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Luke Rudkowski   @Lukewearechange·
HECK NO! You're Not Being Told This About The Great Reset!

Desmond Swayne tells his fellow MPs to WAKE UP to the clear and present danger of totalitarian control, so many Britons having shrugged at their containment

BLM = Biden Loves Minors

Mia Cathell liked @MiaCathell  
Andy Ngô   @MrAndyNgo 
BREAKING: The wanted suspect seen assaulting people after Saturday's pro-Trump rally in D.C. is Brittany S. McAlister, a journalism student & BLM activist. Read my exclusive report co-written w/

#BLM = Burn Loot Murder    #DC
#Antifa = Anti First Amendment 
#Chaz  = Crack Heroin Amphetamine Zone
#CHOP = Crack Heroin Opium Pills    
Project Veritas   @Project_Veritas 

Is Trump so stupid that he can't recognize a swamp creature when he sees one?
With Operation Warp Speed and the fraudulent election that he did nothing to prevent, Trump joins the swamp IMHO.  Why would he have Birx and Fauci as advisors when they were both tools of Gates; Trump contributed millions to GAVI another Gates related "health" organization (after dumping the WHO and leaving it to Gates).  Why did Trump have a 4-star general standing next to him when he announced the upcoming rollout of the "vaccine" to be delivered by the military.
Why is Trump always surrounded by swamp creatures that he fails to get rid of or actually brings on board?  Why has he not arrested the dozens of swamp creatures who tried to bring him down?  I think it's all one big ugly show for the distraction of the stupid masses.  I for one no longer "trust the plan."  Another distraction. Anne B
Things China Doesn't Want You To Know   @TruthAbtChina 
The thing about living in China is things like buildings, roads, and fences are #MadeInChina.

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For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.