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     FELIX REX 14:41
Premiere noon EST/ 9am PST / 5pm (GMT+1) - in 1hr-looking at why the pent up rage in American cities is spilling out in all the wrong directions. Also, why central banks that create debt out of nothing is a key reason behind much of the nation's misery.

     Thu Aug 27 

Luke Rudkowski     @Lukewearechange     3h
How the f*** can anyone label this a protest???

Underage boy defends himself from violent sex offenders:

     Wed Aug 26 

Sargon of Akkad     @Sargonofakkad100     2h·
Active Measures: Demoralisation
Luke Rudkowski     @Lukewearechange     4h
This is slow motion of the incident last night, What do you think?
Andy Ngô     @MrAndyNgo     · 9h
.@ElijahSchaffer filmed the moments before the shooting. Rioters were destroying the cars at the auto shop. #KenoshaRiots

Kyle Kashuv     @KyleKashuv     8h 
Footage of the shooting in Kenosha. Seems like self-defense. Can’t tell.

Luke Rudkowski Retweeted     Julio Rosas     @Julio_Rosas11     56m 
: Multiple gunshots are fired after people chased a guy with a rifle. Rifle dude tripped and fell. He fired his gun at a guy who jumped on top of him.

All Views of Kenosha Riot Shooting in Order and Synchronized (Rioters Killed in Self Defense)

     WeAreChange Aug 26, 2020 13:15 
BREAKING: Teenage Suspect In Kenosha Shootings Arrested, What Actually Happened

Video evidence appears to show first Kenosha shooting victim charging shooter, using N-word while taunting militia members 

Looks like he was attacked with a skateboard before he fired the shots. Skateboard vs Gun

He was kicked in the head after he fell then the skateboard attack. Self defense

The skateboard was the second attack while he was on the ground. He took a running kick to the upper torso/head first, then skateboard guy ran up on him.

The guy who had his right arm blown off appeared to be carrying a loaded pistol in his right hand. In a full video, you can hear him saying “it’s loaded” and then the pistol was recovered at the scene precisely where he was receiving medical attention.

You can be killed being beat on the head with a skateboard. Self defense isn’t about relative lethality. It’s about stopping the threat.

The guy attacked with a skateboard That would qualify as assault with a deadly weapon

Obviously defending himself from a rabid mob intent on liking him

who could be stupid enough to charge at an armed person with a rifle

Fucked around and found out. Finally some Darwinism.. Self defense Kenosha? Or Mogadishu? Kenoshadishu

#BLM = Burn Loot Murder    BLM = Baal Lucifer Moloch #Kenoshadishu
#Antifa = Anti First Amendment 
#Chaz  = Crack Heroin Amphetamine Zone
#CHOP = Crack Heroin Opium Pills
#BLM #Antifa #Terror #Mob #SoyMalia #TofuDishu #Antifastan 
#SoyVietUnion #WOKEaDISHU #Chaz #Chazmania #Portland #Seattle #Kenosha

Kyle Kashuv     @KyleKashuv     1h
Bill DeBlasio really doing a great job at turning NYC into Gotham
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.