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Kalen From Scriberr

Shelby Talcott

Andy Ngô @MrAndyNgo

Peter Schiff     @PeterSchiff   5h 
This proves Chauvin didn't apply enough force to Floyd's neck to disrupt breathing. That's why the autopsy showed no signs of asphyxiation. Floyd couldn't breath because a fentanyl overdose, that caused him to foam at the mouth, filled his lungs with fluid.

Who Killed George Floyd? How Overdose Information Was Withheld
Analysis by George Parry George Parry is a former federal and state prosecutor. From 1978 to 1983 he was the Chief of the Police Brutality/Misconduct Unit of...

WARNING From a cop: Cops in unprecedented danger.
Kalen From Scriberr   @  FromKalen 40m 
Another angle of the man who was begging to be killed by police 
Rise Images   @rise_images   · 7h
A protester challenges an advancing Los Angeles Police vehicle. This occurred in front of the International Jewelry Center in DTLA as LAPD responded to the crowd breaking windows. #DTLA #LAProtests #BLMProtest #ANTIFA #LA

Tony Hrvatska     @tonybalogna     18h
Fragile BLM ethnonarcissists destroy a Mexican family’s birthday party in Texas
Cringe Panda    Astra Jobriath   @cringe_panda   2h
I noticed BLM doesn't like ppl eating. 
Latina O'Crazio CornPop 
@OcrazioCornPop · 13h 
HOUSTON, TX: BLM destroys Hispanic child's birthday party

#BLM = Burn Loot Murder    BLM = Baal Lucifer Moloch
#Antifa = Anti First Amendment 
#Chaz  = Crack Heroin Amphetamine Zone
#CHOP = Crack Heroin Opium Pills
#BLM #Antifa #SOROS #ARSON #Terror #Mob #SoyMalia #TofuDishu #Antifastan 
#SoyVietUnion #WOKEaDISHU #Chazmania #Portland #Seattle #Kenosha #DC 
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.