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🤔 “It has gain of function properties, which means it travels through air at least 6 or 7 feet, and … there are reports that even contaminated human feces give it off, that the human feces radiate off maybe 6 or 7 feet. So, we've never seen anything like this before in the history of biological warfare, at least in the public record.”

The city of SF with its poop problem may have some issue.
Boyle suspects COVID-19 is a weaponized pathogen that escaped from Wuhan City’s Biosafety Level 4 facility, which was set up to research coronaviruses and SARS. 

- - - - - 2 day email - - - - - 2 day blog 2020.03.12 @

     Spreads Asymptomatically 
Wash your hands with SOAP. SOAP Kills Corona Virus. Do NOT touch your eyes, or face. 
USE SOAP. or Isopropyl Alcohol 62-70%. Or Bleach 0.1 %. Hydrogen Peroxide good. Chlorhexidine NOT GOOD.
Sars-Cov2 Corona Virus Spreads Asymptomatically.
R0 of 4.7 -7.0 people infected by average virus carrier.
Lives on surfaces for 9 days: Glass, Metal, Plastic.
incubation period of 24-27 days before symptoms show.
Aerosol spread upto 3 meters / 10 feet. Airborne transmission.
1st infection does NOT confer immunity. 2nd case may be worse than 1st.
5 Men are infected for every 3 women. Elderly, lung, and cardio impaired are most vulnerable. 
Children are spared, but not in Italy. Also lots of 40 year old cases in Italy. Suspect more virulent strain. Iran too.
Source: Coronavirus Update from Chris Martenson of Peak Prosperity YouTube Jan Feb Mar

The W.H.O. (Finally!) Declares Coronavirus A "Pandemic"
Chris Martenson & Peak Prosperity Wed Mar 11 

     Coronavirus Update from Chris Martenson of Peak Prosperity 

Luke Rudkowski @Lukewearechange    Wed Mar 11 
It's Everywhere and Spreading and Will Get Way Worse

#Wuhan #coronavirusCoronavirus Update with Stefan Molyneux! (HD) 1:14:12 Tue Mar 10 

     Joe Rogan 
JRE Clips How Serious is the Coronavirus? Infectious Disease Expert Michael Osterholm Explains

     Wash Your Hands. DO NOT TOUCH YOUR EYES.
Say Goodbye to your Mom and Dad if they live in San Mateo Co. CA / SF Peninsula. Tell them you love them. Help them get Lemons and Vitamin C.
Kaiser Redwood City CA has Dirt Poor Hygiene Protocol therefore San Mateo County Shall soon be a CoronaVirus OUTBREAK! 
Feds have moved Grand Princess Disaster Cruise #2 passengers to a San Carlos, CA hotel. What could go wrong? 
CV spreads on POO. SF smeared w/ poo on all streets. SF = CV HELL

Grim Reality: The US Will Soon Look Just Like Italy, Projections Look Bleak!

Coronavirus Update with Stefan Molyneux! Tue Mar 10 

     Jason Bermas
NY CONTAINMENT ZONE The National Guard And What Happens Next AMA 

Joe Rogan Experience #877 - Jordan Peterson

Breaking NewsCoronavirus: Three new cases identified in Santa Clara County 

Podiums At Next Debate To Be Equipped With Life Alert Buttons 

Kaiser keeps ending lives carelessly with lack of basic common sense hygiene.

     garbage and hazmat
Kaiser RNs MDs and Techs routinely pick items off the floor, touch garbage and hazmat can lids w/ their gloves, then touch patient with same glove.

     door knobs
Kaiser RNs MDs and Techs routinely touch door knobs, under seats, and other unclean surfaces w/ their gloves, then touch patient with same glove.

     cough and or sneeze
Kaiser RNs MDs and Techs routinely cough and or sneeze on their gloves, then touch patient with same glove.

Feds have moved Grand Princess passengers to a San Carlos, CA hotel. What could go wrong?
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.