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A:     An0maly 5:15 
Facebook Works With WHO To "Warn" Your Posts! 

B:     Charmayne Harper 1:10:52 
"Plague of Corruption" by Dr. Judy Mikovits, Kent Heckenlively, interview 
Dr. Judy Mikovits and Kent Heckenlively explain how and WHY they wrote this book (released the day of this interview and sold out immediately); 
interview by George Noory. Dr. Mikovits explains the history of current leadership in the medical research community, 
this current "pandemic" crisis, virus theory and analysis, and gives suggestions based on 30 + years of intensive and cutting-edge lab research, 
working for national labs and leaders associated with our current large medical establishments.

C     aplanetruth 4u 10:25 
Insane Murd*r Going on in NYC Hospitals RN Discloses ~ Go Viral 

D     Luke Z Rudkowski Sun Apr 26 
North Korea Power Vacuum Pushes US And China To The Brink!
- - - - - 1 day email - - - - - 1 day blog 2020.04.26 Sunday PlantTrees dot org  

Celebrate EarthDay: Grow Your Own Food
A:     Zoom Africa TV Apr 20, 2020 44:52 
#ZoomAfricaTV #Africa #BillGates 
Africa and the world needs to hear this; Dr Vandana Shiva Calls War On Bill Gates 

 B Sat Apr 25 20:50 
It's Started In Venezuela! Will It Come Here??

C:     Why Gardening Starts With Growing Good Soil 
Microbiology + nutrient cycle = thriving healthy plants 
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.