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FWD: Dear Freedomain Supporter: "Stefan Molyneux, MA" 

I rarely make predictions - philosophy usually has too long a window for effective prognostication, and by the time I am (usually) proven right, most people have forgotten what I said!

However, I will break protocol this (one?) time and say that I believe that opening schools will prove disastrous. Kids will carry infections back home, and take down parents and grandparents. Schools should remain closed, since opening them will just inflict another "one-two" punch to the economy - and I think they're going to end up closing anyway. My advice is to keep your kids home if you can.

Now - I have taken a LOT of flak for my anaylsis of COVID-19 - but remember, I was the one who called it a pandemic back in January, so I hope I have at least some credibility.

Some people who see our rights being stripped want to call the pandemic "fake" - I do NOT share this view.

This is a dangerous virus - a significant number of people called "long haulers" have developed near-permanent (and often debilitating) symptoms. Reinfections have been recorded - as well as transmissions from toilet flushes that go between the floors of apartment buildings. Because COVID can plug into most human cells, it can burrow and do real damage.

However - even in the midst of these massive challenges, a few rays of light shine through. In some regions, up to 40% of parents are looking into homeschooling - an amazing plus!

The age of COVID may also spell the end of the endless mass migration, which will have real benefits to domestic populations.

The question of "accelerationism" is also important - post-COVID, it seems increasingly likely that our current rancid system cannot be saved. One of my goals with my political analysis was to promote free market policies to the point where economic growth might be able to stave off - or even reverse - the increasing dependence of people on the state. It's a WHOLE lot easier to reduce taxes when more people are paying them.

The economic damage inflicted by COVID has - well it's undermined that noble goal, to put it mildly. I suggest getting some food in the basement - at the very worst, you'll just end up eating your caution!

What do you think? What do the next 12 months hold? Let me know by replying to this email.


My entire documentary series on California ("SUNSET IN THE GOLDEN STATE") has been compiled into one powerful movie - 3.5 hours of deep history and philosophical examination. As a special preview, you can watch it here:

I have finished three new chapters of my historical novel "Almost", available here:

(Don't forget about the prior chapters of "Almost," available here:, and my free novel "The God of Atheists" at

Also, on the lighter side, check out me vs Skyrim:

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I look forward to hearing from you - and best wishes!

Stefan Molyneux, MA
Host, Freedomain

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