. I would remind you that cytochrome c oxidase is a heme protein too. This means apoptosis would be completely destroyed by a 5G 60GHz wave. The MAy 2018 webinar explains what this means and now you know why I predicted a massive amplification of cancer autoimmune conditions in cities using this technology. This is a small example of what 5G is capable of doing to your mitochondrial biology at a 60GHz frequency.

Dr. Jack Kruse
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.