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The Privacyless, Freedomless Smart City of 2030 the Elite Are Engineering  
Truthstream Media Jan 9, 2017 15:06
Truthstream Media   @truthstreamnews 
Everyone suddenly talking about the WEF and Davos? Well, this is a panel they held In 2016 about decoding signals in our brains. Because in the modern world, that’s not a fictional sentence. #TheGreatReset

BREAKING: Henry Kissinger Issues DIRE Warning!  
WeAreChange Nov 17, 2020 17:33

Major developments in key states | Sidney Powell  
Newsmax TV Nov 17, 2020 10:06

Sidney Powell with Eric Bolling on the accuracy of Dominion voting machines  
America This Week with Eric Bolling Nov 15, 2020 5:03

A member of President Donald Trump's legal team has re-affirmed their fight to defend 'a free and fair election' is not over.
During an interview on Sunday, Nov 15th, Trump attorney Sidney Powell said election results in multiple states are getting ready to over-turned.
She cited a over-whelming amount of evidence the President’s legal team received concerning voter fraud & irregularities.
Powell has enough evidence, dating back to 2016, to launch a criminal investigation. She knows a member of Joe Biden’s team is also on the board of directors for a software company behind the flawed Dominion voting systems.
''They're facing a 'rigged' Election. We are soaking in information of complicated math alterations to the votes'', she stated.
We have identified the system capability that does this. It does exist regardless of the name of it.  Powell said the software, dubbed Smartmatic, was designed for the ''specific purpose of Changing Voting Results.''
''It was a feature of the system designed with a ''back door'', so that people could watch in real time, and calculate with an algorithm, how many votes they needed to change, to get the results they wanted'' she explained.
The President’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, brought to attention the company’s involvement, while stating that all the evidence will be coming out..
Dominion has denied all claims that its software was compromised, while stating that the Election was ''the most secure in American history.''
Meanwhile, Powell plans to reveal all pertaining affidavits, and evidence of fraud, before the Election certification deadline.

As its planners make quite clear, the Great Reset will destroy life as we know it. What will YOU do to stop it? "(MUST-READ/SHARE, NOW)
Brendan Gutenschwager   @BGOnTheScene 
Alex Jones is leading the crowd of Trump supporters into the Georgia State Capitol now #Atlanta #Georgia #Elections2020

President-Elect Dominion Software Retweeted 
Kayleigh McEnany   @kayleighmcenany 
WATCH: German anti-COVID Lockdown protesters make their voices heard as they’re met with water cannons. The CURE cannot be worse than the PROBLEM
Felix Rex   @navyhato 
The Mask Slips: a "human reviewer"
restricts & puts a video on the election (that only shows news clippings) behind an age gate for "violent video game play" + "hateful content" when there is no gameplay at all & only analysis on the election

Death cross signals potential for lower pricing in gold ~ Part II
November 18, 2020 - 6:39pm
by Gary Wagner
Part I

Globalist Technocrats Poised to Press the Great Reset Button
Not one area of life will be left untouched by The Great Reset plan, which aims to reform everything from government, energy and finance to food, medicine, real estate, policing — even how we interact with our fellow human beings.
By Dr. Joseph Mercola

Wow @MarshaBlackburn went Savage mode against Big Tech
James O'Keefe @JamesOKeefeIII   · Aug 11
Think voter fraud doesn’t exist? Think again. But don’t take our word for it, take former NYC Elections Commissioner Alan Schulkin’s word for it.

Sky News Australia 14 November at 16:52  · 
The United States’ human rights record was reviewed by “champions and trailblazers of progress” such as China, Cuba, North Korea and Iran at the United Nations during the week.
Lauren Southern

Andy Ngô   @MrAndyNgo 
I went on the
Show on
to discuss how BLM-antifa thugs targeted Trump supporters with violence and intimidation this past weekend on the streets of the nation's capital. #antifa Full:

How old are your kids? Would they be able to interpret this? This diagram is the best way to communicate drug harm I've run into. 
Thats actually the only one that FB has Love for… 
do not let anyone tell you otherwise
Free Speech is NEARLY GONE in USA 
that's why the left HATES GAB and PARLER. 

DISABLED / jail for now because I posted truth about Global Control Group:  

Trump needs to SUE the F out of NextDoor for act as Pub not Platform.
Therefore keep my mouth shut on NextDoor. Msg only. No comment. Learned the Hard way. 
nextdoor crazy. my posts DELETED but LEFT posts stand. so bad NextDoor. So LEFT SLANTED! sad

Things China Doesn't Want You To Know   @TruthAbtChina 
This is how Chinese police treated a man for driving a scooter illegally. Watch and listen closely at 45 seconds. November 2020

What passes for "the left" is a grave danger to American democracy (or what's left of it)
A brilliant take on the leftmost sector of the Right that rules America today. 
Stop Press: No Left Turn
by T.P. Wilkinson / November 11th, 2020
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.